
Patriotism Must be Inclusive & Regulated by the Party

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Local Party officials in California Oblast have banned all patriotic displays not directly associated with Party Chairman and President Barack Barackovich Obama to ensure that patriotism is not hijacked by racists and Imperialists. This policy is expected to be implemented in all USSA schools.

As we all know, our Socialist dream is Internationalist in nature, and so patriotism is not to be defined by national borders, but class struggle. Patriotism means identifying with the Party, who represents the workers and peasants of not only the USSA by citizenship, but all workers and peasants who reside within the borders of the USSA and outside of it.

The Socialist Democratic Party seeks progress in the USSA by leveling the playing field so that the Proletariat of all nations may enjoy an equal share of the common wealth of all humanity. Right now, the sharing of this wealth is unequally distributed, and so the Party regulates patriotism in order to reward citizens with patriotic expressions to the extent that the goals of the Party in this regard have been achieved.

Citizens, patriotism is an important and powerful benefit granted by the State. We must be cautious in how we exercise it, otherwise it can be used by reactionaries to further counter-revolutionary causes.

Patriotism is based on social and political conformity, and so we applaud Party officials in our schools who prevent non-conformist children from using a patriotic display in such a way that appears to deviate from the Party's goals.

In the California situation, we know that Hispanic students, due to institutional racism from the bourgeois kulaks that once dominated the area, are revolted by American nationalistic displays. They would rather be in Mexico or somewhere else, and so patriotic displays should accommodate their feelings and preferences, including themes like Cinco de Mayo, Pancho Villa, and tequila.

American students should not engage in divisive patriotism that would leave Hispanic students feeling left out of the great Progressive march towards Equality through Collectivism.

It is important that patriotism be regulated by authorities, so that the Party can continue to teach the workers and peasants of America how to properly feel and think about their history and their duties as Socialists. Patriotism must not be allowed to be associated with Capitalism, religion, so-called freedom, or any other reactionary themes.

Regulate Patriotism to protect minorities!
Struggle for Internationalist Socialism!

Faithfully submitted to the Collective of the People's Cube,
Comrade Nomenklatura-climber
Dialectical Progressivism Translator

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Since patriotism and liberty are granted by the State, they must be regulated by State authorities.

Workers and peasants of America! Rely on the Democratic Party to teach you how to properly feel and think about your patriotic duties as builders of a new Socialist nation!

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Once I heard a disloyal and unappreciative Hispanic say that if he wanted to live in Mexico he would have moved there. Pity the poor deluded man. Americans took their land first from the Indians and then from the Mexicans. We owe them so much. It is only right that we impoverish ourselves to show that we really understand how much the desert meant to them. The Mexicans could have done so much more with Texas than what we have done with it.

This is not obviously a case of failure in the indocrination process, it is possible that these youth have listened or read materials outside the approved curricula, perhaps at home, which means the parental caretakers of these future prols should be held accountable.

The educators are the avant guarde in creating the New Man. Here is a success story of educator identifying a seven year old's reactionary behavior during playtime. The proto-Imperialist neo con animal spirit desire to 'save the world' must be suppressed!.

2nd Grader Suspended from Colorado School for Playing Imaginary Game of "Rescuing the World" ... -for-real/

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Principal Glenn Lipman said "I just want to be sensitive to the feelings of everybody." Except the patriots, who are terrorists anyway, so that's OK. And the preemptive quashing of free speech that "might have had racist undertones" is brilliant! The guvmint MUST immediately buy and issue copies of Culturally Proficient Coaching ($30.95 "the solution to the equity equation") immediately. Which raises the question of whether you go to hell if you are not culturally proficient in devilry. T'would be a satisfying irony if it were so ....

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I pledge allegiance to the State, and to the People's Leaders for whom we serve, one Nation under Obama, with duty and guilt for all.

pledge to obama.jpg

I think true collectivism should be more gray and colorless, more equalized.
pledge to obama bw.jpg

The nation has a new father and he is not some old white guy with wooden teeth.

barack is your daddy.jpg

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Dear Mr. Lippman,Children born after around 1985 have no idea what racism is until you successfully shove it down their throats in your statists, you-against-them schools, because racism doesn't occur to kids. From the sound of it, you have been less than successful at getting them to hate either other people or themselves because of skin color. ( Or toe size , you never know, there may be a lot of differences in humanness between people of different toe sizes. ) My advice would be to go into electrical wiring. I think color still plays a large roll in that; not much else,. Kthxbai.