
Psychiatric Association Reports on

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This is the People's Cube material:

From TCS Daily:

By William S. Smith

SATIRENEWSSERVICE) The World Psychiatric Association (WPA) today issued its long-awaited, massive study on Intelligentsia Derangement Disorder (IDD). Known popularly as Lee Bollinger's Disease, IDD is characterized by profound disruption in cognition involving the most fundamental human attributes: language, thought, perception and desire for self preservation.

The disease has been found in epidemic proportions on university campuses. The WPA study, which included extensive case histories of every single academic in the United States and Western Europe, reports that 99.99999% of all, non-economist social science professors are affected as are almost all tenured members of the "Arts" faculties of universities throughout the developed world.

According to the Report's main author, Dr. Edith Erwachsenenwelt, M.D., Ph.D., the cognitive development of most sufferers of IDD ends in early adolescence whereas non-sufferers experience continued development of their cognitive capacities throughout adulthood. "The cessation of the process of adult cognitive development," said Dr. Erwachsenenwelt, "produces the following symptoms, all of which are exhibited by each and every IDD sufferer":

  • an inability to distinguish between real and false threats to personal, cultural and societal safety;
  • irrational beliefs about the role of universities in a free society (the WPA Report cites as examples all volumes of The Journal of the American Indoctrination Association);
  • an obsessive need to make self-congratulatory statements about the perceived brilliance and enlightenment of irrational personal beliefs and thoughts;
  • an uncontainable compulsion to support extreme forms of violence so long as such violence is explained as the manifestation of colonialism, discrimination, socio-economic disparity or indigenous religious belief (the Report cites all editions of the now defunct Soviet Peace Quarterly published by The Harvard University Press and Wahhabi Weekly published by a consortium of two hundred Middle Eastern Studies Departments;
  • A simplistic understanding of various sophisticated concepts such as freedom of speech (the study cites, among numerous examples, "Khmer Rouge, Peaceful, Pastoral, Progressive", Academic Monthly, March, 1975 Vol 15, pp 215-240; and "9/11: an Issue of Free Speech for Jihadis", The Smart Sociologist, October 2001, Vol 27, pp 1445-2002);
  • the obsessive and compulsive misuse of metaphors involving Adolph Hitler;
  • a specific paranoid delusion involving a mythical demon known as "Bush!" who is ascribed extraordinary, supernatural powers (the WPA Report cites approvingly, the pioneering work that uncovered "Bush Derangement Syndrome", Krauthammer, Charles, M.D., American Journal of Progressive Delusions, 2003, Vol 902, pp 1435-2742 and 2005, Vol 1245, pp 4351-6572);
  • an inability to express gratitude toward those who protect and sustain IDD sufferers (the Report cites the U.S. military and U.S. taxpayers) during the long duration of their illness; and,
  • recurring hallucinations about Jews (the WPA cites the work of actual members of the intelligentsia, Mearsheimer and Walt in The Protocols of the Journal of Anti-Semitic Advocacy, July 2006, Vol 102,345,776, pp 1-1245; and the numerous delusional books and articles about Jewish conspiracies by such self-proclaimed members of the intelligentsia as Carter, J.E. among many others).
The WPA Report notes that IDD was first described by mental health professionals after its spectacular emergence in the 1933 Oxford Union debate in which members of the intelligentsia disdained self preservation and implicitly advocated genocide and universal war.

The WPA Report also describes the derivation of the popular term for the disorder: "Lee Bollinger's Disease". This term arose from the recent, well-known case in which the president of a highly-regarded American university invited a genocidal maniac to present a major address on campus. The speaker is a well-known, severely delusional criminal who:

  • ordered the murder of homosexuals, academics, democracy advocates and innocent women,
  • threatens genocide against Mr. Bollinger's own country and its allies,
  • funds and supplies an army of murderous terrorists who are even now killing Mr. Bollinger's fellow citizens and
  • is developing weapons of mass destruction with which to threaten the world.
Mr. Bollinger, in the manner of sufferers of severe cases of IDD, obsessively continues to claim that the invitation was a rational exercise of "freedom of speech" rather than a manifestation of the many symptoms of IDD described by the WPA Report.

The WPA Report suggests that the diagnosis of IDD is relatively simple. But it emphasizes that each and every symptom described above, and numerous others, must be present in order to make a definitive diagnosis. Dr. Erwachsenenwelt notes that "all the symptoms of IDD are always observed and easily identified, even by lay persons, usually within minutes of an initial interaction with the IDD sufferer."

The Report states that IDD is resistant to almost every form of therapy and since IDD sufferers constitute a grave threat to civilization, treatment of IDD consists of isolating the sufferer from society, usually in peaceful settings with fellow sufferers where their symptoms unfortunately reinforce those of the other sufferers but do less lasting harm to society.

Dr. Erwachsenenwelt noted that anecdotal evidence of cures of IDD do exist. "In one instance," she stated, "a mass cure of IDD apparently took place on September 11, 2001 in New York City. Unfortunately, this 'cure' was found to be temporary and the relapse into IDD has been almost universal among previous sufferers who reported the temporary cure."

Dr. Erwachsenenwelt added, "the 'September 11 Cure' does suggest one promising method of treatment: severe and continued exposure to the non-academic world. However, it would appear that the risk and expense of such therapy likely precludes its adoption on a mass scale. All of our studies suggest that keeping IDD sufferers in highly paid, non-challenging positions paid for by productive Americans is by far the most cost-effective treatment."

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It seems that disease is quite popular to catch. I wonder if it has been weaponized yet....

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Red, as Commissar of Eco-Prostitution and Mental Health, and therefore an expert in said fields, it is my duty to point out that you have been victimized (which is of course a good progressive thing) by that article. Clearly it was a sham put together by someone who suffers from:

DSM IV-R 300.19 Factitious Disorder Not Otherwise Specified. "Factitious Disorders are characterized by physical or psychological symptoms that are intentionally produced or feigned in order to assume the sick role. The judgment that a particular symptom is intentionally produced is made both by direct evidence and by excluding other causes of the symptom. For example, an individual presenting with hematuria is found to have anticoagulants in his possession. The person denies having taken them, but blood studies are consistent with the ingestion of anticoagulants."

If you will note, this "expert" claimed that this "Lee Bolinger Syndrome" is evidenced by a long list of "symptoms" and I will only quote some of the most obvious inconsistencies: an inability to distinguish between real and false threats to personal, cultural and societal obsessive need to make self-congratulatory statements about the perceived brilliance and enlightenment of irrational personal beliefs and uncontainable compulsion to support extreme forms of inability to express gratitude toward those who protect and sustain IDD sufferers (this in particular stood out for the Pup).. the obsessive and compulsive misuse of metaphors involving Adolph Hitler....recurring hallucinations about Jews...

Yet, while he claims that criminal B suffers from this disease, it seems clear that the author did not hear the slanders criminal B visited upon the head of his innocent, unsuspecting guest speaker. Criminal B repeated the holocaust myth and dared to accuse his honored guest of either lying about it, or being ignorant, Why, he even went out of his way to accuse the Honorable President of Iran of murdering some students of his university serving in the occupying forces of the imperialist Bushitler. So how could Criminal B be exhibiting the very symptoms for which this disease was named after him?

To put it more simply, his article completely lacked internal consistency.

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To put it more simply, his article completely lacked internal consistency.

Since when does that matter? Just look at our Global Warming scam.

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Good point you have there Premier.... Did I ever mention that if you wore a People's Hat no one would notice? LOL! Ah, just a little People's Humor Premier! I am in a good mood since having to drop and give Her Empress 20 in the Purge 08 directory. Got the old Pup's blood flowing you know. In fact, you can have my vodka ration for today!

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Comrades, I have thought about this even further, and it seems as clear to me as the Chairman's own vodka what we have here. Have we grown lazy? Have we gotten weak in our visions of the coming Reign of the Hillary? Have we forgotten the truly insidious and admittedly genius of the imperialists and their Dark Lord "W"? Criminal B was a sleeper! Yes, he had all the good progressive credentials up till now. He said the right things, prohibited the proper hate speech of non-progressives, contributed to the progressive causes, was a leader it seemed in the People's Intelligentsia. Then the honorable president of Iran comes to town.... perhaps it was a "wrong number" phone call, a non-descript email, a piece of tape on a condom purchase by criminal B, who knows? But it was a signal from the forces of the "W" to put a long planned attack into motion. Next thing you know, if front of the nation, in the very face of Lenin himself as he rests in his permanent dacha, criminal B is attacking this peace loving President of Iran, one of our own useful idiots.

Tell me, who among us foresaw the vicious attack perpetrated by criminal B? Who among us was not shaken to the jello core of our being upon hearing criminal B's hate speech? Who among us did not burn with righteous progressive anger at his betrayal? One would think we would have learned our lesson from ever allowing non-person Zell Miller to receive membership in the Party! Comrades! We must become ever more vigilant! Courage Comrades! Courage!