
Red Square has returned, border guards to stand down

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I checked Google Translate and they rendered this poster, "Glorious news, His Equalness has returned to the People's Cube."

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Komissar al-Blogunov - I think my promise of promotions and increased rations has gone into your head a little, causing you to post the announcement of my arrival ahead of schedule. That may or may not jeopardize some of our operatives who snuck me across the border under the cover of darkness, as well as help our enemies to extrapolate the routes we use for our travel. In your defense, this is nothing Hillary hasn't done.

Now that the cat is out of the Schroedinger's bag, let's use it to make lemonade.

Comrades unfamiliar with the issue kindly refer to this thread:

Secret Transmission: Red Square travels to the Motherland

I have already posted some of the pictures there in the comments.

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Comrade Square,
Delighted you have [escaped] returned from the mother of us all.

Please see my report on behavior for any particulars. Welcome home!

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Red Square wrote:Komissar al-Blogunov - I think my promise of promotions and increased rations has gone into your head a little, causing you to post the announcement of my arrival ahead of schedule. That may or may not jeopardize some of our operatives who snuck me across the border under the cover of darkness, as well as help our enemies to extrapolate the routes we use for our travel. In your defense, this is nothing Hillary hasn't done.

Now that the cat is out of the Schroedinger's bag, let's use it to make lemonade.

Comrades unfamiliar with the issue kindly refer to this thread:

Secret Transmission: Red Square travels to the Motherland

I have already posted some of the pictures there in the comments.
Whoops. Comrades! Back to the People's Armory. Get your AK-Daisy Buck 509s and man the barricades. Safety first, comrades. Nobody shoots their eye out on my watch.