
Remembering Pluto

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Today, 1930, Pluto was discovered by People's Astronomer Clyde Tombaugh. As for me, Pluto is and will ever be the Ninth Planet of our Solar Collective. Long live Pluto!

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Free Pluto 400.gif

Somebody pack some free lunches and fuel the free busses! We need a Rally to Restore Pluto!

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Anyone knows Pluto is Goofy's dog! I did not know they named an astronomical body after him too!

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Plu who!? Goofy's dog!? Must you further marginalize an already suffering planet?

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Have no fear Comrades, the Unicorn King here:


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Aren't we forgetting someone ?

[attachment=0]Bluto 2.jpg[/attachment]

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Is Bluto a moon too? Of which planet I ask or is he a moon unto himself?? Better a moon than uranus, I say.

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Speaking of Uranus, what about our forgotten friend Mumia?

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I've often wondered if the naming of Uranus had something to do with it being a Gas Giant?

Comrade Whoopie,
Mumia? The largest hemorrhoid moon of the planet Uranus?


The Mumia moon does bear a resemblance to Mumia Abu-Jamal. He is the notorious Che wannabe and cultural semi-icon. At least our Che had some class and character.

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I've always enjoyed those FRY MUMIA bumper stickers! Oh wait, no, ooops, those are FREE MUMIA bumper stickers. Sorry about that.

I remain,
Dr. Chicago

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Can I get free Bluto with an order of fried Mumia?