
Ronald Reagan Is 100! Start Denouncing!

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The most vile of capitalist is celebrating his 100th birthday!

Are we not obligated to shout in anger, thumb our noses and generally pooh on this dead mans soul?

Ronald Reagan 100 Years Caption This A.jpg
Okay, I'll start?

Ronald Reagan 100 Years B.jpg
Okay, I'll stop.

Ronald Reagan 100 Years Z.jpg

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It is inconceivable that this Reagan fellow gets all the credit when Karl Marx laid down the correct economic foundation in 1848, Das Kapital, years before this other guy was even thought of. Reagan just had a better PR machine!

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My fellow Comrades:

I'm sure if that Wall Street Tool was alive today, he too would be in awe of the brilliant, brilliance that real Presidential leadership has brought unto AmeriKa and would form a coup join Dear Leader in boldly going where no man has gone before -
into the WTF future!

Copy of Copy of Ronald Reagan 100 Years Caption This A.jpg

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Red Alert! Red Alert! Warning! Warning!

Reagan's Ghost returned on his 100th Birthday:

This can't be found on YouTube, which shut down the right-wing site that posted it, so the only way for the Cube to view this blasphemy is to use Windows Movie Player (or any other program that can play "wmv" format):


We need to remind Obama to stop claiming he's "Reagan" or "Reaganesque."


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I shall entreat you one and all to take two minutes out of your day and observe KKKapitalist Kriminal Reagan's cenntenial....

More: ... re=related

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* * * Who we gonna call (as Ghost Busters for Reagan's Ghost)?" * * *

The RayGun Ghost will be no match for her.

Here she is in her work clothes:

* * *

That's a least a start, but we will need far, far more than this lone, Ghost "Busting" Babe to "bust" Reagan's Ghost. (She has great appeal, but I fear Reagan's Ghost may ghost her bust-- don't ask me what that means-- I read it on the teleprompter.)
Red Alert to all Comrades at The Peoples Cube:
Attention Progressive Comrades at The Peoples Cube:
We need Progressive Ghost-Busters to stop Reagan's Ghost from attacking Obama by using the epithet "Obamachev" as a substitute for Obama's real name. The next thing you know, he'll be describing Obama's Progressive programs as "Obamastroika" (oh, wait-- that's aready been done and is in the process of being rescued from the black hole into which YouTube already sent it by having its "Ghost Busting" robots terminate certain YouTube accounts unfriendly to the Progressive Agenda-- If we don't act quickly, the right-wingers will finish retrieving the "Obamastroika" video from the YouTube black hole.)


Those Reagan (RayGun, as you so insightfully say, Grigori) Robots are also trying to get people to watch this pernicious video on their portable devices:

Let's get started with some Ghost Busting (or at least some ghosting busts)

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It is my brother's birthday, why have this 100 year celebration coupled with the Super [toilet] Bowl offered as a distraction, and who allowed that mindless manic Bull O'Rally to dare to speak to Dear Leader on this day?

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I am hoping the musical Ghost Busting begin soon. This ghost very bothersome.