
Minority children: SANTA IS OFFENSIVE

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With a heavy heart I have learned that (Chris Kringle/St. Nicholas/Santa Claus) choose what ever alias you wish, is despite a man that boastfully wears red and gives to the world's needy equally, is none other than a racist, bigoted, and offensive symbol of Western oppression to the rest of the world.

But How? You may ask.....

Comrades, the evidence is right there in black and white. First of all the biggest red flag is that he is WHITE! That's the first dead give away. Now you may say "But comrade Chedoh, surly being just white is only part of the requirements needed to be a Racist." and in part I would normally agree with you. But now another piece of evidence: He's a Male.... The proof is building up against him. An image of an old white male that sneaks gifts into the homes of kids strikes fear and insecurity in MILLIONS of minority children around the world. But even more persecuting is the idea that is taught to these youthful minds is that this Santa bigot is always watching you, distrustful of you because of your race alone and if you perform any misdeeds by force of your race and social status he will leave coal in your clothing articles hanging to dry by the chimney.

You may say that it is a harmless gesture. But again you will be wrong. How better to further persecute a minority than to leave a black worthless "gift" as a punishment? Is that a cruel and viscous "reminder" of their race status? Of course it is! Just think about it. But at least in recent times people began to question the "Jolly" obese white man of the north in academic writings exposing him as the racist he is.


Not only is he an old white male, but he is also an obese one celebrating his unhealthy life style and pushing it onto children. He binge eats on sweets like cookies left out for him in some sort of ritual offering where he consumes massive amounts of calories that are unjustly taken from every single minority household he goes. The delusion he has created is so strong that even adults partake in ritualistic consuming of unhealthy foods in bulk around this thoughtless and selfish time of year. Worst of all he does not care if the minority home can afford to make those cookies, he expects it.

Like for previous Enemy of the People such as Ronald McDonald, This "melanin-deficient" Santa's regime NEEDS to be toppled. The old white male image needs to be destroyed and replaced with a none-offensive version.

Here is the proposal for his replacement:

As you can see the race is no longer an issue, and the strapped on beard on the Santa penguin implies that "he" could be any gender. The only problem with (her/him/it) now is that "his" existence still seems to favor Christian kids and not all kids equally. Plus having a Santa Penguin in the north pole is a scientific inaccuracy and he will have to be relocated to the south pole. Those are the next issues at hand but for now a victory has been won!

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Ah comrade, well the cube came to reality once again!

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That or I need my tinfoil hat refitted, Im obviously not receiving Laika's transmissions properly!

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However, why stop with minority children, in fact shouldn't we take whatever means necessary to end all of these useless proselytizing racists fanatics ability to produce the soft Christmas bigotry viewed by all children? Haven't we had enough of the vast amounts of insensitive holiday images and displays which are quite infuriating to say the least! Shouldn't we in the name of fairness as well as reflect a true village of multiculturalism, demand that all cultures be represented. And in this same name of fairness, shouldn't all our neighbors and families be demanded or forced to place a severed head of an infidel or Tea Bagger thrown on a spike and placed next to their images? For Christ sake! I ask you in the name of Children!

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Santa is not white! What, are YOU some kind of a Racist? And he has to Watch us all day and night! What if we began to think independently?

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And do not forget that this "Santa Claus" has with him a "Mrs. Claus" who is female-gender-identified, which further makes this Santa Claus a shill for heteronormativity.

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Coal is mostly carbon - evil, filthy, dirty, unwholesome CARBON! Penguinclause should be delivering solar panels or passing wind out wind generators to the proglets.

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But without an old, overfed, red-nosed white guy to blame, how would we protest elf slavery? Aisha's proposal seems counterproductive to the Party Line™


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Now now, Comrades, lets not be too hasty in our usual procedure of condemnation and sentencing, and deportation--eventually followed by accusation and perhaps even a show trial...

I have it on good authority that this "Santa" is on the party payroll, collecting data on Rethugglkans... In fact...
