
Sarah Palin Superheroine

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Able to reduce a messianic presidential candidate to a blithering idiot.

Smarter than the progressive elites.

Strikes fear into the heart of the Democratic Party.

Has the ability to tame wild pumas

Can drive the blogosphere of the left to lose their sanity and start spreading lies, smears and hate...

Well OK, that's nothing new.


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I denounce Commissar Maksim.

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Wow. A six pack and another pair of great cans....

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Comrades let us not forget that whatever we advocate for the masses is merely intended to destroy the putrid, corrupt reactionary capitalist culture.

We must never allow ourselves to fall for our own agit-prop.

Remember, we are the elite who make the rules that others must follow. Our rules do not apply to us. We must not impose false limitations on our own behavior.

Remember what happened when we started to believe our own propaganda about Bushitler being an ignorant fratboy. We misunderestimated him and it cost us two elections.

And don't allow yourself to feel embarrassed by accusations of hypocrisy. Our moral compass has no needle. as such, we are immune to such bourgeois concepts that bedevil small minds.

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Whoopie! I mean, Whoopie, you are correct. Hypocrisy does not exist for the Party elite because they are always right. Even when they are wrong, they must be right so the Party simply redefines the question so that they are right!

Example from "1984":
Fact: The price of chocolate has risen 10%.
Truth: Big Brother has lowered the price of chocolate 10%.

Example from "2008":
Fact: Democrats have nominated an inexperienced (probably crooked) empty suit for president just because he was black.
Truth: Republicans have nominated a radical right-wing extremist for vice president just because she was a woman.

Yes, the Party makes the rules but they are subject to change without notice when the Party requires it! Progressivism must win! The end justifies the means! Less filling, tastes great!

Opiate of the People wrote:Fact: Democrats have nominated an inexperienced (probably crooked) empty suit for president just because he was black.

Comrade! Are you implying that a Chicago politician could be corrupt and dishonest?! Why, every party member knows that the Chicago political machine is one of integrity (and turning out those dead votes!) That's why we need it in the White House. That is CHANGE WE CAN BELIEVE IN!

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Chairman M. S. Punchenko wrote:I denounce Commissar Maksim.
First I must say, its an honor to be denounced by our corruptible lovable Chairman. Thank you Meow!
However, its not my fault, Bush made me do it, I'm the victim here. You see I went in for a haircut and at the request of the barber (who I suspect is a Haliburton plant) I removed my tinfoil cap. The radio in the barber shop was tuned to that evil right winger Limbaugh, and in my disabled condition, his propaganda influenced me negatively. Shortly after leaving the barber I produced this hideous image in a trance like state, as if I were a mind numb robot.

Fortunately the effects eventually wore off, and once again my mind is protected under my cap. Although I should qualify for compen$ation for all my pain and suffering. Don't you think?

User avatar if I were a mind numb robot.

What do you mean "as if?" You are a party member in good standing, aren't you?

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You left out, "Gun toting superheroine baby-making role model for a whole generation of progressive unwed teenage mothers!"

And before anyone denounces me, I have no problem with any of these adjectives... I'm not being in the least sarcastic... hell... I'm jealous that she can legally own a fully automatic assault rifle and that she has five kids, even if they have sort of weird names...


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Branish wrote:
Opiate of the People wrote:Fact: Democrats have nominated an inexperienced (probably crooked) empty suit for president just because he was black.

Comrade! Are you implying that a Chicago politician could be corrupt and dishonest?! Why, every party member knows that the Chicago political machine is one of integrity (and turning out those dead votes!) That's why we need it in the White House. That is CHANGE WE CAN BELIEVE IN!

[BLOCKQUOTE]doublethink: The power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one's mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them . . . . To tell deliberate lies while genuinely believing in them, to forget any fact that has become inconvenient, and then, when it becomes necessary again, to draw it back from oblivion for just so long as it is needed, to deny the existence of objective reality and all the while to take account of the reality which one denies — all this is indispensably necessary.[/BLOCKQUOTE]

It is necessary to master this skill in order to advance in the Party (or journalism), Comrade. Party will see you get subscription to NY Times (assuming it is still publishing) to help make necessary adjustments.

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Maksim wrote:First I must say, its an honor to be denounced by our corruptible lovable Chairman. Thank you Meow!
Oh, Maksim. Oh, Maksim. Oh, dear, sweet, foolish Maksim. If you knew Meow like I know Meow. I tell you, there was one time that he was at Rancho de Rio Grande at the same time as Our Many Titted Empress (when she was still alive) and Nansky Peloski and the party registered on the seismometer at Rice. I'm still getting shards of my best Steuben out of the walls and I'm goddamned sick of applying Atomic Balm to Bruno's back after our MTE and Meow rode him like a rented mule around the swimming pool. And when Meow and our MTE really got going they managed to chip half the tiles off the swimming pool and that took me an entire year's supply of wets to get done.

Lovable? No, not lovable.

And, don't tell Meow, but you remember when he woke up in Mao's coffin with an empty bottle and half-empty bottle of pain killers? I accused him of stealing the painkillers, but I really meant the bottle. I'd replaced the Demerol with rufies.

This gives rather a new slant to the words "yellow river," doesn't it?

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Maksim, I must denounce you for this. Have you no idea of the wrong message you're sending to zillions of impressionable young girls who will see that image and think that's how women are supposed to be?

Do we want our daughters to think such blasphemies as they can reduce the Obamessiah to a blithering idiot? That they could possibly know their own minds better than Progressive elites? That they don't need community organizers to tell them how miserable they are, and that they can't possibly lift themselves out of their misery without the benevolence of a more Progressive state?

Additionally, our daughters will think they're supposed to look exactly like that picture, that shows a figure akin to that of a Barbie doll. Don't you know, Maksim, that females never once obsessed over their looks and their figures until Barbie was invented in the late '50's, and started giving them all these weird wrong ideas about the necessity for tiny waistlines and perfectly formed, upright boobs to attract men? Did you know that not one single male in the entire history of the universe cared about women's bodies until the Barbie doll was invented--and now they've co-opted her totally unrealistic form for the comics, just as you have done!

Finally, your deplorable agitprop sends another wrong message to young girls and yea, even grown women like me: For it even gets ME to thinking that I can drop my shovel, rip off my red headscarf, and be but a heartbeat away from leading the free world, despite the fact that:

(a) I did not attend an Ivy League college
(b) I do not live in a major metropolitan area in the NE USA
(c) I am not a lawyer, nor have I ever played one on TV
(d) I am not married to a former POTUS who screwed around, thus enabling me to win the sympathy of female voters who trust me to use my invaluable experience as a wronged woman to right the wrongs which, because of the right, continue to plague all wronged women who are always right correct on the issues important to all right correct thinking women.
(e) I have children, pets, and a big disgusting glob of hair in the shower drain. Do you really think I can cope with all that, AND give an order at 3 am to bomb Pakistan?

On the upside, Maksim, you should be praised for following in the footsteps of Our Lord the Obamessiah, in that you have drawn upon the comics for your ideas in lieu of conjuring original, and therefore dangerous thoughts. That is the greatest thing since looking to Winnie the Pooh for foreign policy advice.

Not even Palinazi is shrewd enough to think of that. Probably because she banned all Pooh books from the Wasilla library.

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Probably because she banned all Pooh books from the Wasilla library.

And that is why she is completely adrift when it comes to understanding foreign policy.

I liked the way Charile asked her if she would be willing to support pursuing Taliban fighters into Pakistan without Paki permission. I wonder if he'll pin down Barry with a similar question, seeing as Barry has already expressed a desire to declare war on that shaky ally....

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Image The 1st Dude Abides
<br>I realize that not everyone will get the pop culture Big Lebowski reference.
Supplemental Item A

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Comrade Judd has pointed out that Palin is an enemy of the people wolves & must be denounced. Join in solidarity, comrades, by downloading official anti-Palin/pro-wolf <a href=" ... rage-this/"> coloring page.</a>

If you wish to risk being sent to a gulag, you can upload your finished product to this counter-revolutionary site:

<a href=""> https://whysarahpalinissofreakingawesom ...</a>


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Although I was troubled by her decision to quit mid-term, I think a strong case can be made that it was the right thing to do. Risky, yes but perhaps right. Most importantly, to the dismay of her detractors and to the delight of her supporters, she isn't going away.

As a tribute (and to sell a few t-shirts) I thought it was time to re-work my SarahCuda image from last year, which is at the top of this thread.

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Oh, the evil Palin. Rhymes with our Hero Stalin!

Here is a party motto for the next round: "GOP - we put the Palin in palindrome."

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Heroines!?! Unbelievable!~ Everyone knows that we are all just people, just human, just victims of our socially stratified existence. We're all the same and nobodies different. No ones any better than anyone else.

There are no individuals, only people in the The Peoples Party™.