
Sequester Forces Cutbacks at The Peoples Navy Galley

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It is with heavy heart to have to announce that The Peoples Navy Galley was not immune to the sequestration cuts being forced on all Americans by those heartless wretched Republicans. In order to comply The Peoples Navy Galley is forced to announce that the following extreme measures have been taken.

From this day forward until this budget crises is resolved the amount of olives stuffed into The People's Galley olive loaf has now been forced to undergo a twenty percent reduction.

Olive loaf.jpg
Heartless cuts now forces a 20 percent reduced Olive Content

It is also unfortunately noted that this forced action will also have global implications. Greece will now suffer another mighty blow to her socialist economy as olive consumption will further drop and more Greek children will starve, all because of Rethuglikkkans. We at the galley do not wish to be alarmists but this also may well be the final blow to a battered global economy that will have finally plunged the entire world into depths of darkness and despair not seen since George Bush was President.

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Commodore Snoogie Woogums wrote:Comrades,

It is with heavy heart to have to announce that The Peoples Navy Galley was not immune to the sequestration cuts being forced on all Americans by those heartless wretched Republicans. In order to comply The Peoples Navy Galley is forced to announce that the following extreme measures have been taken.


Fall in line maggots.

Be it advised that while the Navy was not immune to the sequestration cuts, the Marine Corpse wasn't either. But do you hear us whining?

We are Marines, we improvise, adapt, and overcome.

Electric toothbrush


Remote Control


Sanitation engineering






And now that we have our own Assault Amphibious Vehicles (AAV) we no longer need to ask the Navy for a ride while we go and fight and keep the USA free from Communist scum like y'all.


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If it were not for the seriousness of it all, I would LAUGH OUT LOUD. I have but two words "electric toothbrush" ...

Look what is happening to the U.S. Military.


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Will anybody be coming out with “I survived Obama's Sequestration”

Or “Obama's Sequestration Survivor 2013”

T-shirts any time soon?

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Comrade, I have an update - instead of cutting olives from the olive loaf, the Peoples Navy will not longer be supplying olive loaf. Instead, it will be replaced with Vegetarian Olive Loaf made of imported soybeans! Sharia-compliant, environmentally sound and a bargain at only 3 times the price of the old-style olive loaf.

Q: Why are olives like radical environmentalists?
A: Both are green on the outside, red on the inside.

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Commodore Snoogie Woogums wrote:From this day forward until this budget crises is resolved the amount of olives stuffed into The People's Galley olive loaf has now been forced to undergo a twenty percent reduction."

Note to Rethuglikkkans: Stop fiddling with the People's meat! (or else)

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It appears that there were some canned stock items in the Galley inventory that for some strange reason was not used up or served in the previous budget allocations. We will be using this new found windfall surplus to help ease the present olive loaf crises. Rest assured you can have plenty of this delectable treat as we seem to have plenty in stock.

galley food 71.jpg