
Spinning Equality

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The swine Rep. Peter King started his radical Islamic hearings to discuss home grown Islamic terrorism! Inequality I cry! He is singling out one group! Our comrades the Muslim Americans, casting a pox on all for the actions of a few. Immediately, before the hearings started, I cited as many non-Muslim threats as possible because the best way to argue logically is to balanced the argument through equality!

Sort of when I argue about the existence of god with my fool theist sister Angie, I don't actually argue whether god exists, I simply insult her by counting statistics of pedophile priests! The goal of discussion is NOT to reach truth, but to DIRECTLY insult and discredit my opponent!

Since then, we atheists have co-opted Islam, not because we believe either, but because it is directly opposite of conservative capitalistic swine!

The good news is that we're no longer outsourcing terrorism! Instead we're finding locals to do the job of destroying America!


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I'm glad you brought this up Comrade Francis. Those Islamic hearings are an abomination of Social Justice. What they are is the worst case of Religious Profiling ever forced upon the good citizens of the USSA. This frightful farce has hardly received any media attention. As Chairman of the Council of ISLAM (International Socialist Leaders And Mullahs) I denounce Rep. Peter King and his racist, nasty, Islamaphobic hearings!

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I am outrage at these Rethuglicans and how this man disparages our peace loving Mooslims brethren. He is slandering their good name and love of comradery. He should be removed for his office.
It is Kings fault these gentle gentleman have gotten so upset.


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Comrades, let's not forget our furry friends. Inequality even exists in the animal kingdom.
