
The Five Year Plan

Elsworth Toohey

I've been doing some research on party history and stumbled across this piece of info.

Apparently, our Motherland has had several 5 Year Plans (13 to be exact). I was wondering, how many 5 Year Plans will we need in Amerikka before we can reach collectivist Utopia and the level of success of Mother Russia?
And also, how long will it take for each of the 5 Year Plans agenda items to be accomplished.

I'm sorry, a good party member must possess patience and not trouble themselves with past history. We should only be concerned with the current truth. But my anxious and curious nature have overwhelmed me.

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We have already had 32 five year plans which have all failed thanks to the stupid capitalist pigs. We shall invent more five year plans untill we have created the USSA.

Why don't we forget the five-year plan and just screw the capitalist pigs over now? It would be much quicker to have the revolution in a one-day plan, wouldn't it?

-Vladimir Ivanov

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I would agree, but we still haven't finished growing all the Nixon clones for the New Peoples Red Army. We need the five year plans to make it look like we are constantly doing something to help the revolution.

Elsworth Toohey
Like the great Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu has tought us, "The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step." We will have to build our revolution patiently and gradually... one 5 year plan at a time. Eventually we will reach the pinnacle of human potential and enlightenment. I will admit, even I have to pull back on the reins and realize that Utopia was not built in a day. And besides that, there is no possible way for us to purge all of the capitalists and their running dogs in the private sector in just one day.

Comrade Toohey:
You would be surprised with the speed and efficiency of what the people can do...

Vladimir Ivanov

Elsworth Toohey
Kommissar Betty wrote:We have already had 32 five year plans which have all failed thanks to the stupid capitalist pigs. We shall invent more five year plans untill we have created the USSA.

Hmmm... 32 five year plans? The Revolution in Mother Russia was in 1917. Does 32 X 5 = 88 years? Is this the current truth?

I hope. I mean, Yes, it is.
-Kommissar Betty

Yes. Of Course. There was never anything put plan to have 32 seperate five year plans. 32 was after all, Lennin's favorite number.

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President Obama wants US exports to double within five years. Indeed, “raising exports is a national priority.” Sounds like a Soviet Five Year Plan.

More exports are good, of course, but don't think for a minute that Obama believes in free trade. He has created an Export Council to centrally plan his trade goal, increased tariffs on Chinese tires, doubled loans to support exports, and fought for “fair trade” at the WTO.