
The Milky Way is capitalist

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I have grave news. I was doing some reading today and came across this article.

Milky Way Grew by Swallowing Other Galaxies
The motto "E Pluribus Unum" ("out of many, one") could be applied to the Milky Way. Astronomers have obtained new evidence that our home galaxy contains pieces of many former galaxies. The findings strengthen the idea that large galaxies don't emerge whole from single, gigantic clouds of dust and gas. Rather, they grow by swallowing their neighbors.

This means that our OWN galaxy is an oppressive capitalist entity, swallowing up the weaker galaxies for its own selfish gain

What can we do about this comrades? How can we make our galaxy learn to share more equally with other galaxies? Perhaps we can build a spaceship and go find a more compassionate, progressive galaxy to live in?

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I suspected this. The so-called Ft. Hood shooting was just another Bushitler created tragedy so Cheney has an excuse to steal muslim oil.

On 9-11 Bushitler had to murder nearly 3,000 innocent witnesses who got in the way. At Ft. Hood the brainwashed white trash soldiers volunteered to be killed just so Bush could have his "proof" of muslim atrocities.

Maj. Hasan is just a patsy like Lee Harvey Oswald. But Bush's Jack Ruby renta-cop failed to silence him.

wHEN wILL tHE mADDNESS sTOP????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????

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ObamaMarx2008 wrote:I have grave news. I was doing some reading today and came across this article.

Milky Way Grew by Swallowing Other Galaxies
The motto "E Pluribus Unum" ("out of many, one") could be applied to the Milky Way.


Could you please enlighten us lesser knowledgeable member about the problem with that motto?

If you were to think about it ... the great society of the old (and possibly new) USSR or Union of Soviet Socialist Republics ... could be "out of many, one".

Out of Many (thoughts), one.
Out of Many (principles), none.
Out of Many (proles), one (commune)

So, Comrade ObamaMarx2008, the interpretation that our Great Galaxy, The Milky Way, is not "capitalist" as you put it ... it's Socialist ... the natural order of things. It's so perfect, even nature wants to emulate it.

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Pewkov -

Korrekt. Swallowing other galaxies is bad if the swallower does it out of selfish kapitalistic self-interest.

However, if the swallower is a people's democratic galaxy, and does it out of pure altruism and self-sacrifice, especially to its own detriment, then such swallowing has our wholehearted endorsement. We would even encourage to grow further and swallow all the remaining galaxies until there is nothing left and the entire Creation collapses into a gigantic black colored hole. That is, indeed, our goal.


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Comrads, whether or not our own galaxy is an evil, capitalist, racist, fascist, non-elite galaxy or whether it is done purely out of altruistic socialist motives, should we not try to prevent any capitalist galaxies from doing this? Why not create an entity such as a "United Galaxies" that would impose regulations (as we all know, regulations are the answer, the more the better) and taxes, to allow the inner circle more graft, oops, I mean allow them more resources to provide social programs to all the comrads of the member galaxies?

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Comrade Vlad Linen wrote:Comrads, whether or not our own galaxy isan evil, capitalist, racist, fascist, non-elite galaxy or whether it isdone purely out of altruistic socialist motives, should we not try toprevent any capitalist galaxies from doing this? Why not create anentity such as a "United Galaxies" that would impose regulations (as weall know, regulations are the answer, the more the better) and taxes,to allow the inner circle more graft, oops, I mean allow them moreresources to provide social programs to all the comrads of the membergalaxies?


To that end I'm forced to humbly volunteer to study this problem.

I believe that if we get the jump on this, it could be the "Next Big Thing".

Forget global climate warming/cooling change. Since the hacking releasing of THOSE documents, I feel that the "Change Deniers" may get the upper hand on us.

I know, I know, I hate to say it, but they may.

So,I humbly request that my application for the (now debunked) global climate change funding, to study the non-socialist galaxies, that may impede our plans for universal domination. They, the defrauding climate scientists, have overplayed their hand.

Let us plan now comrades, for we can take our "Galactic Collision Science" to new heights (and fears)that the climate scientists could only dream of. Imagine, instead of every 20-30 years of changing positions (like cooling in the 70's ...and warming in the late 90's), we'll have one message, one voice, one goal ... to assimilate as many galaxies as we can. AND, we can spread fear and anxiety into the culture of the world for the next millennium and beyond.

We can start with the Andromeda galaxy ... I've heard it's capitalist.

You can see what will happen to that evil galaxy here(1mb mpg). From the Galaxy Dynamics site, you can see all sorts of evil capitalist galaxies falling by the wayside.

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We're onto something here, comrades: a Man-Made Galactic Crisis.


Once the consensus is reached and science is settled, our new slogan should be -


And if that doesn't work, we have a strong ally on our side. Did you know that the galactic magnetic field is greatly demeaning and insulting to Muslims?

Image Image

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Is this what they mean by "original sin"?
Maybe "Sub-atomic particles for Peace"?
Anyway, beam me up Scotty. We've got work to do.

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Should we also ask a people's economist to weigh in on this, such as someone with multiple people's PhDs, for example? Afterall, with a problem that spans the entire universe, we certainly need to bring in an expert.

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Does this mean PLUTO is finally freed?
