
The Old Order is Still Alive and Well!

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Such images warm my progressive heart. Dissent quashed with overwhelming force! This reminds me of the heady days when speech was considered a mere convenience to purvey your point of view. For all others, silence!

A few former client-states still enjoy such control order. Cuba, Venezuela, to name a few. For all others, there is simply the matter of..."rethinking" constitutionally-outlined rights. Which is why the "Fairness Doctrine" excites me.

I first saw this in Le Figaro. For those of you interested in reading that article, you can click here. Otherwise, here is more or less the same in English.

Parmi elles, Edouard Limonov, 65 ans, chef du partinational-bolchévique, brutalement emmené dans la plus grande confusionaprès avoir été jeté à terre.

"Among them, Edward Limonov, 65, head of the national-bolshevik party, were brutally taken away in the great confusion after having been thrown to the ground."

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Brutally? Brutally taken away? Comrade, it looks like he bit his lip! In the old days there would not have been an inch of him not bruised and bloody. Actually, in the good old days there would not have been a picture or Pravda article let alone a protest.

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Jodin Morey could learn a thing or two from the guy in that photo. Like (a) what constitutes police brutality, and (b) the importance of procuring photographic evidence of said brutality.

Not to mention (c) keeping your bullshit story straight and free of holes.

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Commissarka, had he been a real journalist he would have been served some of Vlad's Polonium 210 Miracle Tea.

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It's good to see that the reach of Comrade Red Star's thugs is far and wide. They must still be working him over processing Comrade Limonov as he's yet to arrive at Platform 6. They should know better than to rebel against the Prime Minister, Minister of Tiger Fights, and Deputy Savior of the World Putin.

-Obamissar Vodkavich
Obmaissar of Gulags and Car Wash Products