
The Profound Thoughts of the Obama Voters

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Abe Greenwald at Commentary Magazine wrote:

The Audacity of Dope

Charged with so monumental a task, Obama reached out admirably to the American people and asked them for guidance. What, he wanted to know, was the greatest public concern as America struggles on the precipice of extinction?

Will you consider legalizing marijuana so that the government can regulate it, tax it, put age limits on it, and create millions of new jobs and create a billion dollar industry right here in the U.S.?

That was the number one response to the Obama team's website poll asking people to submit their top public policy questions for the new administration. And that's not all. Over a dozen of the top-fifty questions had to do with legalizing drugs. Question 13, for example, shook things up a bit with this variation: “How will you fix the current war on drugs in America? and will there be any chance of decriminalizing marijuana?”

OK, if a dozen or so of the top 50 questions pertained to legalization of drugs, what do the rest of them reference? These are a representative sample:

- Dude, my mortgage is waaaaay overdue! When are you gonna forward me that payment?

- There's water in my basement. Have you lowered the oceans yet or should I call Joe the Plumber?

- Why are you bothering with natural gas and solar for energy, just get the Pentagon to release the UFO technology!

- When are you going to be on Oprah again? Can you send someone to help me set the clock on my VCR?

- Is it OK if we pray to you in public or will the ACLU come and arrest us for violating the first commandment?

- I've been trying to contact you via thoughtwaves. I know you are receiving me because I got a sign from the flower pot, but why didn't you come to my party last Saturday?

- I know you want to create jobs so here's the problem; I had a job but stuff went missing from where I worked and this Republican guy there blamed ME. Can I come to work in your office?

- If you don't need that presidential seal of yours anymore, can I borrow it for a party?

- I know your old Senate seat is empty now and I'm qualified. Can I have it or should I talk to Blagojevich first? What does something like that pay?

- Will you be my friend? We have so much in common.

- Your wife has a dress that looks just like my couch! Do I need to call my lawyer or can we settle this out of court?

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No we do not want ilegal drugs and Dennis T Mccullough have no warantts chubby. Yor impugning me and Obama with this and yor going to get sued so stop. Stop lying about Obamas website and my police record! The PEOPLE only want one thing. ending the esp/mklutra/synthetic telepathy. Impeach.

Where are the American groups filing lawsiuts against "Rumsfield" the hand position of ESP/MKULTRA/Synthetic Telepathy

911 & Synthetic Telepathy

CIA and espionage,the all seeing eye really and the abuse mind control abuse really.
Apperently the Americans need to get on the lawsuit as well.

Proud Obama voter!

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Comrade Opiate of the People,

Legal Drugs?
Am thinking Pharmaceutical Street Vendors may have problems with this. Could mean serious pay cuts if put on Government salary. Not to mention profits then heading up to said Government ( The Obama Effect ). Last but not least their salaries then subject taxes? I think Comrade CGM should weigh in on this.

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Pot is an ecologically-friendly indulgence of the people. Unlike vodka, there are no messy bottles left laying around. Unfortunately, the smoke tends to increase global warming but since it is laden with THC, it will tend to stay near the ground rather than pollute the ecosphere (or so its proponents will CLAIM, anyway.) So, it's a win-win! The proletariat gets high while the venal corporatist liquor-pushers lose out. Besides, it is a favorite of the Lightworker
(posted on Drudge Report)


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I thought you middle name was Michael of DMM.
Stop stop now pig(abuse) now.
chubby cant afford dennis Union Grill no donald Trump.
chubby is a scam,,,,,you cant go distance with Mr. Denny humorous Man Jelly.
hubbub hubchubby scam
chubby never ever never in history of Washpa! did dennis have bench warrant scam of CIA,et ali vs.dennis M. Mccullough

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Opiate of the People wrote: - I know you want to create jobs so here's the problem; I had a job but stuff went missing from where I worked and this Republican guy there blamed ME. Can I come to work in your office?

Duuuuuude, can I use that line?

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People, get on board!
Join in!
Join the Gravy Train, Gravy Train!

We may have to do a Party approved remake of Reefer Madness. His Excellency looks like He's listening to some reggae and getting high.

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I don't need drugs: I'm high on The One, and he's even legal! The trouble is, I'm starting to itch and get irritable when I don't see him on TV or the Internet. My Obama bumper stickers take the edge off the jones, but I need The One like 24/7 and my welfare check and food stamps and Section 8 and all the rest.

Psst, hey, kid, this is an ACORN voter registration form. Ever filled one in? It'll make you feel fine, real fine, like you're saving the world fine. Here, give a couple to your friends. You'll know where to find me.

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Pass the Hope Bong Comrades............ahhhhh, that's better.

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Comrade Grigori E.R.,

You have identified a useful device. Might I suggest a double-chambered bong: Hope and Change, man! It seems the weighted 3-foot Graf(f)ix bong with the removable additional 1-foot bong that I recall from misspent youth is no longer marketed.

If some talk is to be believed, The One is not just legal but "barely legal." Hubba hubba!