
The Prog's Guide to Political Correctness

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The Prog's Guide to Political Correctness

Comrades, members of the collective, and union thugs alike; the time has come to issue out a handbook for people to refer to when in doubt if their words, clothes, yard decorations, beliefs, wealth, name, hair, hobbies, shoes, pets, favorite T.V. show, personality, faith, home, or skin color might offend someone or not.

dummies copy.jpg
As a collective project I would like this thread to be dedicated for tips and sort of a "Rule of thumb" or since that term may be offensive to some women, "Regulation of Pollex" for those who may be worried that the way they are blinking might upset someone or not. I also considered making the glorious history of political correctness the first chapter. Now they may live their life in confidence knowing their actions or anything else about them will never offend anyone ever again. It is a well known fact that Hollywood has had this handbook for some time now, that is why you will hardly ever see a Middle Eastern Eastern Mediterranean bad guy, and at least one character of every sexual preference, faith, ethnic group, and super models that can overpower life long body builders in almost any film. Except white Christians, they should be left out at every chance Hollywood can get.

So Comrades, if you have suggestions for Hollywood or the masses so that they may better live their lives for the glorious world Progressive World of Next Tuesday please put it here.

Tip: Read "Shakedown Socialism" (from the heretic comrade Oleg), with repulsive gestures in your face, and then, burn it. (of course, buy the book in The Peoples Cube first)

Comrade's, In order to facilitate (big word for a Siberian peasant, but bear with me, I will yet prove quasi-illiterate as your western texbooks say) Party control over the proletariate and lumenproletariate may I suggest we refer to all persons regardless of gender as "Dude", or more phonetically as DOOOD! I am also confused by the terms Mr., Mrs. Miss and Ms. as these are also offensive and should be abolished. I like Comrade, as we all do and if I don't mind saying so, if not for me the Motherland would still be under the yolk of Czarist oppression instead of the great leadership of Comrade Stalin. Of course I ate some nasty cake, took a few bullets, was hit by aristocratic pansy (he hits like a girl) and took a little swim. BUT I am TOUGH Siberian Comrades. I escaped. I am like the Amerikansi....Elvis.

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Comrade Chedoh,

If you want to make the collective far superior than individuals, may I suggest adding "an" before inoffensive? If my collective memory serves us correctly, "an" goes before any vowel in the English language. Do not embarrass the collective, Comrade, or you will be re-educated.

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Comrade Chedoh,

It is so glad I am there will be a quick reference hand book to guide us down the "paths of correctness" for Lenin sake!

I trust your work will remain short yet give comprehensive guidelines for every situation.PS: I find no fault in the above communication, the main purpose is to communicate, not to follow inane rules. Besides, these discrepancies are for private mail not for public consumption.I muse a lot of vowels and rarely, if ever, include "an" as a modifier.

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Well, the point of PC was to create an inclusive, non-threatening situation for the speaker. It was always hoped that by being meek and non-offensive the listener would not become angry and hurt you.

But as PC became widely accepted it also became expected. Listeners developed a sense of entitlement. They now believe that they have a right not to be offended. On top of that the number of things they find offense has grown exponentially. It is now virtually impossible to avoid offending someone, somehow no matter how hard you try.

I suggest we start to include a physical display of our cowardice to go with our verbal display. Obama has shown us the way early in his regime.

We must learn to bow, fall upon our knees and even prostrate ourselves before anyone we deem to be bigger, stronger, wealthier or prone to violence.

A short list of people we must supplicate ourselves before would include: minorities, muslims, females (especially when ovulating), members of the ruling elite and any spoiled angry child who might throw a tantrum.

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Comrade Tooorisky wrote:Besides, these discrepancies are for private mail not for public consumption.

Comrade Tooorisky,

I disagree. If we want to convince The Masses™ that collectivism is the way of life, improvement for everyone, and to achieve our collective Utopia, then we must look professional and precise. The Masses™ will not take us seriously if we are benighted.

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Statist-in-Chief wrote:Comrade Chedoh,

If you want to make the collective far superior than individuals, may I suggest adding "an" before inoffensive? If my collective memory serves us correctly, "an" goes before any vowel in the English language. Do not embarrass the collective, Comrade, or you will be re-educated.

The error was fixed and I was deeply offended by you. So grab a shovel, you are in dire need of sensitivity training. Besides, just so you know I did use a "English Grammar for Dummies" for the base of the image. But that's not the point.

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Comrade Whoopie wrote:
A short list of people we must supplicate ourselves before would include: minorities, muslims, females (especially when ovulating), members of the ruling elite and any spoiled angry child who might throw a tantrum.

This sounds most reasonable. Next time a young person is about to scream and cry over something that the young person wants, I will lay down and snivel while handing over their desires.

Or if a Muslim is offended by me for saying "Merry Christmas" or eating pork I will force the women of my family to wear a burka to show them that I am accepting and understanding of their ways. I just might add in a back hand to their nose for a better display of my approval of their culture. No one will dare call me a bigot!

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This book is offensive to me, not because it offends me personally but I am offended for all those I believe will be offended by it and thus I wish to show solidarity with my offended comrades.

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Chedoh wrote:
Comrade Whoopie wrote:
A short list of people we must supplicate ourselves before would include: minorities, muslims, females (especially when ovulating), members of the ruling elite and any spoiled angry child who might throw a tantrum.

This sounds most reasonable. Next time a young person is about to scream and cry over something that the young person wants, I will lay down and snivel while handing over their desires.

Comrades, the glorious Karl Marx was rather non-specific and vague about exactly how collective child rearing should be done beyond "Abolition of the family".

Other than that, he was a fan of publik edukayshun, and a "community of wives" (whores?). Marx was all for eliminating exploitation of children by their parents, apparently preferring their exploitation by the community instead.

Frankly it appears to me that the glorious first Comrade was a fan of returning to the cave man and living like animals.

So where does all this insane "kindler, gentler world theory of child rearing" come from?

Who deserves the credit for it? The twinkletoes Fwench, or the great moron Dr. Spock?

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Kudos young Chedoh. Your level of Progressiveness is coming along nicely. Great work, but your "Person" icon seems a little too male. Please to enjoy a delightful performance by a young Serbian named Marija Serifovic. It is a prime example of non-specific gender.

That look used to be called "Metrosexual" here in the States. What is the current term?

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Chedoh wrote: I also considered making the glorious history of political correctness the first chapter.

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Never under-estimate the power of even one "Good Comrade". This is the keystone of my Spiritual Advice. Comrades come to me and they say;"Grigori, I am but only one Comrade. What can I do?". Well, those videos Commissar Rooster posted answered that question. Comrade Herbert was only one man and the Frankfurt School was only a tiny group of like minded Comrades. In other words Comrades: "Yes You Can".

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Yes comrade, but I was thinking lately and it would seem the phrase "Comrade, Socialist," and even "Communist" leaves a bitter ring in ones ear. Just look at the Tea Party, you mention communism around them and they run off to the polls in the millions! So I suggest we change our name to "The Assistants of Happiness and Joy" Then maybe they won't be so angry towards us.

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Grigori E.R. wrote:Kudos young Chedoh. Your level of Progressiveness is coming along nicely. Great work, but your "Person" icon seems a little too male. Please to enjoy a delightful performance by a young Serbian named Marija Serifovic. It is a prime example of non-specific gender.

That look used to be called "Metrosexual" here in the States. What is the current term?

Comrade Grigori,

The current term is "Senator"
