
The Reprogramming has Started

The election of Our Dear Leader by the enlightened electorate had me confused. What was I missing? Than it hit me, brainwashing, subliminal messages, hypnotism? Today I saw this article in the New York Times that answered my questions.

Stinging Talk About Obama? Never Mind Now

Just a few weeks ago, at the height of the campaign, Representative Michele Bachmann of Minnesota told Chris Matthews of MSNBC that, when it came to Mr. Obama, “I'm very concerned that he may have anti-American views.”

But there she was on Wednesday, after narrowly escaping defeat because of those comments, saying she was “extremely grateful that we have an African-American who has won this year.” Ms. Bachmann, a Republican, called Mr. Obama's victory, which included her state, “a tremendous signal we sent.”

And it was not too long ago that Senator John McCain's running mate, Gov. Sarah Palin of Alaska, accused Mr. Obama of “palling around with terrorists.”

But she took an entirely different tone on Thursday, when she chastised reporters for asking her questions about her war with some staff members in the McCain campaign at such a heady time. “Barack Obama has been elected president,” Ms. Palin said. “Let us, let us — let him — be able to kind of savor this moment, one, and not let the pettiness of maybe internal workings of the campaign erode any of the recognition of this historic moment that we're in. And God bless Barack Obama and his beautiful family.”

The presidential historian Doris Kearns Goodwin said she was hard-pressed to find a similar moment when the tone had changed so drastically, and so quickly, among so many people of such prominence.

It would seem that Michele Bachmann, Sarah Palin and John McCain who is mentioned later in the article have been enlighted. It's only a matter of time before the rest of us are reprogrammed to embrace the change and hope The One brings.

BRB there's someone at my...

Such a wondrous thing of ease! How was this accomplished without applying electricity to the orifices and appendages? Some magical elixir, no doubt. I wonder if one can cook with it.


If you did not vote for Obama, it is because:

1) You are a racist whom ACORN only let vote once

2) You were too busy working in a government bunker, developing a strain of HIV more efficient at killing black people

3) William Ayers blew up your house

4) You were too busy giving tax breaks to the rich while being spoon-fed by FOX News

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I see four lights! I see four lights!


Er I mean three.

/bows to Glorious Leader

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We are being one happy family. Everyone is making nice-nice.

Information Minister
I was 5) Not dead or brain dead.

Comrade Tonya
Elixir = Kool Aid spiked with hope/change and McCains' too much like Bush.

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Comrade Fifi

Is good. Glorius Leader brings out the best in people. Now report to Information Minister.

OC: Great graphic!

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Tonya Greipenweiner wrote:Such a wondrous thing of ease! How was this accomplished without applying electricity to the orifices and appendages? Some magical elixir, no doubt. I wonder if one can cook with it.

Comrade Tonya G,

One word comrade - WEALTHSPREAD! It's truly amazing (and fast becoming in short supply)

What do you want, prole? I'm very busy!!!(party take note)

your Chef,

Che' GourmetImage