
Thought Crime from Daniel Hannan

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Comrades, this has to be one of the most appalling, heinous examples of Thought Crime I have seen in all my years in the Party:

That is so awesome. I wish we had someone with the guts to stick it to Chairman O like that.

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Ah yes, indeed this golden-tongued Limey Conservative is big for his britches, alright.

And here I assumed that all was in control, what with the British scared silly by the Muslim Brothers and Sisters.
We must dispatch someone at once to ferret out the dirt on this...ahem...future leader of Britian's Conservative movement. I just hope he doesn't try to embarrass our Messiah when he visits for the G-20 conference next week. The upstart would not have a very long career (he's only 37) in that case....if you get my drift....

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Comrade Comrade Joe,

Keep dreaming. It will be safer for you once the Civilian Coercement Corps is signed into law. Heresy is just a law away, and this time everyone should expect not just the Spanish but the more inclusive (thus more inclusive (hence effective) and sensitive) Multicultural Inquisition.

Comrade Che Gourmet, the peanut soup was delicious: nearly a meal in itself.

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That was Sacha Cohen, right? I almost fell for it, but then they cut to Terry Gillliam laughing and pretending to take notes.

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Tovarich wrote:Heresy is just a law away, and this time everyone should expect not just the Spanish but the more inclusive (thus more inclusive (hence effective) and sensitive) Multicultural Inquisition.
Ah, yes, Tovarich, heresy is just a law away. And we are now entering a time when insisting on physical laws is heretical too. Spend your way out of recession--a broke human without a job knows it cannot be done but to question it on a national level is heretical.

And why stop there? Soon Our Many Titted Empress will roll up on her trotters and demand, "Why should the law of gravity apply to my ass? That's not fair. That's heretical. I <i>demand</i> that my ass not be fat."

And a svelte MTE is just a law away.

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Theo...You getting any of that blizzard tonight? I tell you, this damn global warming's going to kill us all!

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Commissar Theocritus wrote:And a svelte MTE is just a law away.

What? TME is not svelte? But she's #34 (and the oldest) on the list of the world's most beautiful politicians!

I'm a mere low-ranking cadre member, so I'm willing to sveel her all the way to the Party top.

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No, Ivan, no blizzard here in West Texas, but it's colder than our MTE's smile when someone makes an ill-judged remark on cellulite.

Tovarich, I think it is racist that Condi Rice isn't on that list. [ off ]Seriously. She's got class. But then once I told Ron, my then best friend, that my friend Alice was coming in and she was stunningly attractive. When I introduced them he didn't say anything. I asked him why.

"She was so pretty and poised that I didn't know what to say without making an idiot of myself."

"I told you she was gorgeous."

"What do you know about pretty women? You're a fag."

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It is indeed clearly racist, especially when we see there is a Japanese, but then Asians are a special minority not deserving minority status because they act too much like the majority. That's why we must lower their admission consideration criteria in US institutes of higher indoctrination.

I agree on Condi, but (1) that dental gap hurts her and (2) I think the list is for sitting (I can't bear to write "empowered") politicians. Why, I recall Bush (surely) even remarking that Condi has "nice legs," and she does. Well, generally everything about her is nicely proportioned, probably another reason the press hated her so.

Regarding Ron, come now: We all know all gay men have a natural heightened predisposition to the arts and appreciation of beauty.

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Gay men don't look at women for the schtuppability. I find a woman who has made her own bargain with the world and will not be run over to be attractive. I am not a feminist and have virtually no feminist sympathies but I do know that when in the early 80s I did contract computer work for one of the Big Eight accounting firms in Dallas, if you were not (1) male, (2) white and (3) straight, you didn't get anywhere. If you were thought to be gay you got shown the door instantly. I wanted to slap John K. upside the head and yell at him, "What about C?, you shitwit? What about D? Don't you get it? They're <i>gay</i> but you can't see it! You fired D. but what about X and Y?" The funny thing is that the paranoia was so great that we didn't even exchange looks with each other.

It's things like this which make gay men appreciate people who take charge of their lives. Which doesn't mean that lots of gay men aren't sentimental and foolish, or otherwise Babs Streisand would merely be a howling harpy.

Oh. She is despite all.

This explains why, for me, Margaret Thatcher is a hell of a woman. Not that many years ago some men in Britain were hot to do her.

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That she is.

There used to be a textbook (from the late '80s, I think) comparing and contrasting the US and UK on a variety of topics. One chapter was a trite summary of each country with a single word: Americans, "cute"; Britons, "cozy." Beneath every chapter title was a cartoon prelude to the content. In this case, an buzz-cut American male (of the Gomer Pyle type) is sitting next to a British femme with a cigarette and stylish dress yet managing to look very frigid. They're looking at the telly. Mr. Yank says, "Gee, isn't she cute?" Ms. Brit says, "Do you really think so?" On the TV is Mrs. Thatcher, her face drawn to resemble nothing so much as Jaws: angry eyes, jagged teeth, snarling open mouth, face angled to attack.

Progressive education: compassionate stereotyping hatred.

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<out>(Red the Rich Text Editor is not working properly, is it me?)

Margaret Hilda Thatcher
"The Iron Lady"
The Baroness of Kesteven
former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom

Definitely, the smartest woman in England. Where is she these days? Has the government ensconced her in the Tower of London? I know she is old at 83, but someone (maybe Hannan has her confidence?) should listen to her....she would definitely set the " Whigs"in Parliament straight!

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She's had a stroke which hurt her, a bit. A decade ago <i>The Spectator</i>, which loved her, had a few comments on how she could sort things out in Europe with her "iron-clad handbag." They adopted a sneer from the left, defused it, and made it admiring.

Che, before her trouble I'd posit her as the smartest person that Britain has come up with Churchill. I exclude Hawking and Penrose and others, whose intelligence is of another order.

"The problem with socialism is that you always run out of other people's money."


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Che Gourmet wrote:<out>(Red the Rich Text Editor is not working properly, is it me?)
Che - the successful functioning our rich text/poor text editor depends on individual settings - computers, browsers, etc. One of the reasons you're having trouble may also be excessive formatting, which triggers some hidden bugs in the program.

I suggest you click on "Switch off WYSIWYG mode" at the top of the editor box and proceed with plain text. It may not be as pretty, but it allows the same functions except picture uploading and a few other insignificant ones. That's what I use all the time. Your computer will remember the new preference. Please keep WYSIWYG mode off from now on and turn it on only when you need to upload a picture, use international keyboard, etc.

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Gracias, Dear Leader.

I will do so immediately!

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So the text editor is more equal for others? How truly progressive!