
The Glorious World of Next, Next Tuesday

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Comrades through the miracle of wormhole technology I have been granted a glimpse of the future. Let me share with you the inspiring vision of a world devoid of Capitalism.

Here we see a remodeled Moscow. Restored to it's proper stature as the center of the one world government to come.

giant Lenin2.jpg

And now a close up of the giant statue of Lenin that will grace the top of the new Kremlin. Notice the classic pose with Lenin, palm outstretched asking for a government handout.

giant Lenin.jpg
Here we see a Soviet moon landing. The triumph that we were denied by the evil Capitalists has finally come to pass.

Russian moon landing.jpg
In this picture we can see permanent settlements on the moon. The first step in spreading Socialism throughout the solar system.

Soviet cities on moon.jpg
Ah but why stop there comrades? The moon and even Mars are mere stepping stones to spreading Socialism throughout the heavens using our advanced hyperdrive space cruisers.

Closer to home we can see a futuristic sea glider capable of crossing the oceans so fast, you won't even have time to get sea sick.

sea glider.jpg
And for our heroic mountain climbers, a machine to make their task easier. Every summit will bear the flag of the Soviet Union.

russian climbing machine.jpg

Comrades, the future looks bright indeed.

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I like all the pointy things on the space ships.

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Let's not forget our latest innovation to come...flying gulags!

flying city.jpg

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Sounds great! But how I long for the return of the good old days...


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So much of the excitment I am almost of feeling the swooning to be happening to me!

I am most special to the liking of the Societ cities on the moon. See how they do the social justices to my peoples by making all the most important of the building to be for the wearing of the turbans.

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To be a truly progressive, progressive metro-sexual, I think Comrade Lenin needs to accessorize with a Che purse.


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Thanks Leninka, it's about time Lenin updated his wardrobe with some accessories. I think an Arab scarf would round out his new look.