
True Progs Do Not NEED An Obamacare Waiver

Raum Emmanual Goldstein

I know some of you less-than-progressive progs have probably been queuing up to apply for your Obamacare waiver (, I denounce you all!

I am inspired -- as should you all -- by the self-sacrificing example set by the late Ms. Margaret Hutchon, a former Director at the UK's gracious and merciful “Single-Payer” National Health Service (NHS) who graciously completed her life circle rather than burden her fellow comrades with the burden of funding life saving medical intervention. (Read the full story here: ... pital.html)

A Hero of the Revolution award is certainly due this courageous -- if not deceased -- matron of Socialized Medical Care. While some counter-revolutionary, TeaBagging, RethugliKKKans may gleefully wish to point out how she died after her lifesaving operation was cancelled FOUR TIMES by her very OWN Bloomfield Hospital, all ‘open-minded,' current truth-seeking progressives will note that she endured the wait bravely and without a whimper.

If one needs further proof of her self-denying wish to not be a burden, please note the gracious and dentally-challenged smile on this beloved leader's face as she laughs at her own mortality. CLEARLY the state of her teeth is a clear indication that she did not press her bureaucratic, inner-party advantage to stress the UK's socialized dental system!

So, Congressman Weiner (D-NY) and the rest of you so-called “progressives,” stop your whining and queue up for your Complete Circles of Life™ Biochip™ .

As for you, Comrade Maggie, BRAVO! and CONGRADUALTIONS on your promotion to Inert Composting Specialist/Labour Party Necroproxy…May you remain forever immoral IMMORTAL!

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Your words are all too true and show why we need even more government control.

Of course, the state should always have the last word on who lives or dies.
After all, if we left it up to individual choice that would be too "non-progressive" and some of the wrong kind of people would make the choice to live. The last thing we need is people deciding on such important matters in their own life.

As your article shows only the few and proud among the proletariat would make the correct choice.

Which is why we must fight the battle that the racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic right wingers are waging against the state now in Congress. They intend to diminish and cut the power of the state!

Our most great leader of the "real" government in exile, Nancy Pelosi, is waging a great battle as we speak. Yes, the People's propaganda will soon release an educational documentary on how Peolsi is fighting against the radical polices of the Congress. It is aimed towards seniors to show them how dangerous death is when the state is not involved


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I just want the name of her dentist. My my, what a glorious job... she has all her teeth.

Neotrotsky, I am so anxious to see the movie! I wonder if Nanski is playing one of the deceased or almost deceased?

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The real reason we don't want anything to do with "Obamacare" is revealed in the true name of the "health program".

It really is "Obamacide" and is sponsored by the highly profitable funeral industry and grave diggers unions.

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I just received my updated Obamacare™ "Waiver":

deth cert copy.jpg

Raum Emmanual Goldstein
Comrade Tooorisky wrote:Comrades,

The real reason we don't want anything to do with "Obamacare" is revealed in the true name of the "health program".

It really is "Obamacide" and is sponsored by the highly profitable funeral industry and grave diggers unions.

Comrade Tooorisky:

I wish to stipulate that your use of the term "Obamacide" is in violation of a previously published InnerParty memorandum number 65667473-6645255/A56 which states that the USE of this term is reserved ONLY for Inner Party memorandum or email traffic between the Dear Leader (AP&PBUH), Com. Kathleen Sebelius, Com. Ezekiel Emmanual, and Com. Cass Sunstein.

All other members must use the party approve euphemisms: "Obamacare" or "Completed Circles of Life." The terms "Mercy," "Compassion", "Compassionate Mercy," or "Merciful Compassion" are also acceptable.

The penalty for VIOLATING this policy are both merciful and compassionate. So, I suggest you refrain from its use.

It is understandable that you may not have been aware of your transgender transgression as the memo in question was printed using the White House's exclusive 'transparent' toner.