
Update on the furry proxy voter project

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I've been getting some flak here from my most radical supporters (the ungrateful wretches). They say I'm not living up to my promise of more and tastier nuts. I told them that I'm trying my best to look out for the little guy but I keep meeting opposition from those fat greedy elephants and their RINO friends who are hoarding all the best nuts. I also urged them not to listen to the lies being spread by Fox.

So they formed a protest brigade that they call ACORN (Association of Critters Organized for Redistribution of Nuts). I just sent a bus full of them to the zoo to protest outside the elephant exhibit.

When they get back I'll pass out voter registration forms. I'll tell them that I'll give each of them a peanut for every new proxy voter they register. The best chance they have of getting more nuts is if we can defeat those teabagging elephants in 2010.

Heh, I'll have those little rubes eating out of the palm of my hand in no time.

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Lots of squirrel activity here (I have three Pecan trees). A lot more activity than usual though. I think they're up to something.................


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While there are obviously a few furries who lean to the Right (disturbing as that may be), I'm reasonably certain that The Party™ has most of the furry vote locked up already. What this mean is that, as in the case of the Minority Vote™, we can pretty much ignore them until election time and they'll still love us anyway. The Party™ won't actually have to start doling out peanuts until around September of next year.

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Oh, I think that the Furry vote is quite locked up. Have you seen the legs of Our Many Titted Empress and Janeane Gawdawfulo?