
Useless eaters may soon be eaten by a useful EATR!!

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Upon further examination of autonomus intelligent control, one could surmise that development of this glorious "species" could not only rid Mother Earth of the gaseous bodies of reactionary right-wing extremists that have been liberated, but also do away with these silly judicial hearings we are now having to endure (and the shame the RHINOs are forcing that wise Latino woman to bear). see pg. 19 of Overview... Huzzah!

Robotics Technology Inc.

Overview of EATR

A new collective, comrades!!


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I long for the days of the "Metal Munching Moon Mice" who could be dispatched with one shot of your "scrooch gun".

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Comrades Boris and Natasha denounce the Metal Munching Moon Mice as protesting Norman Mailer and being from (dare we say it)...The Ford Foundation!

Natasha: Boris, how are we going to steal car from moose and squirrel?
Boris: Easy, we are going into the used car business.
Natasha: On purpose?

BTW: Since no one commented on the spelling of "RHINO" in my original post (are you trying not to offend?), I will confess it was on porpoise. Firstly, there is but one true Party...secondly, see PAGE TWO of the "EATR Brief Overview" for more in depth information. PDF was rigged, and I couldn't copy link....maybe some of you more Photo Shop savvy comrades could have done so.