
Why didn't I think of this?

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It makes it all so much simpler if you look at it this way...

Simply abandon the ‘norm against killing' to solve organ transplant problem: leading US bioethicists

This will get us to the glorious world of next Tuesday so much more quickly. could someone tell me what a BIOETHISIST is? it obviously has nothing to do with ethics so to what does it relate?

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1. I believe the prototype for this transplanting program was tested at Auschwitz.

2. Bioetheicist: product remaining when ethicists are refined and reduced to fuel for tractors and transport trains. See related item--BioDiesel.

Happy to be of assistance.

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darski wrote:It makes it all so much simpler if you look at it this way...

Simply abandon the ‘norm against killing' to solve organ transplant problem: leading US bioethicists

This will get us to the glorious world of next Tuesday so much more quickly. could someone tell me what a BIOETHISIST is? it obviously has nothing to do with ethics so to what does it relate?

That's an easy one, darling Darski!

Since it ain't ethics, there's only one thing left! That would be biological! i.e.: S-L-I-M-E!

There ya go! Simple!

Hope this helps! X!

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Hmmm, well as long as the subject has been broached, why should we limit our ethical killing of useless people to purposes of organ harvesting only? I'm hungry! What's for lunch? How about an enemy of the state, on rye? Nothing like killing two proles with one bioethicist, eh?