
Why I'm halting my business expansion in Indiana

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I own a small business that has never made a profit. It is with deep regret that as a result of the new license to discriminate in Indiana, I have shelved my plans to expand into that state. I will be issuing press releases soon and expect it to be covered all over the People's Media because I cannot afford traditional advertising.

I was probably going to hire thousands of new workers in Indiana for my business and have a huge construction project. I would even be hiring all sorts of gay interior designers for the cubicle farm to be located next to the surplus server farm that I picked up on the cheap at a good will store in Chappaqua, NY. I would have increased the tax base for Indianapolis.

But all is lost. Indiana now allows discrimination so I will have to end my plans.

I will instead locate in California. It is vastly more expensive, but they fine people for discrimination and this is more important than the cost to do business or real estate.

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This is why all comrades should stay unemployed and collect welfare.

This way they can honestly say they are boycotting Indiana, Arkansas, and the rest of the 57 states of the oppressive, hateful, racist, homophobic, and Islamophobic Amerikkka.

The only locality no comrade should ever boycott is the District of Columbia, the source of all goodness for the proletariat.

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Discrimination is bad. So people that discriminate based on discrimination are doubly bad. I'm going to buy the votes to make discrimination against discrimination against the law. Because discrimination hurts us all. All discrimination.

If you DON'T move to Indiana you're going to get sued big time, commie.

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Red Square wrote:This is why all comrades should stay unemployed and collect welfare.

This way they can honestly say they are boycotting Indiana, Arkansas, and the rest of the 57 states of the oppressive, hateful, racist, homophobic, and Islamophobic Amerikkka.

The only locality no comrade should ever boycott is the District of Columbia, the source of all goodness for the proletariat.

Indeed, Comrade Red! The District of Columbia is not a state. It is THE State and therefore immune from all opportunistic political actions designed to convey a sense of community outrage against unapproved policies and people.

Greetings Comrades. I have coined a little ditty to the tune of "My Darling Clementine". I posted it on our Father Red Square's farcebook page to guage its popularity with like minded progressives, in the hopes that our most famous liberal, tolerant artists, like Sir Elton John, will turn it into a "We Are The World" fundraiser for all the liberal Indianians' who have been caught up in the holocaust of an oppressive, fascist regime. They need our help to fund counselling and safe rooms for those who are traumatised and confused by differing worldviews and the horror of moral absolutes. This is the Ukraine of the USSA, comrades, the Israel of the Midwest. Opression doesn't come worse than this.

"Indiana, Dolce & Gabanna
We B.D.Sssst Israel too,
If you offend we liberal minded,
We will come & Boycott you."

All suggestions from revolutionary artistes are welcome.
Progs of the World Unite... And Boycott!

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Comrade Fhalkyn, most glorious ideas! Yes, I can feel the Cube Side of the Force flowing in you! With our combined strength we can end this destructive conflict and bring ORDER(S) to Indiana!

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Comrades, we've been had. Here is video evidence that some of our allies who practice the Religion of Peace are not fully on board with our gender-bending kollektivist brothers and sisters. Of course we expected those self-righteous Christians with their heterosexual married couples and their 'traditional families' <spit> to deny rights to people for whom they love by refusing to service them by baking phallic-shaped cakes and the like, but the tolerant Muslim community?

There must be some mistake. These are most likely hateful Christians posing as intolerant Muslims just in case they were asked to bake a cake for a gay wedding. We must send a delegation of our gayest comrades to Dearborn, Michigan to investigate the truth before we condemn these fraudulent bakers. We cannot allow this wedge to be driven between our most violent members and our most lovable friends. Remember comrades, we must remain united for the cause of defeating our common enemy Christianity and the Individual Liberty <spit> that comes with it. THEN we can sort out the differences among our own ranks.

Estimable Konservative - Punk,
The video is a cheap hoax. You can tell by the huge number of cream cakes in those bakeries. Only christians are big, fat, sloppy, white pigs and everyone knows they're addicted to the disgustingly capitalist statements of decadence and oppression as those huge cakes with masses of cream and chocolate and caramel and chocolate and vanilla and chocolate and... Uh, hmm! As I was saying, this whole thing is a puerile attempt to demonize our kindred spirits of the wholly integrated and progressive muslim community and take the media heat off their own sorry, repressed, heterosexual hides. But those cakes are a dead give away, don't you agree? With all that cream swirling and chocolate topping and dougnuts and .................. oh look! The bakery's still open. See ya!

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Komrade Punk, this video must be banned immediately, because it goes kompletely against the party narrative. That is, if business owners don't agree 100% with a kustomer's world view, as abnormal, amoral, and warped as it may be, the kustomer should be able to use the power of our glorious gub-mint to put them out of business. It's only "fair."

I mean, that Propaganda Ministry interviewer was right. If businesses don't want to treat all their kustomers equally, then they shouldn't have gone into business. Right? I mean, let's face it, these businesses are for-profit, which is evil because they cheat working klass families out of their "fair share" and exploit their workers. Businesses are on borrowed time anyway. We must hasten the nationalization process in any way possible.

In addition, I would be willing to bet 5 rubles that this video was produced by some "shadowy charakter" who is looking to incite a riot in Libya. He must be sent to KGB prison, never to be seen again.

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Gummipuppe wrote: ...this video must be banned immediately, because it goes kompletely against the party narrative.... In addition, I would be willing to bet 5 rubles that this video was produced by some "shadowy charakter" who is looking to incite a riot in Libya. He must be sent to KGB prison, never to be seen again.
Korrektly said Comrade. I've already tried to inform the relevant Party Official (Her Inevitableness, Minister Klintonov) but my emails are not getting through to her. I keep receiving a HTTP 404 SERVER NOT FOUND ERROR. I am quite certain that she would likely deny having anything to do with that disgusting video, even if its maker paid her homage by asking the question, "Was it a protest against Muslim owned bakeries? Or just a couple of guys out for a walk who decided to get married? What difference, at this point, does it make?"

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Konservative_Punk wrote:... I've already tried to inform the relevant Party Official (Her Inevitableness, Minister Klintonov) but my emails are not getting through to her. I keep receiving a HTTP 404 SERVER NOT FOUND ERROR. ...

Perhaps her server got stolen by Tea Bagger thieves when the Secret Service agents holding up her asbestos firewall left the basement to take a smoke break behind the Klintonov palace. Now, she has no email since there is only one account per server.