
Workers of the World Unite

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The site of the proposed mosque near Ground Zero. Many construction workers are vowing not to work on the controversial project.

Yes, there is no reason why it should not be there.
No, it does not belong so near the site of the 9/11 attacks.
I'm not sure.

A growing number of New York construction workers are vowing not to work on the mosque planned near Ground Zero.

"It's a very touchy thing because they want to do this on sacred ground," said Dave Kaiser, 38, a blaster who is working to rebuild the World Trade Center site.

"I wouldn't work there, especially after I found out about what the imam said about U.S. policy being responsible for 9/11," Kaiser said.

The grass-roots movement is gaining momentum on the Internet. One construction worker created the "Hard Hat Pledge" on his blog and asked others to vow not to work on the project if it stays on Park Place.

"Thousands of people are signing up from all over the country," said creator Andy Sullivan, a construction worker from Brooklyn. "People who sell glass, steel, lumber, insurance. They are all refusing to do work if they build there."

Read more: ... z0xBw8otqo

Wait..... They are refusing to work. This must be stopped immediatedly. The workers are rebelling against the just order. Where is the party on this?

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The Party had plans to supply shoddy, substandard construction supplies. But if our mafia run Union workers refuse to do the work and our mafia owned inspectors don't ok the work that gets done...Well, the mosque won't get built.

The Party has limited control in these matters. The last time I tried to bully those guys I got the shit beat out of me. Pinkie and her shovel don't come close to the muscle these guys are willing to employ.

And there is no alternative. You can't bring in scabs from out of town to to do the work, they'd be killed and any work they do would be vandalized since they aren't Union workers. I'm sorry, it's beyond our control. Red Square, don't even ask. no way I'm going down there and messing with those hard-hats.

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For those of you old enough to remember 1970, this brings back memories. In those days, the left wing of the Democrat Party and other liberals had taken to the streets of NYC (and other cities) to protest the Viet Nam war (originally prosecuted by LBJ but by that time such was forgotten and Nixon had taken full ownership.) But the representatives of the Democrat center - mainly the NYC construction workers and other union members - took to the streets to voice their displeasure with said opposition and support American policy. The conflict did produce violence, as I remember, as the union members declined the protestors' invitation to "give peace a chance." Ironically enough, the trouble broke out in downtown NYC near the site of the then under-construction World Trade Center. The Democrat coaltion split down this fault line with the centrist Democrats defecting to Nixon in 1972 to give him a huge majority in that year's election.

Once again, that old fault line appears to be opening up over this issue. The elitist left including the media is for the mosque and the rank and file union members, the bitter clingers of Obama's speech, seem to be dead against it. San Andreas, here we come...

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The incident I alluded to has a name (the Hard Hat Riot) and is recorded in the glorious People's Encyclopeidia:

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Whoopie, it's been nice knowing you. But you just placed Pinkie's shovel as second fiddle to another universal force. May Marx have mercy on your Party Membership book.

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I think we should call on all Unionized Construction Workers to strike (as in refusing to work) against the strike against the Victory Mosque!

Allahu Akbar!


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Hazmati Abdallahi Khatamanati'ullah Habibi!

The greedy najisun KKKapitalist KKKuffar have gone too far! This is aggression against The Lord of the Whorls, Marx'Allah, and must be avenged! These men have forfeited themselves at the hands of the True Believing Proletarislims, therefore, in order to save mumin-proles i.e. the followers of Marx'Allah's perfect divine Islamo-Socialism, from the heretical sedition of man-made laws and slavery to other than Marx'Allah and treason against Marx'Allah and detestation of Marx'Allah's unimpeachable guides for mankind called Das Koranpital and Hadith der Musselmanistichen Partei which consists disgustingly of refusing to enforce them in all aspects of life everywhere, thenceforth unbelievers who have defected to the side of the unjust idolatrous MushriKKK exploiters by refusing the Gulago-Dhimma ordained for them by Marx'Allah, must be chastised severely out of mercy and love for the mumin-proles and Khalifatopia!

This ever-binding blessed-by-Marx'Allah sacrosanct Sovietwa has now ended!!!

Walla Ballana Illahuhi Whackbaaaaaah!


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aaaak! Whoopie stole my very words and thought! I DENOUNCE HIM FOR TAKING MY COMMENT. But, Idigress..... I am wondering, perhaps some of us gulag gals might go 'speak' to these rebellious, bigoted Union workers who are refusing to work on the pious Hamosque, and fill them with our feminine wiles? Enticing them to our will, if you will. ha ha, I laugh with delight, as we twist and bend them to our desires and get them digging and screwing hammering things!
Citizen Prole, I do like that you are so vocal, "Walla Ballana Illahuhi Whackbaaaaaah!
Loooooooooooooolooooooooooooolo". We encourage verbiage but is there a translation that should ensue?

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Fraulein Pulloskies wrote:
Citizen Prole, I do like that you are so vocal, "Walla Ballana Illahuhi Whackbaaaaaah!
Loooooooooooooolooooooooooooolo". We encourage verbiage but is there a translation that should ensue?

How dare you degrade the holy tongue of Marx'Allah and His Holy Das Koranpital and Hadith der Musselmanistichen Partei and his Prophectator Leninhammad! For that egregious Fitnah, ye shall pay dearly! I denounce mumin-prole Fraulein Pulloskies as a neo-KKKulak Apostate KKKafir! And the prescribed hudud -- the penalty for such a blasphemous oppression against Marx'Allah and against what is Fitrah (the innate nature of mankind -- Islamo-Socialism) -- is THE NECK MEETING THE HOLY SICKLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!


This Sovietwa must be taken seriously, or Marx'Allah will send his mujahids and ghazis against all the Hypocrites here!!!!!!!!!!!EleventyEleven1111!!!!!!!!

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Col. what a great idea. Send Pinkie down there this time. Once they get a load of her work boots and shovel maybe they'll listen to her. On the other hand, they're just as likely to whistle at her, make kissing noises and pinch her fanny.

I don't know how effective her shovel would be considering that they wear hard hats (hence their name) and they'd be sitting on a steel girder several stories above the street, well out of Pinkie's reach.

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Whoopie, I was once sitting in a tree pretending to be an ACORN. Pinkie strolled beneath, giving me an eye-in-the-sky view down her blouse. Before I had finished my first lip smack, she had hauled around, whirled her shovel like a hammer-thrower in the Highland Games, and pegged me clean off my branch.

I see this as a win win situation for the Unions, and for those who have worthless sentimental feelings about a so called sacred hole in the ground. How does the center of the capitalist world become sacred ground anyway? But I digress. The unions should support the construction, then, soon after construction begins...go on strike. The workers will not ratify anything that doesn't break the backs of the project financiers. We shall get their money, they will be forced to sell us their land. We will pull a double whammy. Instead of the muslims erecting a monument to themselves in the former heart of capitalism, we shall take the land they thought they were taking from us. Then we shall complete the project and rename the complex the Ted Kennedy Barack Obama Workers Health Spa and Re-education Center.

Think about it. If you WANT something to go terribly wrong with construction, delays, massive cost overruns, work slowdows, strikes, Obama want the Union involved. Wait until the muslims get a load of Card Check.

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It is a matter of sentimentality with these big galoots. They'll defy their Union leaders on this issue and what can we do about it? Order them to beat themselves up?

This is one of those rare times when the proles have the upper hand. We got their Union dues and they supply the muscle when we want to beat up some Tea Baggers.

This mosque business just isn't worth alienating these guys. We should cut our losses and say screw the mosque. The Republicans are making a big deal out of this and it will only cost us come Nov.

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[ off ]
I always hated these inflatable rats installed by the picketing unions around New York, but this is the one time it would seem rather fitting if they put it at the mosque. Along with the inflatable pig, which is a novelty item.

The imam's calls to put them some place else due to cultural sensitivity would be VERY ironic!


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Kinda uppity for a prole, uh MujahidOfTheProletariat!? OFF TO THE GULAG!!!