
You may be guilty of thoughtcrime if ...

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Comrade Moose wrote:... If you think the Palinazi is a hottie
... If you have fantasies involving bears and the Palinazi
... If the thought of an old man and a young hottie makes you think of reform

Oh Dear Lenin! I must engage in Shovel Meditation immediately!

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...if you think that governig a state
is better experience to be Vice-POTUS

than 143 days in the Senate is to be POTUS.

Off to the Gulag for you, bring your own damn shovel.

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...If you have ever had the impure thought of "nailin' Palin"...

...if you have ever had a fantasy involving a short, stout, canine with powerful crushing jaws and red, full lips...

...if you have ever suspected that Sen. Biden doesn't know what the hell he's doing running for VP... or in the Senate for that matter... or at all...

...if you acknowledge Czar Barack and Czarina Michelle's involvement with "Public Allies"...

...if you feel the term "Community Organizer" is NOT a subtle, deliberate, racially charged slant against Our Lord Barack Obama, the Most Merciful...

...if you laughed at any of the above statements... the thought police will be there shortly. Don't bother with the shovel. You will be shoved down the Memory Hole- unless you are a personal acquaintance of LBO's, in which case you will be thrown under the People's Bus.

До свидания!

Here on the Left Coast, you are definitely guilty of a thought crime if:

You think that gay couples should have been content to have domestic partnerships which give them the same rights as marriage;

You refer to your spouse as your "husband" or "wife"--- terms that {I am serious} no longer exist on California applications for a marriage license;

If you think marriage is designed for anything other than advancing the leftist agenda;

If you question the wisdom of bringing a child into the world without (1) two parents who (2) are of two different genders and (3) who are married (4) to each other.

If you care at all about children as individuals rather than as `props' to advance leftist policies.

You are a guilty of a thought-crime if you do not think taxes are patriotic.

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You are guilty of a thought-crime if you go to gun shows to meet women.

wiyYou are guilty of thought crime If you are offended by the term "white not of hispanic origin"

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...If you have bought a book by Ann Coulter.

...If you do not know who Frederich Engels was.

...If you think Israel has a right to exist.

George Soros wrote:. . . if you think about dollar bills while masturbating

Can we still think of George Soros while masturbating? Please? Pretty please?

Comrade Socks,
Party Organizer

Yes, of course, but please ensure you have your government forms filled out for your scheduled session. You'll need to make sure that a government person approves of your methods, and your technique.

...if you UNDERSTAND Marx.

(Friends of the state, please Genuflect at the mention of the great Karl)

....If you begin to believe that the book "animal Farm" is not a great metaphor for a great system.
If you begin to think Comerade Obamavich IS a citizen of the US.

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If overated thinking you think may not be overrated...
Wuh di I juss Thay?

Innostranyi Otdel
...if you do not believe that inanimate objects should be blamed for human behavior.

...if you disagree with our exaltation of The One to the point of deification.

...if you consider selfish imperialistic gesture of Seppuku when His Righteousness demonstrates Human Fallability.

...if you see the irony of a smoking Great Leader who issues edicts that further the taxes on the Proletariat

...if you compare the abject futility and heinous injustice of criminal punishment to the dangerous and socially disruptive Thoughtcrime.

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...if you think that The One's (PBUH) appointment of Leon Panetta is a bad choice to lead Amerikkka's KGB.

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If you listen to Right-wing Talk Show Hosts, and believe their gibberish!

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...if you think capitalism makes for a better economy than an approved State 5-year plan.

...if you think Free Speech on Campus includes anything right of Mao.

(Yes, send me to the Gulag on that one. I know the director indirectly, and have been tracking the development of that film since it was "Brainwashing101" in 2004).

...if you think firearm ownership is an individual, rather than a collective, right.

...if you do not face DC three times a day and pray to the Obamessiah.

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DDR Kamerad wrote:...if you think Free Speech on Campus includes anything right of Mao.

(Yes, send me to the Gulag on that one. I know the director indirectly, and have been tracking the development of that film since it was "Brainwashing101" in 2004).
<br>I held the camera for Evan in a couple of scenes. Coincidentally he just released another short video that I helped him to film and so I posted it on the Cube here:

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Whoops, back in character...

I have purchas...*ahem*, confiscated a copy of this piece of unrevolutionary trash.

...if you look at these words trying to find truth and suddenly realize that you have had these same thoughts. If the mere thought of thought crime prevention caused you to comitt crimethink does not make you head explode please anwser the door and go into the unmarked van the nice men in black suits are teling you to go towards.

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The Stasi may have already irradiated you, so the question is probably moot.

They were very effective at dealing with Thoughtcrime.

...If you have read, or are reading, a Bible.
...If you think Government is the problem, not the solution.
...If you consider Ronald Reagan the father of conservatism and have a shrine to him in your bedroom.
...If you think Guantanimo was a school for reeducation.
...If you think all Korans should be thrown in a toilet. Image

... if you refuse to use textmessage and msn jargon, such as luv, because it reminds you horribly of Newspeak

... if you read Brave New World out of pleasure and not because your teacher made you

... if you KNOW communism doesn't work, and no, it doesn't count if it only works in theory because that is not the point

... if it breaks your heart to discover that classics such as the works of Orwell and Huxley and all the other great masters is being erradicated from the new generation by the likes of.... Twilight *cowers in fear*

...if you don't think violent video games cause youth violence.
...if you think that the 1st Amendment applies to all citizen, not just the government approved media©.
...if you think of the word "party" when you hear "tea".
...if you don't think of "bagging" when you hear "tea".
...if you think Rachel Maddow might be a guy.
...if you think that Family Guy was funny before they just started doing jokes about the evil bourgeoisie and Bush.
...if you think Family Guy needs to be canceled again.
...if you think MSNBC is noise pollution.

Red Square wrote:Comrade Jeff Foxworthy has suggested that we compile a list of signs of thoughtcrime, similar to the one he has compiled for the red-state, bush-voting, fly-over, flag-waving Americans who for whatever counter-revolutionary reason go under the name of "red" necks. For instance, "You might be guilty of a thoughtcrime if you think Hillary really gives a damn about The Common Good™."

Please post your signs and observations here.

you think.

whitemaleheteropig wrote:
Dzerzinski wrote:...if you are a middle class Christian white male.
Don't forget heterosexual
Nor should we omit the so-called "upper class," male and female alike. The Christian sector is particularly dangerous, for they give their ill-gotten gains (stolen from The People) to the church rather than the State (and our Dear Leader).

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joannr wrote:
Red Square wrote:Comrade Jeff Foxworthy has suggested that we compile a list of signs of thoughtcrime, similar to the one he has compiled for the red-state, bush-voting, fly-over, flag-waving Americans who for whatever counter-revolutionary reason go under the name of "red" necks. For instance, "You might be guilty of a thoughtcrime if you think Hillary really gives a damn about The Common Good™."

Please post your signs and observations here.

you think.
Don't think joannr! That could lead to thoughtcrime. It's best to just let the Party do the thinking for you.

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Fortunately, Joann stated that "you" think.

Yuri Sonavavich Yupysmiov refer to 9th graders and first-year college students as "freshmen" refer to the time more than 2009 years ago as B.C.

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if you think you're smart enough to figure it out on your own.

First, the username was supposed to be "комисса́р" but somehow in the brilliant party's perfect vision, they saw "ко&am". Praise to the Party for helping me see the error of my ways....

Now, to protect you from the high crime (nay, HERESY) of thoughtcrime:

...if you don't still own the same TV today that you had the day before election day (in good working order)

...if you believe that Congress is the right place to test any new "public healthcare plan"

...if you DON'T believe Osamasein would gladly allow his wife to subject herself to Canadian medicine

...if you believe that the Chairman of the JCOS has the same "right" that actors/media say that privates have (re the right to disobey any order that seems inappropriate to them)...

...if you go to work each day to IMPROVE the state of your family

...if you go to work early and stay late and actaully WORK

...if you go to work with a brain but without a shovel

...if you say anything that requires anyone that may hear it to have a 3rd grade education

...if you think we don't KNOW what your thinking (because, by definition, if we don't, you must be committing a thoughtcrime)

...if you believe that the word "illegal" MUST be removed from the term "illegal alien"

...if you think that you have ANY right to what you have earned

...if you think, say, or do ANYTHING without the expressed, written consent of the NYT, WP, CBS/NBC/ABC

...if you think

Kingod Pharaoh
If you cancelled your subscription to the Los Angeles Times because you thought they insulted your intelligence by printing their opinion pages as news on the front page, and engaged in a shameless spectacle of cheerleading for the Glorious Kommissar Obama

Plinio Salgado
...if you believe laissez-faire heals the world's ills.

Abu Nudnik
If you think that "male" and "female" are not socially constructed ideas.

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...If you think prostitution is not liberation.

...If you treat a woman unequally by only copulating with her.

If you have not yet purchased Che t-shirt...

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If you think the One did not deserve the noble peace prize.

If you don't think denmark is rascist

if you don't intend to bycott the 2016 olypic games

if you question how a mellenia old multidemesional god of death and chaos who lives hundreds of leagues under the ocean off the cost of austraila got his tentacle/hands/claws on a computer and descent internet provider.

if you recognize any kind of contradiction in condemning one president for fighting in Iraq and praising another for fighting the exact same damn people in Afghanistan.

if you are yet to memorize this forum for future reference

if you think the deal leader may be a thought criminal.

if you think the winter this year is colder then global warming predicted.

if you think that fire melts steel.

if you believe that isreal is the solution to the middle east and not the problem.

if you remember that this is the 6th time that the west and middle east have gone at it.

if you doubt that international pressure can do things to Iran that it totally failed to do to North Korea.

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You might be a thought criminal if you are addicted to The People's Cube.

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...if you own gold as a hedge against losses to your stocks and bonds

...if you want to open a Piggly Wiggly next to the Ground Zero Mosque

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Welcome to the Cube, Stoli. You plan to share that vodka with the rest of collective, don't you? And the guitar, too. Rest assured, it will be shared equally, to the last drop.

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You might bethought kriminal: ...if you sometimes think white circle is better than red wedge. ...if you switch antithesis for synthesis while thesis is not looking. ...if feel guilty for telling international forensic tribunal where mass grave is located. ...if you sometimes read Danielle Steele novels at party self-criticism meetings and purge show trials. Komrades - be merciless toward incorrect anti-revolutionary tendencies. We will soon crush them with materialist science and little chocolate candies. Make mine a gulag. Image

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....if you can make liberals head's explode by using their own arguments against them

....if you point out there is no period after "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion" (it is actually a comma...) "...,nor prohibiting the free exercise thereof"

....if you stuck close to a lib spouting some global warming, GW is the anti-Christ, big oil, pharm, etc...or any nonsense and you just start whispering things like... "Ronald Reagan, Rush Limbaugh....etc"

.....if you have a conservative friend who says "Ghengis Khan would say to you, "Dude that was harsh"

....if you think a new gun is money better spent than a new IPad

....if you think Al Gore and Joe Biden are not the 2 most intelligent men

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...if you think jobs are created, diseases are cured, or sea levels are maintained by anything other than federal funding.

...if you really think you built that.

...if you think fast food owners who contradict the most recent opinions of party leaders should not be punished.

...if you chant, "USA" at the Olympics

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you might be guilty fo thought crime if ,hell were all guilty komrades ,see you all at the train station

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... if you think marriage is only between a man and a woman.

... if you think children have a basic right to know both their parents.

... if you use gendered terms such as mother, father, husband, wife, bride, groom.