
Quick House Visit: Obama Comes to NJ Home for Fundraiser

Last night President Obama raised a million dollars from wealthy Democrats at private fundraiser at the Cresskill New Jersey home of Michael Kempner. [deleted url] Attendees paid more than 30-thousand dollars each to attend.

Kempner is the CEO of one the nation's largest public relations and lobbying firms. The company represents some of the nation's biggest health care industry companies, financial services and developers.
Obama told the group that one of the Democratic Party's greatest strengths is that it's self-critical.
[deleted url]But he said the time for Democrats to argue with each other is NOT four weeks before an Election Day.

[The President flew into Newark Airport and than he. took a helicopter to a soccer field in a residential neighborhood in Cresskill, NJ.

[Families came to the end of their driveways to catch a peep. One group held a sign saying "Welcome to Cresskill Mr. President"]

[The biggest crowd was outside the Cresskill Volunteer Fire Department,
[deleted url]including a dozen or so uniformed firefighters. who were snapping pictures with their cell phones.]

Comrades, This comrade was selling something amidst the Obama news he posted, however he posted in the wrong place. It belongs here.

- Supreme Commander of Thread Jacking & Stuffed Mice Toys

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Such posts need to be deleted right away. I wanted to delete it here as well, but decided to keep it as a training example for other Commissars. This is how a disguised spam looks like.

If a post feels out of place, see if the links are legitimate. If not, bang with shovel mercilessly until deleted!

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Yes, and maybe we should ban the user name while were at it? These kapitalist spammers will stop at nothing!