
Dear Leader appeals to young pioneers using "selfies"

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The Dear Leader, in another stunt program to appeal to the young pioneers, with other programs being interviews with internet celebrities among other activities, has decided to take on the concept of the self portrait, or "selfie" as you may hear it referred to as nowadays.

In this photograph He was keen on the concept of the Portrait orientation:


When asked as to what he stumbled on in this photograph He declined to answer. He seemed to have moved on from the Portrait orientation by now, and had discovered the Internet video-call utility and used it to video-call the First Lady:


He had contemplated having security cameras in every home before this, but now He had gotten a taste of what He wanted. We are told He likes the idea much more now:


Finally, in this one He seemed very patriotic as He winked to Hillary Clinton, not pictured, even though we had told Him that it wasn't the American Flag:


When we asked if He had anything to say to the young pioneers, He said "Um, well, I'd just like to let ever single young person out there that they should work to help our causes of equality and the accompanying tenet of some being more equal than others, and, um, that you can sign up for our new state-approved free insurance at your local Party barracks or office. I'd also like to encourage them to work for Change in their local communities."

Joe Biden declined to comment on the quote from Dear Leader in the second image, even after many calls.