
GOP Tries Parody

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One of the worst Governors of one of the most dysfunctional States in the USSA has presidential aspirations and has been attacking one of the most effective Governors of one of the most successful States in the USSA.

In response, the GOP has released this parody ad:

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That video needs national air time... and I'm suprised it's not a "People's Cube Production." Well Done to the content creator!


How can the ultra-MAGAs make parodies when they are supposed to be too busy throwing the elderly over the cliffs and denying rights to abortion? Don't they have jobs to redistribute to us their ill-gotten gain? Back to work, dammit...

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Ivan the Stakhanovets wrote:
8/6/2022, 4:44 pm
That video needs national air time... and I'm suprised it's not a "People's Cube Production." Well Done to the content creator!

The content creator is the Florida GOP.


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How can the ultra-MAGAs make parodies when they are supposed to be too busy throwing the elderly over the cliffs and denying rights to abortion? Don't they have jobs to redistribute to us their ill-gotten gain? Back to work, dammit.......

According to Paul Klugman, MAGAS can afford to make the parodies because they spend copious amounts of time picking up and cashing in on discarded cans and bottles. This was one of the methods adopted by transgenders and pregnant men, allowing them to pay for bus rides to their nearest abortion clinic or tossing them off the building....depending on the religious associations. This was all explained in the Sunday Times by Paul Klugman, a glorious member of the Nobel Sainthood and a man far too nuanced to be pigeonholed by methodology so primitive it defies intelligence.