
The People's Cube is 18 years old, now powered by A.I.

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It is true that The People’s Cube began in 2005 as a coal-driven, six-horsepower website powered by Nyetscape, but within only 18 short years we've already been able to enter the age of artificial intelligence. During those years, tens of thousands of images were created by means of backbreaking, manual photoshopping. Clearly, had A.I. existed back then, we would have been spared the manual labor and had more free time to engage in our collective marching and dancing.

But there’s no use in crying over spilled pixels. We can't control our past, so let's start controlling our future, since progress is all about control. We hope other comrades will help to contribute to this thread.

To begin with, we made this very appealing poster about communism and capitalism.

This one is less appealing, but it still works.

Our mass media has figured out that they can gain more if they replace the word “communism” with the word “equity.” If you don’t know what “equity” means in a sentence, just replace it with “communism” and you can’t go wrong.


Next, our smart A.I. reimagined the People’s Cube as a little fairy-tale house with windows and doors. Who lives there? I’ll stay up all night to find out - and perhaps conduct some overdue interrogations of thoughtcriminals while I’m at it.


Now let’s look at the actual People’s Cube headquarters, and our commissars arriving to work in the early morning hours.


Once our commissars reach the bunker, they tirelessly write, edit, and develop new talking points and narratives for the grateful toiling masses.


The toiling masses await impatiently for the commissars to release a new set of talking points.


When the toiling masses are not waiting or reading the People’s Cube, they work in the beet fields, eager to meet their work quotas. If they don't do that, the state won't provide them with their monthly rations of beet salads, beet crackers, and beet vodka.


While the adults are toiling, their children undergo mandatory collectivist training at state facilities by authorized pedagogues.


On state holidays, the toiling masses who have fulfilled their work quotas, are allowed to take a shower and attend a dance party behind Tractor Barn #2 (bring your own rations).


Those failing to fulfill their quotas must do corrective labor along with other thoughtcriminals. Typically, they hand-paint People’s Cubes for export to non-socialist sectors of the world. The cubes in the picture are extra-large on a special order from Poland. We expect to trade them for a refurbished 1974 tractor.


We can’t help but do a bit of boasting. After 18 years of selflessly collecting beets for the Motherland, we have been awarded the coveted new wonder of domestic technology, a seven-horsepower, alcohol-powered computer for Tractor Barn #2. It can run for up to 25 minutes without interruptions to cool down and refuel.


And this beauty is for the use by our commissars at the bunker only. Its space-age cooling system releases steam directly from behind the screen and can run for up to one hour without maintenance. No wonder only the commissars have the privilege of operating it.


We can’t wait to see what new amazing inventions the future holds. With each passing year the Glorious World of Next Tuesday is getting closer and closer!


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Happy Birthday, and thanks Oleg for the work you do. You've created something amazing, and it's a pleasure to log on each day and see what it brings!

Bunker? There's a BUNKER?

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So much to see! So much to celebrate!

Other Ivan: Congratulations for completing the mechanical centaur project. He can be seen in the lower right square of the Tractor Barn #2 dance card.

Red Square: I am pleased to announce the completion of one component of the current Five Year Plan, as I have in fact procured for the collective a refurbished 1974 tractor, to wit, a 1974 Massey-Fergusson 135 Diesel.

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The AI powered Red Square and his People's Cube is 18 years old. GWONT is so close, some comrades can see, touch, and feel the life changing euphoria, but we aren't there, nyet!

Happy Birthday, Oleg, and thanks for The People's Cube.

The TPC Tractor Parade starts at 2:00pm in the beet field to the Left of Tractor Barn #2. Bring your shovels, protest signs, and ration cards.

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Congratulation on a great 18 years of TPC, Oleg. I first heard about this site on the Rush Limbaugh Program, when the Great Maha Rushie (may he rest in peace) interviewed you. It's been a great asset to my maintenance of sanity. Thank you for the many good years.

The People's Cube is now an adult. It can now, officially, be drafted into The People's Army™. The war against poverty now has a fully trained, certified and Party™ approved ally.

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Happy Birthday People's Cube! Thank you comrades, especially Red Square,  for creating and keeping this pathway to GWONT available for so long.  It's played a large part in keeping my sanity since I began being counted as a thought criminal on 11/11/2017 at 2:41 pm. I'd say y'all are the best, but of course your just most equal. 


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A little late, but many thanks to our most equal carmine hexahedron.

This site has kept us all sane in our inevitable march toward GWONT.

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Is truly beautiful thing, and posted FOR THE PEOPLE on R.O.C.K. in the USSA actual birthday!

Is also glorious opportunity for celebration, both for Cube and for R.O.C.K., with pure egalitarian Party party for all people everywhere, in equal amounts (except for capitalist pigs, may they burn in capitalist hell forever)!

Next round of beet vodka on me! Sorry to be late to Party party, was temporarily in gulag, all worked out now.

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Thanks for everything, Oleg!

I was hanging around TPC for over a decade and had read your books before I actually logged in and left a comment. The Ayn Rand quote pretty much sums it up for me. This is one of the places we can all come and reaffirm that we're the sane ones - it's the Loopy, Loony, Lying, Lemming-Like Leftist society at large that's gone nuts.

And thanks to the TPC Collective - Whether it's toiling to make quota in the beet fields, or drinking beet vodka in the legendary Tractor Barn No. 2, all y'all make this place what it is. Looking forward to the GWONT!!

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I think The People's Cube is best NOT being powered by A.I. but being Komrade Powered. 

My favorite song about Eighteen actually came out when I just COULDN'T WAIT TO BE EIGHTEEN and free of the restrictions of outdated parental thought.

A Happy Belated Birthday Wishes to The People's Cube and a BIG thanks to Komrade Red Square!

I am dedicating my favorite song about being 18 to TPC.................

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Thank you for this. Alice Cooper impressed me when I was a kid, too. He had a way with his shovel. Here, I asked AI to visualize him as Shovel Hero.


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Red Square wrote:
4/12/2023, 10:45 pm
Alice Cooper impressed me when I was a kid, too. He had a way with his shovel.


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RE: Alice Cooper

I saw him live in the late 80's / early 90's. Lots of old-time magic sleight-of-hand with a hat tip to vaudeville. I remember looking down from the balcony at the Tower Theater in Upper Darby trying to figure out the tricks to the stage show. Tremendous showman, and a truly prodigious output over the years. His music has been uneven at times, but when he's on, he's ON, baby!

Also, the "Alice Cooper's Greatest Hits" had one of the coolest album covers of all time, with the St. Valentine's Day Massacre, Bogart, Edward G. Robinson*, et al.

*The ORIGINAL Gangsta!

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No wonder Alice Cooper has become a conservative. Too much respect for the old-fashioned craft and style, I guess.

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And this is the People's Cube when it was still little, and hadn't yet grown all red.


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Those were the days. After my parents beat submission and oppression into my psyche (did I just use that word? Sorry comrades, thought crime), I never looked back. Only over my shoulder.


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I extend a belated but most equal с днём рождения to the People's Cube and to His Equalness for its creation.

Sorry about the belated nature of my congratulations, but I overextended myself in my tireless efforts for the Toiling Masses™ and lapsed into a coma.  Any images of me sprawled out behind Tractor Barn #2 with a bottle or two of beet vodka are AI images produced by bourgeois propaganda.  Fake news.

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Hearty congrats on turning 18! I show up from time to time to steal the exquisite memes here and escape the lunacy of the Biden asylum!

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Glad you dropped by to comment, Papa. It's been a while.

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(Last months Pravda finally made it to trench.)

Lifting head out of trench in beet field to say "amazing made it this far". Waving shovel of thanks to Comrade Oleg.

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Image  1958 Moskvitch two tone!
Happy birfday from GA, to the 'Cube...

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The Cube has come a long way. How many of us remember that it started out as a drive-thru where you could order your cubes and shovels without even getting out of your car?

The Glorious World of Last Tuesday.
The Glorious World of Last Tuesday.

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Happy Birthday Peoples Cube™!!!! I pledge to do my part for the Peoples Cube™ in guiding the Democratic Nation Committee™ to the Glorious World of Next Tuesday™!

Hail Obama!!!

Boris Sukavich Blokhayev, Zampolit
Commandant of the First Chief Direktorate for Political Smear Operations™
Grand Inquisitor for the First Reformed Church of Latter-Day Climatology (the Goremons)™

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I'm now starting to wonder what the AI rendition of Tractor Barn #2 will look like.

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Kapitan Kangaroo Kourt wrote:
5/19/2023, 12:35 pm
I'm now starting to wonder what the AI rendition of Tractor Barn #2 will look like.
STOP wondering.

TPC AI.jpg

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Comrade Colonel, pretty girls are no substitute for a reliable tractor and a reliable source of beet vodka. I know this through experience. Tractors and beet vodka are always there for the comrades. Pretty girls tend to be flighty, demanding and indecisive. Somewhat like The Party™.

I denounce myself for that taught thought crime.

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Kapitan Kangaroo Kourt wrote:
5/19/2023, 5:08 pm
Comrade Colonel, pretty girls are no substitute for a reliable tractor and a reliable source of beet vodka. I know this through experience. Tractors and beet vodka are always there for the comrades. Pretty girls tend to be flighty, demanding and indecisive. Somewhat like The Party™.

I denounce myself for that taught thought crime.
No need to denounce yourself, Comrade, she's not that pretty. Did you count her fingers?


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Comrade Colonel, I didn't denounce myself for my thoughts on the pretty girl but for my criticism of The Party™. After an evening in Tractor Barn #2, I'm used to seeing more fingers than I can count. It's usually more middle fingers than I can count but we all have our burdens to bear, or bare. Comrades should be more understanding.

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Colonel Obyezyana wrote:
5/19/2023, 5:46 pm
Kapitan Kangaroo Kourt wrote:
5/19/2023, 5:08 pm
Comrade Colonel, pretty girls are no substitute for a reliable tractor and a reliable source of beet vodka. I know this through experience. Tractors and beet vodka are always there for the comrades. Pretty girls tend to be flighty, demanding and indecisive. Somewhat like The Party™.

I denounce myself for that taught thought crime.
No need to denounce yourself, Comrade, she's not that pretty. Did you count her fingers?


The five fingered and a thumb comradette made ‘pelipsky dizzy. How would an AI Goya record Roseanne Boyland’s DC Police beating? Or an AI Paul Revere recording the Borland Massacre? How many fingers would be holding the police batons? We’ve lost the capacity to see violence through eyes of the artist in possession of humanity.

There’s just something not right in how artificial human intelligence has become.

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Nyet, Comrade 'pelipsky. What we've lost the capacity to see is the art of violence through the eyes of the police in possession of humans.

Also, I would like to point out that Comrade Colonel's AI artwork gives a whole new meaning to the phrase "Five finger discount". Art should always question accepted norms. At least, that's what I was taught in art school.

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Comrades, I must admit that the "A.I. painting" I posted is a parody that I created entirely in Photoshop. It's just another cheap jab at one of AI's common flaws—trouble rendering hands.

I have not ever used A.I. nor have I even toyed with it. I prefer to express my visions purely, untainted by the assistance of an alien, artificial mind. I don't disdain those who use A.I.—knock yourselves out—I'm only saying it's not for me.

As far as art schools go, I went to one of the world's best and it was packed with post-modernist (socialist) professors whose philosophy was that what is or isn't art is ambiguous, so anything can be art. That's the attitude that allows talentless people to pawn off garbage as art and witless critics to nod their heads in sycophantic adoration (lest they be shunned within their pseudo-intellectual circles).

Instead of questioning accepted norms, we ought to be questioning art school professors for perpetuating socialist views on art that allow lazy, talentless charlatans to profit from the ugly, meaningless, worthless trash that they pass off as art but that often requires a plaque with a convoluted explanation of what the "artist" is attempting to achieve.   

To me, art is like a good joke. If the joke is good, you laugh. If you don't laugh, the joke is bad. Imagine how ridiculous it would be if a stand-up comedian had to stop to dissect and explain a bad joke? A good joke doesn't require explanation or analysis and neither does a well-conceived, well-executed piece of art.

End of rant.

Excerpts from Goals of the 1963 American Communist Party:
 #22. Continue discrediting American culture by degrading all forms of artistic expression. An American Communist cell was told to "eliminate all good sculpture from parks and buildings, substitute shapeless, awkward and meaningless forms."
#23. Control art critics and directors of art museums. "Our plan is to promote ugliness, repulsive, meaningless art."  

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Colonel Obyezyana wrote:
5/20/2023, 7:23 am
As far as art schools go, I went to one of the world's best and it was packed with post-modernist (socialist) professors whose philosophy was that what is or isn't art is ambiguous, so anything can be art. That's the attitude that allows talentless people to pawn off garbage as art and witless critics to nod their heads in sycophantic adoration (lest they be shunned within their pseudo-intellectual circles).

Instead of questioning accepted norms, we ought to be questioning art school professors for perpetuating socialist views on art that allow lazy, talentless charlatans to profit from the ugly, meaningless, worthless trash that they pass off as art but that often requires a plaque with a convoluted explanation of what the "artist" is attempting to achieve.   

To me, art is like a good joke. If the joke is good, you laugh. If you don't laugh, the joke is bad. Imagine how ridiculous it would be if a stand-up comedian had to stop to dissect and explain a bad joke? A good joke doesn't require explanation or analysis and neither does a well-conceived, well-executed piece of art.
Comrade Colonel, it seems we went to the same art school. I certainly received a lot of criticism for making unambiguous, un-narcissistic actual art with a sense of humor. It seems the sense of humor was not appreciated. The professors professed taking art and themselves very seriously. They usually didn't know they were being mocked without the plaqued statement explaining they were being mocked.

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Speaking of five-finger discounts and extra middle fingers, here's a fine sample of AI agitprop generated by a math-challenged creature without oppossable thumbs.

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"...the sort of vitriolic exercise in paranoia that would ordinarily land its creator in therapy." - FOX NEWS

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Colonel Obyezyana wrote:
5/19/2023, 5:46 pm
Kapitan Kangaroo Kourt wrote:
5/19/2023, 5:08 pm
Comrade Colonel, pretty girls are no substitute for a reliable tractor and a reliable source of beet vodka. I know this through experience. Tractors and beet vodka are always there for the comrades. Pretty girls tend to be flighty, demanding and indecisive. Somewhat like The Party™.

I denounce myself for that taught thought crime.
No need to denounce yourself, Comrade, she's not that pretty. Did you count her fingers?
I figured she was from the Chernobyl region.  Wasn't that a Katy Perry song, "Chernobyl Gurls" ... ?

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Kapitan Kangaroo Kourt wrote:
5/20/2023, 11:09 am
Colonel Obyezyana wrote:
5/20/2023, 7:23 am
As far as art schools go, I went to one of the world's best and it was packed with post-modernist (socialist) professors whose philosophy was that what is or isn't art is ambiguous, so anything can be art. That's the attitude that allows talentless people to pawn off garbage as art and witless critics to nod their heads in sycophantic adoration (lest they be shunned within their pseudo-intellectual circles).

Instead of questioning accepted norms, we ought to be questioning art school professors for perpetuating socialist views on art that allow lazy, talentless charlatans to profit from the ugly, meaningless, worthless trash that they pass off as art but that often requires a plaque with a convoluted explanation of what the "artist" is attempting to achieve.   

To me, art is like a good joke. If the joke is good, you laugh. If you don't laugh, the joke is bad. Imagine how ridiculous it would be if a stand-up comedian had to stop to dissect and explain a bad joke? A good joke doesn't require explanation or analysis and neither does a well-conceived, well-executed piece of art.
Comrade Colonel, it seems we went to the same art school. I certainly received a lot of criticism for making unambiguous, un-narcissistic actual art with a sense of humor. It seems the sense of humor was not appreciated. The professors professed taking art and themselves very seriously. They usually didn't know they were being mocked without the plaqued statement explaining they were being mocked.

Communist video art using artificial humanity. ... s-you-next

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Artificial intelligence was asked to make a picture of Mother Teresa fighting against poverty.
