
Citing New WA State Anti-gun Legislation Biden Pushes for New Speech Legislation

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Washington D.C. -- Citing the new Washington State legislation making it a felony to manufacture or sell semiautomatic and magazine loaded weapons in Washington State the Biden administration has decided to apply the same principle to speech. Today in a talk on speech violence against the trans community the president reiterated that he believes in the 1st Amendment right to free speech but speech is not the same thing as being able to manufacture and sell it. A person may own their own speech on an individual basis and be responsible for their words. The means to be heard by others must be manufactured and those means must be sold and it is the sale of manufacture of those physical means that need to be illegal.

The Biden administration says the underlying legal precedent as applied to one constitutional right (as in the case of Washington State's ban on the manufacture and sale of semiautomatic and magazine loaded weapons) can obviously be applied to any and all constitutional rights.

Others question the constitutional legality of any such legislation saying that the "the right of the people to keep and bear Arms" and "the freedom of speech" necessarily imply ownership and to own in the legal sense means the right to make, possess and dispose of and as a matter of ownership the right of manufacture and of sale whether of Arms or personal speech is legally implied. They argue that there is no limiting factor to the underlying premise of the new Washington State law and the premise can and will undermine all constitutional rights. In turn this will destroy the very reason the government was formed in the first place.

Biden dismissed opponents of his new legislation as a tiny minority of anti-trans radical MAGA republicans. ... -auto-ban/

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"Transphobic troll" is the latest term of shame for those who refuse to play "let's pretend" with grown men who think they're women.  It alliterates nicely, and it gives you that delicious rush of self-righteous condemnation.  Add "your opinion is vile" with an appropriate sneer, and you'll be buzzing on your sense of progressive compassion.  You have shown the world that you have outcared the haters once again.

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Whaaat?? Biden cites a State legislature’s version of the US Constitution as evidence of Constitutional law?? I realize he finished at the top of his law school class, drove an 18 wheeler and thrashed Corn Pop, but he’s dumber than I imagined.