Image Frequent computer crashes happen because people press the W key too much. That key had been removed from all White House keyboards on my orders! Every time you press a W key, Bush knows what you're thinking... Also don't listen to static in your phone - you never know who may be playing with your brain. Some folks did that and wound up voting for W.

- Al Gore, People's Inventor

Yes to War on Global Warming Deniers!

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CHICAGO (AFP) – President-elect Barack Obama said Tuesday his administration would brook no further delay in tackling climate change after discussing global warming with former vice president Al Gore.

Sitting between Gore and his vice president-elect Joseph Biden following the hour-long meeting, Obama told reporters: "All three of us are in agreement that the time for delay is over. The time for denial is over.


"The dialogue is over!"
~ Al Gore


Comrade Gore and the StormTruthers are on the right track.

By liquidating the global warming heretics, the world will be rid of all carbon dioxide and methane emitting life forms. The air will be cleaner and Harry Reid won't have to smell some of the tourists that go through the Capital building.

Thanks, Comrade Gore!! Maybe you could design a methane collection system for the mass graves that will result from your prophetic vision of a Utopia that's in tune with Mother Earth. That would indeed help Amerikkka become free from foreigh energy sources!!

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Truly, Global (Funding)Warming has fallen off the radar or the Prols. If Al Gore gets lucky, the O'liness will anoint him the Commissar of the Department of the Climate. It will be a glorious day for our Progress.



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Premier Betty wrote:Eeewwww....
Hahahahaha. . .