
Another Bernie Field Organizer: I want Guillotines!

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A second Sanders 2020 Field Organizer was caught on video and he may be even more far out than the first.

Martin Weissgerber, South Carolina Field Organizer, Sanders Campaign:

“I'm already on Twitter, following numerous groups around the country that are ready to organize yellow vest protests. I'm ready…I'm ready to start tearing bricks up and start fighting…I'm not – No cap, bro. I'll straight up – I'll straight up get armed, I want to learn how to shoot, and go train. I'm ready for the f*cking revolution, bro…I'm telling you. Guillotine the rich.”

Weissgerber stated these most interesting talking points:

* “Leave it to the Soviets to Make the Most Badass F***ing, Most Effective Gun in the World…AK (47)…The Destroyer of Imperialism and Colonization…That's Why I Want to Get it (AK-47) Tattooed on Me.”

* “I'll Straight Up Get Armed, I Want to Learn How to Shoot, and Go Train. I'm Ready for the F***ing Revolution…I'm Telling You. Guillotine the Rich.”

* “Let's Force Them (Billionaires) to Build Roads…Rebuild Our Roads, Rebuild Our Dams, Rebuild Our Bridges. Let's Force Them…”

* “What Will Help is When We Send All the Republicans to the Re-Education Camps.”

* “So, do We Just Cease – do We Just Dissolve the Senate, House of Representatives, the Judicial Branch, and Have Something Bernie Sanders and a Cabinet of People, Make All Decisions for the Climate? I Mean, I'm Serious.”

* “The Soviet Union Was Not Horrible…I Mean, for Women's Rights the Soviet Union – I Think – the Most Progressive Place to Date in the World.”

* Weissgerber Reveals That His Father is a Belgian Marxist Who Participated in the May 1968 Civil Unrest in Paris, France.

* Weissgerber Says That His Mother is “Really Left as Well, but She Can't Make Her Views Known Because She Works for WBUR, which is NPR…”

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Most Equal Komrad Salazarinski,

Prog Off

I probably shouldn't admit this, but I have already faced foes bearing the much vaunted AK-47. (The foes had AK-47s, not me) They did not fair so well. Someone should tell Komrad Weissgerber. He might also note that the USSR discontinued use of the AK-47 in 1974 in favor of the AK-74. I know, it is so difficult to keep track of numbers.

His statement of desire to obtain a weapon and "train" makes him a little late to the game. There are already tens of millions of Counter Revolutionaries in the USSA that have chosen to arm themselves and master their weapons. Picking a fight with such a crowd indicates that Komrad Weissgerber may not be the sharpest sickle in the Tractor Barn. His revolution would be over before sunset.

Prog On

Enjoy your bloodbath Komrad Weissgerber. Let me know how it goes.

Waiting for the pink streaks in the Current Truth ™,

Red Salmon

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IIRC, getting someone drunk to spill the beans was one of the oldest tricks of the NKVD and KGB. And it usually resulted in either a prolonged stay at The Hilton Garden Suites a Gulag in Siberia or a shot to the back of the head or both. This stupid f*ck is lucky this is not the Soviet Union.

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'pelipsky heard it from a reliable member of the Bernie Campaign, that all this talk of Bernie's men being ready for boxcars and guillotines is just gossip that should be discussed.

Sanders camp mum on pro-gulag staffer, says Iowans 'don't care about political gossip'

Misty Rebik, the Iowa state director for the Sanders campaign, said
“The hundreds of thousands of Iowans we've talked to this caucus season don't care about political gossip; they care about making healthcare a human right, taking on climate change, making college affordable, and ending endless wars. That's our focus,” said Ms. Rebik in the tweet.

But then, 'pelipsky's thinking Misty sounds like a Bernie State Church Choir having to sing a bit louder because of the background noise of passing box cars.

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There's nothing wrong with the guillotine. It comes from the enlightened France, where from the very beginning it signified Liberty, Equality, and Brotherhood. What do you have against any of those beautiful ideals?

At some point in my life it occurred to me that you can have either liberty or equality, but you can't have them both at once because they are mutually exclusive.

Similarly, you can have either justice or equality. Equalizing everyone would be unjust to the more deserving, and administering justice makes people unequal.

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From our Cubical archives:



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...and when someone is empowered to enforce equality, you have __________.

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Red Square wrote: PROG OFF
At some point in my life it occurred to me that you can have either liberty or equality, but you can't have them both at once because they are mutually exclusive.

Similarly, you can have either justice or equality. Equalizing everyone would be unjust to the more deserving, and administering justice makes people unequal.


Don't let the loony left control your thinking!

Historically speaking, the "Equality" In Liberty, Equality, Brotherhood means equality before the law, like the Magna Carta. Like all royal systems, the French royal system had various perks and privileges for those lucky few that your average hard-working Frenchman didn't have. Different sets of laws and different legal privileges applied to the French royals. That was why the French Republicans put "Egalite'", because they wanted a single law for everybody.

That was the traditional, classical liberal meaning of "equality": equality of opportunity. The modern communist left has hijacked it, just like they have with many other traditional words and phrases, and replaced with with equality of outcome, which can only result in Soviet conditions at best, and medieval conditions at worst. I'm reminded both of Yuri Bezmenov and Sun Tzu, who both essentially said that if you let the enemy set the ground rules for the war, you have already lost.

Also, the original, true meaning of "Egalite" was hated by the early socialists in France, they would have inverted the royal structure and given who they deemed to be the lowest (hint: them) the most perks while leaving the business owners and hard workers in the gutter or guillotine. They, of course, didn't want "Liberte'" either, for reasons that are as obvious now as they were then. They only wanted "Fraternite'", and would have achieved it through mass killings and executions, just like Papa Stalin and Uncle Mao.

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Here is Part IV with yet another Sanders supporter.

Maybe Comrade Red Square will be able to enlighten us about how the gulags were a fun place to live.

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'pelipsky has survived 30 years living the glib reality of living in terror in the unfenced American Gulag as thought criminal in Sander's Field Organizer, Mason Baird's reasoned approach to the obvious necessity for gulags and the question is how they are run is a picked narrative of his entire childhood of experience, just has 'pelipsky seeing RED.
