
Drag Queen Show Broadcast as Ms Nevada Pageant

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Las Vegas, NV -- Viewers tuning in to the 2021 Ms Nevada beauty pageant last week were accidentally shown Madame OooLaLa's Drag Queen Review. The oversight wasn't noticed until days later.

KLAS-TV Program Director Bill Williamson apologized for the mix-up saying "I should have realized something wasn't right when none of them young ladies had pink hair or piercings. Oh no - am I allowed to call them young ladies anymore? I can't keep up, the accepted names is changing so quickly. Maybe I'd better just stop talking and have our PR folks issue the apology instead."

He later issued an apology for his apology but was fired anyway.

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And good riddance to him. Tsk, to refer to "YOUNG ladies," indeed, forsooth. Such ageism is unacceptable.

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RedDiaperette wrote:... Tsk, to refer to "YOUNG ladies," indeed, forsooth. Such ageism is unacceptable.
... and not just THAT, Komradette!

Isn't use of LINGUAL means already kulakish? and Gulag-worthy??
Isn't (Back To Nature!) grunts, groans, gnarls, and oinks just enough???

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Panem Et Circenses wrote:... Madame OooLaLa's Drag Queen Review ...
My dummkopf obviously not fully up to date, I had to sternly interrogate my zeks, pardon, my informareservoirs for "Madame OooLaLa". And there - oh là là! - pops up a certain Violet Chachki.

@RedD: Ketsele - "Chachki"?? did xzyzqp mean chochke? (vel tchotchke?)

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Panem Et Circenses wrote:... [ Breitbart-link(s) ] ...
Just à propos Valentina, Leyna and swimvyear :

No way not to be instantly catapulted into those old days, alack...

unforgettable :

(and - pingback! - see the full indoctrination-thread, which includes this)

        Mystery item No. 1

plus remark:

        Mystery item No. 2