
Bazinga! Transwym retransits, wins Mister Universum!

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Motto: Miss Nevada? Phew.. Progress Never Stops!

Quirkie - shy teenie, a burger flipper, oppressed by a ruthless kkkapitalist (whose "goodies" are made of "universal ducks"!):


One murky day, and out of a blue sky, Quirkie gets blitzed by epiphany, discovers THE aim of his existence, aaand.. goes trans-wym! :

Comrade! Get out your reproductive apparat!



Hectapounds of slap and.. and.. (you know the.. the thing) later,
Quirkie (Quirkia?) parades most splendorously shining:


In next to no time, Quirkia (or is it now Quirkayalaxia? Quirkaycalypsia? Quirkx?), pushed by proglosphere and zeitgeist climbs the ladder of victimized superiority.... Soon – talkshow after talkshow, cover after cover, contest after contest –, Quirkx Qrx becomes The Planetary Star № 1, sashays from GenSek UN to Tavarishch Pope to Rockefeller Scoundration, and overshadows Saint Greta.

Klimate, Ze Grait Rezet, Quirkix. The trifecta which masses must bow to.

At the peak of xyp transwym bonanza, Quirkx has an afflatus once again, and xyz Next Step appears before the windows to xyq soul. A thunderous voice blares: Listen, Quirx. Down there, wym kvetch that transwym – ex-myn, after all – compete with them in sports, and (what else?) beat 'em to a pulp. That's not a social construct, Quirko. It's real-life. You go, Quirkix, and you slash that transoppresion, crush that injustice, trash that inequity.

OK, so Qrx starts. Daily running, lifting, pedaling. Sweaty, shaky, huffy-puffy, does a Schwarzenegger ([squared]) [cubed] .

And before long, Qrx (inspirayshun!) feels ready...
like, for the Contestus Ultimus...
qxzyp struts proudly....

. . . . . aaand – we have the winner! Bazinga! Mr. Universe!! Mr. Universe!!! :


        Mystery item No. 1

The full competition - all 28 seconds! :


And next, a Nouvelle Vague, Neue Welle, New Wave?
Transgenderx start muscling as Transgenderx?

(whaddyathink: transmyn? transwym? transtransmyn?
....and so on and so forth, recursively)

        Mystery item No. 2

(context: Los Superhéroes y la filosofía)


To politruks at the Highest Exo-Kubicensorship Agency of Foggy Bottom's Investigative Apparatus (HEKAFoBIA).

TPC denies in strongest possible terms1, that the above story might be construed or conspired or considered as a hidden allegory of this meteoric trifecta: Scranton Congreeeeeeeeeeeeeeess P45.

1 pashol von, ty durak ty protivnyi!


        Mystery item No. 3

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I denounce the title "Mr." anything, as it assumes gender, and probably whiteness <spit>.

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"recursively"??? GD??

As you say Planet B is nowhere to be located, nor has it been made fully operational yet, but it doesn't inhibit others from taking us there, anyway.

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Ivan the Stakhanovets wrote:I denounce the title "Mr." anything, as it assumes gender, and probably whiteness <spit>.
Vollkorrekt, Komrade Ivan!

Of course they (uh, who exactly?) should have switched, aeons ago, to "Mx."
Also those "transwym" / "transmyn"... Thoughtless! Indolent! Lingoamateurs!

Plus instant autodenouncement: "Of course they.." (!!!)
"they"? "they"? I give you "they", you Dummkopf you!

Here korrekt: thrx! zemh! qgrpt! xtyfz! _ ( and now you, Komrades! )

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Genosse Dummkopf wrote:
Quirkie - shy teenie, a burger flipper, oppressed by a ruthless kkkapitalist (whose "goodies" are made of "universal ducks"!):


I hate to say it GD but I don't think Bruce Gilden holds a candle to the artwork produced au naturel most any weekend in Horry Co., SC. Enjoy the slide show.

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jackalopelipsky wrote:"recursively"??? GD?? ...
Da, Komrade 'pelipsky.

Like, wym transits myn, xyp now transmyn.
Like, transmyn wym, xzq now trans(trans)wym, i.e. trans2wym.
Like, trans2wym transmyn = trans(trans(trans)wym) myn = trans3myn.
Like, trans3myn trans2wym = trans(trans(trans)xzp) trans(trans)zyq = trans5gweps.
Like, transpxehp transqzgpt = (of course!) trans(p+q)ghughupt.

Simply (... (trans(trans(transtrans)))) recursion.

It's like in the kickshaw of Mystery 3, where (among other breakneckers) the 10100 – "ominous" googol – is kinda illustrated, and then (of course!) googol(googol) comes into play, and you already know what follows next.....


In the above we start with this (long since!) overcome white supremacist "concept" (and "duality") of wym/myn. That's like totally antiquated. The Revoolooshun already wiped them out.

And the next Revoolooshun? _ (surely already in the making!)
Why, very simple: the already shaky "concept" of "gender(s!)" extirpated.

No dicks, no cunts – pardon me, no "primary/secondary" "sexual characteristics".
No words/terms/notions assigned to those outdated "concepts". No nutin.
See no boobs, hear no boobs, speak no boobs. "boobs"? "grope"? whaddat?

Indeed, long ago Math weirdos obviously smelled that rat!
See all those concepts of transfinite:


You get it, comrades?
Transfinite. Trans finito. No Trans. .Out! Basta! Fuhgeddaboudit!

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Genosse Dummkopf wrote: NOTE

In the above we start with this (long since!) overcome white supremacist "concept" (and "duality") of wym/myn. That's like totally antiquated. The Revoolooshun already wiped them out.

I don't know about that GD. The "concept" must still exist because we just had a bunch of Texas dimocrat wym/myn high tail it to Washington because black wym/myn can't vote. I guess we need another Revoolooshun.


And the Fake News is COVERING IT UP by NOT REPORTING these wym/myn's struggles. I am appalled. Where are my smelling salts?! I think I shall faint.

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Clara Illbustyourballs Zetkin wrote:
Genosse Dummkopf wrote: NOTE

In the above we start with this (long since!) overcome white supremacist "concept" (and "duality") of wym/myn. That's like totally antiquated. The Revoolooshun already wiped them out.

I don't know about that GD. The "concept" must still exist because we just had a bunch of Texas dimocrat wym/myn high tail it to Washington because black wym/myn can't vote. I guess we need another Revoolooshun.


And the Fake News is COVERING IT UP by NOT REPORTING these wym/myn's struggles. I am appalled. Where are my smelling salts?! I think I shall faint.
Joyce Beatty among the Texian flee-ers? has Joyce Beatty now transidentified to Texas from the Ohio district (alas, mine) which she purportedly represents? Surely this is not merely a photo op but a sincere transrepresentation, yes?

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Clara Illbustyourballs Zetkin wrote:... the artwork produced au naturel most any weekend in Horry Co., SC. Enjoy the slide show.
Dear Komradette Clara, only now do I understand why the Myrtle Beach (see Mystery 2) Mugshot Archive is kept secret.

As known, they not only document the nature of the registered offenses (like e.g. TWOPC, twerking while on police car), butt also shots of the corpus delicti i.e. the essential tool of crime (in this case, clearly corpus delicati).

Q: (concerning TWOPC shots) Do they really call them mugshots?

(ugh, what a misplaced name for a you-know-what-shot)

BTW, the (ruthless) Faces of Bruce Gilden (and to a modest extent, also your Daily Horry Co. Horror Show ;-) appear to (partially) build on the work of Diane Arbus. She (*1923, late Greatest Generation) was among the first who - starting in mid 50s - portrayed "margins" of American society ("trans" people included). Those portraits: straight on, and palpable interest in / sympathy for the "subject(s)".

A generation later, Gilden's (*1946, early Baby Boomer) images are brutal and exploitative.

A good sneak peek at Arbus' work here (at the bottom of the page: blue button Показать ещё = See more)

Probably Diane A's best known (Identical twins Roselle NJ 1966) :
(yes - verifiably, it "emanated" into that work of Stanley K)

Another simpatico (Max Maxwell Landar, Uncle Sam, N.Y.C. 1961) :


(methinks, Mister-Landar-2016 would've been all for Orange Man)

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Genosse Dummkopf wrote:
jackalopelipsky wrote:"recursively"??? GD?? ...
Da, Komrade 'pelipsky.
It's like in the kickshaw of Mystery 3, where (among other breakneckers) the 10100 – "ominous" googol – is kinda illustrated, and then (of course!) googol(googol) comes into play, and you already know what follows next.....

The door to door vaccination police???

Oh, btw, GD that reminds 'pelipsky, that you asked big favor from the miscreants and hooligans over at the people's Karaoke Mill to take your Bavarian Idea and "DO" something with it. Not just any comrade actually gets his "idea" milled. Did you know that, GD?? Even amongst themselves unsolicited "ideas" amongst the Karaoke Brigade is best not talked about. Just like the subject of your "idea" that 'pelipsky fell for, like you were some kind of Bavarian FBI informant, and now it's 'pelipsky for the FBI Most Wanted trophy wall????


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Nice rack! (Antlers, not...oh my, look at the time! Got to fix a tractor or something...)

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jackalopelipsky wrote:... Oh, btw, GD that reminds 'pelipsky, that you asked big favor from the miscreants and hooligans over at the people's Karaoke Mill to take your Bavarian Idea and "DO" something with it. ...
... yay!

Big spasibo Komrade 'pelipsky for that μ-lopata hit on PAC, my Party Attention Center!
(my dummkopf forgot to 'Subscribe' to this - now gloriuosly completed - karaothread!)

[right](uh, what scatterharebrained kulaks they must be,
over there in that Bavarian Kubicle #314...)