
Background Checks Compassionate Way to Disarm Minorities

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Dear Comrades,

The Party has announced a new plan to bring peace and safety to minority neighborhoods by enforcing new background checks that will prevent even more minorities from owning firearms.

Statistics from the Department of Social Justice and elsewhere indicate that African Americans are more likely to be killed by other Africa Americans who possess weapons, and so the Party began implementing the Universal Disarmament and Pacification Plan in large part to protect minorities from eliminating themselves from the labor pool necessary to perpetuation the Workers' Paradise of the USSA.

The easiest way to disarm minorities is not through the direct seizure of weapons, which would seem discriminatory and underline their vulnerability as a Class, but rather to use the bureaucratic organs of the State to create non-confrontational means of preventing weapons ownership, a burden which many minorities cannot bear as statistics prove.

By disarming minorities, we make their reserved districts safer to administer and easier to provide necessary social services to. A disarmed minority community will naturally be more peaceful and better able to comply with helpful guidance from the State and its authorized Community Organizing Commissars.

The Party does not wish to discriminate against minorities by holding their high levels of felonious activities against them in their search for employment and their attempts to vote for Party officials who will continue to guarantee social services they require due to their natural inabilities to provide for themselves. Background checks and voter identification tactics are often used by reactionaries and Capitalists to oppress minorities.

However, in the case of weapons ownership, the Party must assist minorities in their own voluntary disarmament through increased levels of scrutiny of those attempting to purchase weapons or ammunition. For their survival, the State must increase mandatory restrictions and oversight to protect minorities from themselves.

Will you see such compassion from Imperialists and so-call ‘Constitutionalists'? Never! Only the Democratic Socialist Party cares enough to disarm minorities!

Comrades, agitate for the compassionate disarmament of minorities!
Comply with background checks and government examination!

Faithfully submitted to the Collective of the People's Cube,
Comrade Nomenklatura-climber
Dialectical Progressivism Translator

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I personally cannot wait to hear that this phase of Compassionate Disarming™ has been completed, so we can get on to the next phase - Compassionate Disarming of Womyn (DSW). As was recently proven and elaborated upon in Colorado, there is no reason for womyn to be armed when they're perfectly able to blow a whistle, vomit, pee, etc. Compassionately disarming them will be for their own good.

And then, Phase III...

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Comrades, the only proper method of self-defense is to call Joe Biden's wife and have her shoot off two blasts from her shotgun into her wall.

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Nomenklatura-climber wrote:Will you see such compassion from Imperialists and so-call ‘Constitutionalists'? Never! Only the Democratic Socialist Party cares enough to disarm minorities!
This is the kind of quality Progressive planning necessary to assure our the country's future safety. Remember, it won't be long till white reactionaries are themselves a minority! Ah, Ha!