
Facts suggest vets delayed own tests to make Obama look bad

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After the recent revelation of long wait times and delays in care at VA hospitals shocked the nation, congressional Democrats from both houses and independent journalists undertook their own investigation to determine the cause of the problem.

What they found was shocking: evidence of a coordinated conspiracy among numerous ill veterans to avoid seeking medical care and blame their subsequent problems on President Obama.

"It's racism pure and simple." said one congressional staffer who played a tape recording of a VA patient telling an undercover investigator "I'm supposed to go for a colonoscopy next week but I'm gonna skip it and blame it on Obama if I get sick."

"I know it sounds an awful lot like me," the staffer said of the tape, "but it is a VA patient. Trust me."

While on the surface, it seems incredible and even bizarre that anyone would go to such lengths to embarrass a politician they dislike, it is consistent with the pattern of racism that has emerged since the coronation of the country's first black president in January 2009.

Recently for example, Senator Jay Rockefeller (D-WV) revealed that while the Affordable Care Act aka ObamaCare has been wildly successful beyond anyone's dreams; it would be even more so if not for a concerted effort by racists who desire it to fail:

"I'll be able to dig up some emails that make part of the Affordable Care Act that doesn't look good - especially from people who made up their mind that they don't want it to work because they don't like the president. Maybe he's of the wrong color, something of that sort. I've seen a lot of that and I know a lot of that to be true. It's not something you're meant to talk about in public but it's something I'm talking about in public because that is very true."
"If they're writing emails, you know they're serious about sabotaging it, those are prima facie evidence," a well-paid intern on the senator's staff told us. "I mean, people don't take the trouble to email if they're just kidding around. That's what Twitter and Facebook are for."

"I can just see them racists sitting there and hitting RESET and ENTER over and over again on the website, and cursing President Obama each time they get a 404. They're vicious, I tell ya!"

Frighteningly enough, it appears these latest trumped-up scandals are part of an intense, multi-front racist effort to discredit the president. The opening shot was the revival of the stale two-year-old already-explained Benghazi fiasco last month.

Rep. James Clyburn (D-SC) put this "scandal" in its proper perspective for all reasonable people:

"I seem to remember our history. After reconstruction, when people of color gained political presence throughout the south, they drummed up all kinds of things, indictments and accusations, they drove these people out of the south. Some went to Chicago, some came here to Washington D.C. And I see the same kind of efforts to discredit this president and this administration."

Famous investigative journalist and perpetual victim of bad hairstyling Eleanor Clift recently once again debunked the Benghazi accusations against the president:

"I'd like to point out that Ambassador Stevens was not 'murdered'," she said, bending her fingers in the air to suggest the drawing of quote marks, "but died of smoke inhalation in a CIA safe room."

Another journalist put it more bluntly: "It's safe to say racists in the CIA murdered him to make Obama look bad."

Even more startling, however, is the realization that the efforts to make Barack Obama look bad did not start in 2009 or even in the 21st century, but actually began in the 1780s. Investigative blogger Ezra Klein explains the facts to readers of low intelligence:

Klein makes the argument that it is unfair to expect Obama to succeed when the presidency is designed to be ineffective. In Klein's view, instead of blaming Obama for being an absentee president, we should be scolding James Madison and Alexander Hamilton for crafting a Constitution that didn't provide a president with the ability to govern because of the checks and balances incorporated into the system.

"The racism in this country is sickening!" chanted all living MSNBC commentators in unison. "It's obvious the Tea Party was plotting against Barack Obama nearly two centuries before he was born. If that's not racism, what is?"

Experts are at a loss to explain why so many seemingly normal people are consumed by such hatred for President Obama.

"You take former President Bush," said one psychologist wearing a "Buck Fush" T-shirt. "On the surface, he seems like a nice guy, always smiling like a chimp. So you tell me why he started two unnecessary wars to ensure that 10 years later the VA hospitals would be overloaded and make America's first black president look bad! How do you explain that, huh?"

"I don't understand what drives people to irrational hatred, but I'm sure it has something to do with the Koch Brothers," mused Senator Harry Reid (D-NV).

"I don't know what the next phony scandal to arise around Barack Obama will be," said future House Majority Leader Nancy Pelosi, "but one thing I know for sure: racist hatred of the president will be behind it. It always is."

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OoTP, How can anyone argue with the obvious?

Clearly this whole disaster perpetuated by veterans (even the minority ones who have been "indoctrinated" to leave the plantation) is pure racism.

While I am a loyal party member, I have at the same time Comrades, a history. I was in the racist U.S. Army for many long years, and instead of paying for Obamacare, I get healthcare donated through the graces of the Citizenry and our beloved Government at (dare I say it) the VA.

I have yet to be contacted to execute this clever plan of racist avoidance of appointments, Is someone supposed to tell me when to skip appointments? Since I clearly cannot think for myself or earn a living in the corporate world someone must herd me into action...after all, I'm entitled.

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What's next, people planning their own deaths to make it look as if they were murdered by the president, like Vince Foster and Ron Brown of the Clinton Administration?

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What would you expect from veterans, anyway? Lets take a look at some facts here.

1. Veterans were once members of the armed services, which means they voluntarily joined organizations composed of hate-filled psychopaths whose sole purpose in life is to kill people and break things. And kill babies. (This, despite the fact that violence never solves anything. Just as the city fathers of Carthage.)

2. As veterans, they were most likely members of the armed services BEFORE the fundamental transformation that began under the Honorable William Jefferson Clinton and that continues now under Dear Leader Barack Hussein Obama. This means they have not benefited from the social consciousness and affirmative action programs now in place to assure that members of the armed services are first and foremost tolerant and affirming members of the LGBTQMICKEYMOUSE community.

3. Many of these veterans are from the Southeast, which as we all know is composed of nothing but bigots and homophobes.

4. Some of these veterans are tainted by participation in the war crimes of George W. Bush, who as a White male from Texas, has GOT to be a racist.

I think the evidence before the court is incontrovertible; there's no need for the jury to retire. In all my years of jumping to conclusions I have never seen before, someone more deserving of the full penalty of our self-righteous condemnation.

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God's not dead! He's on the non computerized waiting list to get on the computerized waiting list to be ignored by the VA. As BO (not the dog) says: "Allah Akbar!" and "Get out the Kools and lets go chooming." "Pass the pork rinds lite and the Crisco dip please." "I'm mad about this. That's why they call me Barak Insane Obama. Ooo! Ooo! Ooo!" "Those concussions ad up!" P.S… Over on the left hand side of this screen, is that my missing Blunt you have in your mouth, Che? BTW, the racism in this country towards Libs of very little brains is endless. Just last week I saw racism going in infinite loops in Indianapolis on TV for hours. Finally a bird crapped on my solar panels and relieved my suffering. I then tried to get it fixed, but the repair guy was a Vet and was sick. that slacker! Enuff of this, Off to golf. Or was that to goof off? Hash tag that, my dear. I stare into the sun with a laser like focus, and it stares back. Global warming. My brain starts to understand what Joe is thinking. Now that's almost as scary as a guy who voted present in the Ill inois legislature. Where was the president during Benghazi? I was out to lunch, campaigning, and mixing with the ladies of Vegas. But it's not as frightening as our non present President. If I submit no legislation or budget and blame everyone else for doing nothing, they'll have nothing on me. Dammit, its Bush's fault. Still. over to the right on this page, Joe gives me an idea. We will bury Russia by my taking it over once I'm done destroying America. Rich text poor text, where is equality of outcome? Help me comrades. Oh how i miss Aunt whoever she was. Auntie, where art thou. But I'll get her next time. Pay attention you student warmongers, or next time I'll leave out the punctuation and capital letters! Capital? Another outrage. They should all be Emperor of the White, no make that half-black--forget my white grandma--house letters. I hope the teleprompter isn't being taken on to Al Sharpton's mother ship. It will delete the spaces between words, and my ears. Where is Woodrow Wilson when you need him? I hate that crappy constitution.justdontblamemeionlysaidiwasborninkenyatogetfreeharvardscholarshiplikeagooddishonestcomrad.theyrecomingtotakemeawayhahanohillarygetbackaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!!!!!

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Tovarichi wrote:I have yet to be contacted to execute this clever plan of racist avoidance of appointments, Is someone supposed to tell me when to skip appointments? Since I clearly cannot think for myself or earn a living in the corporate world someone must herd me into action...after all, I'm entitled.
Thank you for the signal, Comrade. The Party will investigate you as the enemy's sleeping cell. Your stepping forward with the self-denunciation shall be grounds for some lenience...