
Dow Drops More than 600, EVERYTHING IS FINE! We Got MUSIC!

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Huzzah! I mean, OH SNAP! That's what the kids are saying today, right? They're saying "oh snap!", right? Anyways, a little musical number to remind us all why we voted for President Obama -- other than the awesome, awesome golf outings he takes us all on when Michelle is out shoe shopping or toning her arms.

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Sometimes you gotta take the bull by the horns...

and make it cry for its mommy.

Barry: 1
Bull: 0

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Comrade Obama Boned the economy, so he Owns the economy.

Raum Emmanual Goldstein
El Presidente wrote:


El Presidente:

It has come to my attention that you are posting threatening -- or at least embarassing with a tinge of violence -- photographs of Dear Leader under your very name.

You ahve left us no recourse but to contact the Secret Service and denounce you.

Pack warm cloths and prepare for the midnight knock on the door.

I would say it has been nice knowing you, but we will all have to disavow any previous knowledge of you before the authorities.