
Medal for Courageous Restraint

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General McChrystal seems to sending a hidden message to the people's cube. He is asking for the talented people's artists to begin designing this medal.

The use of this medal is sheer genius on the part politically minded Flag level officers, to save the careers, and to systematically undermine the USofKKK's military. Every soldier will compete heartily for the adulation this prestigious award will bring. Promotions may hinder on this very medal, the idea of showing "courageous," a euphemism in this case for cowardice if there ever was one, restraint being highly desirable to a military leader in our current political climate. Not being awarded this medal will be tantamount to being a baby killer.


When I first heard about this on the radio, the first caller asked "how many of these will be awarded posthumously?" Very well stated.

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It is better to run, than to kill ™ Thank Obama for his courageous restraints on our military. If he cuts there pay some more, than they will have to come home and find good jobs at McDonalds Whole Food Market and stop getting paid to kill little children.

coward med.gif

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Perhaps The Messiah's Military ™ could begin a contest with penalties rewards/prizes.


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NATO has done it again! THREE CHEERS!


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...and we have our first NATO Blue Beret winner!


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Comrade Putout wrote:...and we have our first NATO Blue Beret winner!

Another Award!

I can now proudly be compost for the beet fields!

Now if I can only get a Nobel Peace Prize.

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Oh, my, Chedoh, the little blue beret is most attractive... and you don't look like a chicken *** at all.
Not to worry, the beet fields ... well, let's just say, there's still plenty of room.

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Comrade Chedoh - Why do you need a second Nobel Peace Prize? (Don't be greedy!)

Chedoh Awarded 2010 Nobel Peace Prize in Artistic Photoshop



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Comrade Putout wrote:Comrade Chedoh - Why do you need a second Nobel Peace Prize? (Don't be greedy!)

Chedoh Awarded 2010 Nobel Peace Prize in Artistic Photoshop

Perhaps you are right... It must be that small amount of Capitalism in me. I will just lay down and put my head on the ground to allow the nearest comrade to beat it out of me.

How do I add a picture of the peace prize in my signature?

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A much more fitting design, n'est-ce pas?


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I already know what the fruit salad will look like:

A little white ribbon with a bullet hole in the middle.

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Maybe this to be good medal for restraint.

restraint medal.jpg

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Laika the Space Dog wrote:I already know what the fruit salad will look like:

A little white ribbon with a bullet hole in the middle.

I've already assumed the fruit salad would be white with a small bulls eye on it. This design must be before it sees action.

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I've also heard that NATO suggest that Israel's Willie Pete is to be replaced with whipped cream.

"Courageous Restraint" Medal is just another proof of a degree that liberal insanity can reach. Fight a war without firing a shot... If an enemy fires at you and drops his weapon, you are not to fire back, because now he is an unarmed civilian. If an enemy rockets your compound, you are not to retaliate, because it will undermine the war effort. Our goal is to protect civilian casualties AT ALL costs, even if it means losing half of our guys. It's amazing to see what the art of military warfare has evolved to: "Sacrifice your own to protect the enemy"

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Vitaly, that remark not very Progressive of you.

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Vitaly Sherbina wrote:"Sacrifice your own to protect the enemy"

That is so progressively Progressive. It brings a tear to eye... just think of all the enemies combatants lives we can save!