
Chief Justice Roberts to Receive Prestigious Award

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It's rare when a single individual has an opportunity to, with a single action, affect the course of a nation and probably the entire world for decades to come, but this very year - 2012 - such a man was found in Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts Jr.

Faced with a decision that would have cowed a lesser man, Comrade Roberts chose the proper - the progressive - action, and deemed Obamacare to be legal, as long as those who don't follow its rules are taxed.

Comrades, words fail me as I type this - and as I wipe a tear from my eye. The courage, the bravery of this man, to stand in the face of American tradition and so-called freedom and grant the government such a sweeping penumbra of untold (as yet) powers was unimaginable prior to Comrade Roberts' bold stance.

And now, WND has honored Comrade Justice Roberts with its first ever Benedict Arnold Award - commemorating that brave general of the American Revolution who also chose to stand with what was Right Left and Good, in spite of what those around him might think.

Let us all bow our heads in the direction of Washington DC (and Dear Leader President B. Hussein Obama, without whose leadership Comrade Roberts' actions would not have been possible) and send good vibrations toward Justice John Roberts - a man of courage, distinction, and honor!

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Chief Justice "Judas Iscariot" Roberts hath kissed the constitution's cheek and collected his thirty pieces of "popular acceptance" silver.

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ThePeoplesComrade wrote:Chief Justice "Judas Iscariot" Roberts hath kissed the constitution's cheek and collected his thirty pieces of "popular acceptance" silver.
Or we mentioned to him that we know where his daughter plays soccer. Our means may be crude but they're very effective.

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I suspect that Dear Jello Brain is likely correct - but then, I reflect back to those days of the War for Independence and the men who offered their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor. Many of them lost everything, including their families and their lives.

As I've said before, we no longer have the caliber of people it takes to maintain a Constitutional Republic.

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I can think of no one more deserving! Without his judgment, we would not be burdeoned... would not have our beloved obamacare. I hope he is the first of millions to find the delight of socialized medicine and long wait for doctoral appointment.

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Not every humanoid drone can wear the millstone around one's neck as elegantly as John "Judas" Roberts. May he feel this weight for all eternity as a reminder of the burden his ill-thought decision has wrought upon the country for generations to come.

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Give Justice Roberts a break!

After all, he was seduced by the "wise Latina" Sonya AND the "irresistible" Elena Kagan! He's just a guy, after all. Isn't this how they all roll? I mean Comrades, is this really an issue?

I cannot find the words that describe my absolute hatred of this guy, Roberts. A traitor to be sure, and a wimp for certain. I wonder what Bush thinks about his appointment now.

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Pamalinsky wrote:I wonder what Bush thinks about his appointment now.

Another fine reason to Blame Bush™.