
Kerry: UN first, US later

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Secretary of State John Kerry defended the Obama administration's decision to take the Iran deal to the United Nations before the U.S. Congress votes on it. Kerry made the remarks in an interview this morning on ABC News:

The ABC reporter, Jon Karl, asked, "But the bottom line, the UN is going to vote on this before Congress gets to vote on this?"

"Well, they have a right to do that, honestly. It is presumptuous of some people to say that France, Russia, China, Germany, Britain ought to do what the Congress tells them to do," said Kerry. "They have a right to have a vote. But we prevailed on them to delay the implementation of that vote out of respect of our Congress."
But a debate over exactly what Kerry said this morning still rages among journalists, news departments and government officials. Many insiders believe the video has been edited and that the actual remark was:

"Well, they have a right to do that, honestly. It is presumptuous of some people to say that the Congress ought to do what France, Russia, China, Germany, Britain tells them to do," said Kerry. "They have a right to have a vote. But we prevailed on them to delay the implementation of that vote out of respect for France, Russia, China, Germany, and Britain."
Others ignored the issue altogether, preferring to get drunk and spend the day in bed.

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Of course John Kerry is korrekt. We are no longer citizens of the United States. National loyalty is so parochial, so last week. We are citizens of the world and we only owe allegiance to Obama and the UN - in that order. As for Congress, it belongs under Obama's boot, and only serves to do what Obama and the UN tell it to do. A simple koncept that John Kerry is explaining. The sooner everyone understands, the better off we'll all be.

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My favorite Kerry quote: I don't know nuthin' bout no anytime anywhere nuclear inspections."