
Obama Rejects Mozilla's Demands for Him to Resign

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Flexing its new-found political muscle in ousting its co-founder Brendan Eich for having been "anti-gay-marriage," Mozilla has upped the ante by demanding that President Obama resign for having raised funds in 2008 and 2010 for candidates known to oppose gay marriage and for having said in his own campaign in 2008 that "marriage is only between a man and a woman."


But President Obama rejects such criticism by responding immediately in an address to the nation from the Oval Office, during which he said:

I am NOT a Gay-Basher! I reject Mozilla's demand for me to resign for having helped raise funds in 2008 & 2010 for anti-gay-marriage candidates and having said "Marriage is only between a man and a woman" beause everyone knew I was lying and I wasn't under oath; furthermore, Bill Clinton proved that even lying under oath doesn't warrant resignation or impeachment of a progressive.


Hopefully soon, we will hear comrade Reggie Love's rebuttal!

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Well I hate to say this, but Mozilla is right. Comrade Obama needs to resign effective immediately and let Comrade Joe steer the ship. It's a done deal Since it is a fact Dear Leader was telling the truth (he cannot tell a lie), he must resign. It's all by design now. Comrade Joe gets his 15 minutes and Comrade Hillary takes the reigns in '16. I can't believe I have said this, but it is the only fair and equal thing to do.

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HE didn't say "Period" so it doesn't count.

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Good point Comrade Captain . . . it's a lot like a mulligan for Dear Leader on the links.