
Obamugabe & The White African

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I would like to denounce this film!! It shows comrade Obamugabe as a vicious killer, which we all know he is not. I for one would like to thank Comrade Obamugabe for exterminating these white racists. I just keep wondering when Obama is going to realize that Obamugabe shining example is what's needed here! Thank you again Obamugabe for killing whitey!

The Story,

Michael Campbell is one of the few hundred white farmers left in Zimbabwe since President Robert Mugabe began his violent land seizure program in 2000. Since then the country has descended into chaos, the economy brought to its knees by the reallocation of formerly white-owned farms to ZANU-PF friends and officials with no knowledge, experience or interest in farming. Mike, like hundreds of white farmers before him, has suffered years of multiple land invasions and violence at his farm.

In 2008, Mike, 75 years old and a grandfather - unable to call upon the protection of any Zimbabwean authorities and unable to even rely on the support of his fellow white farmers, all facing the same brutal intimidation - took the unprecedented step of challenging Robert Mugabe before the SADC (South African Development Community) international court, charging him and his government with racial discrimination and of violations of Human Rights.

This film is an intimate account of one family's astonishing bravery in the face of brutality, in a fight to protect their property, their livelihood and their country. The outcome of the court case potentially determining not just the future that lies ahead for Mike and his family, but the future of millions of ordinary Zimbabweans who continue to suffer at the hands of a dictator who, in setting his own countrymen against each other, has demonstrated that he cares only for power.

On the brink of losing everything, Mike and his family (wife Angela, daughter Laura who runs her own linen business, and her husband Ben Freeth) stand united by their courage, their faith and their hope. Mike knows the personal risk to himself and his family that this case brings. Whatever the verdict by the court, this audacious and unprecedented stand may yet cost them their lives.

This is the only documentary feature film to have come out of Zimbabwe in recent years, where a total press ban still exists. Much of the footage was shot covertly. To have been caught filming would have lead to imprisonment. Mugabe and the White African is perhaps the outside world's only real glimpse of what it is like to live inside Mugabe's Zimbabwe.

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We must do all that we can to save Robert Mugabe. No matter what he did, he is innocent. If he is convicted, regardless of his larcenous theft, regardless of changing the government every year and every minister steals everything that he can before being replaced, then it will set a horrible precedent. His O'liness might be held accountable, as might Nanski. Heaven forfend that Andy Stern might be accountable.

What would be next? Hugo Chavez? Castro?

My vision is dark as I consider the awfulness of personal accountability.

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{off character}

Tourists used to visit Rhodesia to see the ruins of Zimbabwe. Now they visit Zimbabwe to see the ruins of Rhodesia.

{character on}

Those damn white farmers used to exploit the negro population by employing them at a fair wage and by growing such an abundance of food that it not only fed the population but allowed for export to neighboring countries. Thankfully Communism put and end to such abuses.

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Also we cannot let Mugabe fail. If Zimbabwe were economically self-sufficient again, then what would happen to the people who smuggle goods in from South Africa? They would be out of business!

And what about the police goons? What would we do without police goons? Zimbabwe can export them, just like Cuba. In fact, we need some in Massachusettes now to ensure that Croakley wins over that evil Scott Brown.

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Comrade Bass

Please refer to my comments on morality on the Voodoo economics thread.

Zimbabwe has suffered under British Imperialism. We were exploited, by both the British and the South African Apartheid regime. But we prevailed, gained our freedom, and we now have a true People's Utopia.

Communism is so much better than Apartheid and Colonialism: It is much better for people to be oppressed and murdered by black people like themselves than to be oppressed by white racists. Even if they had food and work under the white racists.

The reason for this: It is a basic tenet of Progressivism that Black People cannot commit human rights abuses. Only whites can do that.

War is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength!

One Settler One Bullet!


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I quite agree. Black people do not have the power to be racists, or murderers or thieves. Oppressed people do not. It follows that the Khmer Rouge was the fault of the White Man.