
Opposition Occupation

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Image In order to advance our cause, some tools are essential. As our rezident cyberneticist, Father Prog Theocritus, so rightly noted in another thread, "…my perfect progs, although dependable, had not hope whatsoever of the Next Big Thing in Totalitarianism."

In short, our Occupoopers are ignorant. This is by design. We can't afford for them to get smart. (Not that they have the capacity to become smart in any event.) They are incapable of recognizing that the philosophy they espouse, when they somehow muster up the ability to put two sentences together in a sufficiently coherent manner as to provide some meaning recognizable to a standard non-drugged human, is precisely that which is destructive to acquisition of the very stuff they so covet from "the man", to use '60s vernacular so appropriate in reference to them.

But the Occupoopers, indeed all the sheeple, have no need for competence that allows them to recognize "the Next Big Thing in Totalitarianism".

That's our job.
The sheeples' inherent inability to plan or voice any desires other than what we program into them through our media puppets and indoctrination institutions is unimportant to us. Indeed, we seek the same end-goal which is evidenced in Occupussy programming. But we recognize that in our case, the destruction of the very system that has produced affordable housing, cheap energy, indoor plumbing, and low-cost tech gizmos in seemingly endless varieties and abundance will have very little effect on our lives. Ultimately our transportation will be slower, but workers will always be available to shovel the horse poop. Since our dachas, clothing, and meals are custom-made and paid for with Other People's Money (or simply money that we print and back up with Our Good Word), we need not fear the increase in their costs or their scarcity to non-Made Progs, since we will always sponsor and benefit society's artisans as we are benefited by them. Their labor is cheap; an extra beet or two a week is sufficient to make them feel more important than the common prole. It is well-known how perceived importance is essential to the delicate psyches of the artsy class. We will keep the artists and artisans as pets to make them feel even more special, with the practical purpose of entertaining us and providing for our whims. Proles will chop our wood, provide us with animal fat for our lamps, and grow crops and tend our herds, so we will always have heat, light, and food. And the proles will clean our messes and get us water, so plumbing is not a necessity. As for tech toys – who needs them, when you control an entire population? Real-time human entertainment will suffice for us. I see a rebirth of the great Roman gladiatorial games, which will not only entertain us but may be used to dispatch undesirables.

And so the destruction of any opposing voice, such as Evil Christians or Joos or Tearrorist Teabaggers or KKKapitalists or RethugliKKKans, must continue apace. We have indoctrinated our sheeple to hate them almost as much as we, the elite, hate them. The day is coming, to precede The Glorious World Of Next Tuesday™, when we will not only malign and marginalize them, but send our sheeple out to eliminate them. It is easy to do. It is no more difficult or conscience-provoking (conscience is an imaginary concept we merely use for prole control in any case) for our useful idiots than an Occupooper bodily function - and similarly, it could take place anywhere, at any time. We have done it in every society the world has known, as we collapsed their societies. Their weak, self-righteous societies. We have replaced them with the only true righteousness, the righteousness that changes as the wind and is foundationless as the waves – our whims.

The failure of the aforementioned opposers is not an option. It is the solution. We have done everything humanly possible, up to and including elimination, to ensure their failure, and so when we have finished our busy days of devising newer, more complex, more torturous regulations, more confiscatory and odious taxes, rules, and penalties for non-compliance, we lay our heads on our pillows with confident assurance and can sleep with only whatever demons we choose to allow into our dreams. If, however, the opposition, as disparate groups or en masse, were ever to realize the power which they would have if they employed Occupussy tactics on us, we would have reason to fear them. Imagine if they were to overrun and occupy the halls and offices of the Bureaucracies, Congress, or even (shudder) the White Crib! We would be stymied. We would be unable to do the Work of the People™. Why if they were to engage in such behavior they might even drive us out, as surely as our Occupoopers are driving Evil KKKapitalist businesses out of their Occupied Zones, and from there they might abolish the offices of our power and the positions of our beloved Outer Party bureaucrats, and even install their own members as elected officials in the Congress! They might even insist that we be subjected to the very regulations and edicts that we impose on them! They might set term limits and change the Judiciary! Then what would our Glorious Prog Network we have so carefully cultivated throughout the USSA Cities of Power, like DC, New York, San Francisco, etc., be able to do to co-opt them? You cannot co-opt people of principle, just as their side could never co-opt us. Our principle is power, and we will not be restrained from exercising it.

But our opposition will never engage in such behavior. They espouse law and order, and eschew chaos and anarchy. They would never employ our tactics to kick us out. They are weak and spineless, and unwilling to impose their will on us. That is why they will be defeated. They defeat themselves through sheer ineptitude and "caring", their desire to listen to our side and not be judgmental, as we have taught them. Our efforts merely hasten the demise their soft hearts and soft heads ensure and entertain us in the process.

We, in contrast, are for neither law nor order – unless we make laws to burden our opponents. To crush their ability to produce and invent. To make sure their labor will not benefit them, their families, their communities; but only benefit us. To ensure anyone who opposes us and tries to be a success will be beaten down with extreme prejudice. For everyone else must acknowledge that we, the ruling elite, are the only ones who may be permitted to succeed. Only we may acquire; only we may live in luxury, contentment, and peace. All others must live in a perpetual State of strife, stupefaction, and squalor, lest they see what we have done to them and again rise up to oppose us.

The US of KKK was the last, best hope in this world for the common man to succeed or fail based on his ability and hard work. That is why the people groups of the world fled the worlds we made in other countries for the abundant lives they had an opportunity to make for themselves on these shores. But we are well on the way to instituting the USSA, Ameritopia, the Progressive World Of Next Tuesday™. We have of necessity and with gibbering glee imposed burdensome, stultifying, commerce-killing regulations and rules on anyone hoping to do business, so as to level the playing field by only allowing those we approve of to play and hence retard the economic progress of everyone else, making a weaker business environment for all, as is our wont. We have replaced equality of opportunity with equality of outcome, and opportunities for success with hatred of the successful. We have replaced justice for all with Social Justice that benefits us and when in full fetid flower forces everyone else to the world's lowest common denominator, scratching in the dirt for roots. We have redistributed wealth to make everyone except us, the redistributors, poor. We have done all this and more and have indoctrinated the proles so they know that it's all for the good of The People™.

We have brought our brilliant Socialist Vision to these shores, and have been working diligently to institute it since the horror of the “Founders” was realized and a way of life that embraced individualism, opportunity for the common prole, and success, that was very much unique to the world, was demonstrated to - WORK. We couldn't abide that. We Will Not Rest™ in our efforts to stop it. So we have Korrekted it. We first tried to bring down the US of KKK using external pressure, but we have succeeded with internal agents. Decades of unending labors insinuating ourselves in their society have yielded our fragrant Socialist fruits of strife, entitlement, and despair. We have indoctrinated the masses to believe KNOW that the whole disgusting US of KKK experiment that encouraged and rewarded individuality, opportunity, and success was an abysmal failure, and willingly throw their nation in the garbage heap of history. We have engendered the hive-mind and demolished individuality. We have converted human beings into insects, into units, and have twisted reality to suit us in the World We Make. We are the definers of reality. We are the makers of destiny. We are the gods of this age.

This is as it should be. As it must be. For if the proles ever realize that they don't need us, that they're worse off when we stand in their way with our boots on their necks and impose our regulations, our taxes, our edicts, our wills on them, our very way of life is doomed as surely as the life of one of our great tools, Osama bin Laden, who was righteously ordered slaughtered by Dear 0'Leader – For The People™ and The Children™. Because when we perceive that it serves us, we kill and eat our own.

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I'm bookmarking this essay, dэaя Commissaя.

It is more than an essay, it should be our new Maиif

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" we kill and eat our own."

More times then not though, we eat our wounded. Why wait for death ...........

We of the progressive mind are true carnivores. Much like sharks or piranha or even Janeane Garofalo.

It's heart warming to see Occupy carrying on the legendary drunken wife beater Karl Marx's message of hate and robbery against the 1%. Marx was so much better at it than was the dolt Adolf against the Jews.
After we rob the rich blind we can carry on the madness that defines us all and brings us closer together so we can see which of us wins the mutual choking contest. The prole with the strongest hands wins!

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Krasnodar wrote:" we kill and eat our own."

More times then not though, we eat our wounded. Why wait for death ...........

We of the progressive mind are true carnivores. Much like sharks or piranha or even Janeane Garofalo.
Krasno, so true, tovarich. It is often more fun to watch them squirm in agony from up close as we sink our teeth into their succulent tender flesh. J. Gawdawfulho is well-acquainted with the nature of the feast.

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Jíbaro wrote:I'm bookmarking this essay, dэaя Commissaя.

It is more than an essay, it should be our new Maиif
Good Jibaro, I would say I am humbled, but the True-Believing Prog in me knows I am entitled.

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Komrad Phobianov wrote:After we rob the rich blind we can carry on the madness that defines us all and brings us closer together so we can see which of us wins the mutual choking contest. The prole with the strongest hands wins!
KP, I'm squeezing the foam out of my stress-reducing Dilbert even as I write!