
Read it here first: "D.U.M."

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Comrade Fine,
Both political potties have agreed to join this movement, first we have the DUMbicretins and ReDUMicretins.

There is more in common than first meets the eye.

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The complex itself has a loftier goal:

[indentr]To make SUCKERS out of average Americans. [/indentr]
However, the last time that was tried, people began making jokes in the Old Rodina.

I think Americans are going to learn the hard way how to interpret Newspeak...[/i][/b]

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Proof that being raised by a single parent whore of a mother, tutored by atheists, Islamists, and communists-

Doesn't necessarily mean the kid might turn out to be the Anti-Christ or something.


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Komrade Scratchanitch:

Apparently it DOES.