
Leave it to Chuckles

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This series of headlines made me chuckle:


You damn commies are going to kill me. I'm on the floor laughing! The worse your gang of gangsters screw everything up the more you pretend everything is getting better and better. I can't wait to see how things are come November.

I think I'm going to start calling Obama something more fitting. He's a complete clown so I think he deserves a clown name - something like Chuckles. Good old Chuckles. Leave it to Chuckles. Everything the guy does is a cruel joke. If the guy has ever been straight with the American public it's been by accident.

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Purges must start somewhere, Comrade Halliburton. Sacrifices must be made. But don't worry, the glorious Progressive World of Next Tuesday is right around the corner and then we'll all have the jobs we are all entitled to, just like the old days when this song was famous:

"Jump down, turn around,
Pick a bail of cotton,
I'm gonna jump down, turn around,
Pick a bail a day.

Pick a bail a cotton,
Pick a bail a day."

So there! Hmmmf!

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As some Obama Czar said (don't ask me who, they all look alike to me) "Someone is going to have to give up his job so that others can have a chance." This is what we're seeing right now. Affirmative Action in dis-hiring those winner's of life's lottery so that less equally qualified (yet more equally deserving) individuals can have jobs.

But rich fat cat employers are deliberately refusing to hire workers just to make Obama look bad. Obama needs to send troops into every factory and force all employers (at gunpoint) to hire more people. And while they're there, force the employers to give everyone a raise. And then to fight inflation Obama must print more money and freeze prices. And to pay down the national debt that Bush created, raise income taxes and impose a Value Added Tax. To make Social Security solvent again, Obama should confiscate all IRA's and 401K plans. The solution is obvious to anyone with half a brain (like me).

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Oh, no. I don't think we need a lot more hiring. We're having a "jobless recovery", as Obama has clearly told us (and we are to "believe"). Too many people with too many jobs just clog up the system. Obama will provide. All he need do is keep stealing taking from the uber rich and giving to me us. If that fails, he can always print mo'money.