
Lemonade Stand Tax Cheat Working Against Obama

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Fellow Comrades, Party Elites and common proles:

Be of good cheer. Know that our fearless Leader is always at work. Why, just the other day, he squashed another evil, greedy capitalist in the making. This capitalist thumbed her nose at our benevolent, caring government by refusing to pay her rightfully owned taxes (in this particular case, referred to as "a license"). Arrogantly, she opened her business to spite government rules & regulations. And when she was confronted with her crime by a glorious government official, her response was to cry, whine and run to media outlets and complain because she didn't want to pay her $500 fine (tax) or pay her $150 licensing fee (tax)!

Now, for the sad part of this tale - due to pressure from Faux News and the constantly complaining of this greedy capitalist (no doubt),government relented and let her open the business, therefore STEALING monies owned government! It is any wonder, the economy is still doing so poorly? Dearest Leader is doing all he can to keep money coming into government so he can pay off Unions redistribute money to those in need and dead beats like her, keep beating the system and not paying their FAIR SHARE.

Lemonade Stand_.jpg
I would encourage you to contract all local authorities and demand they not succumb to outside pressure, but continue to do what government
should do -GET THAT MONEY.

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Bah, I saw that insolent pup with her sassy bourgeois attitude this morning, while spying Fox and Friends.

She should be sent to the local HEADSTART for political rehabilitation.

How do those attitudes rise so early? Isn't the NEA in charge of every child in Amэяika? She must have been schooled at home. The parents must pay for this.

In the mean time, I must go back to digging another trench in the Gulag. My last denouncement has cost me a year's wages
(why do they charge me $3,500 kopecks?).

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You are so right to bring this to our attention. I remember well my own lemonade stand in my youth but I only charged 5 cents for a glass of lemonade (I was following the example set by Comrade Lucy in the Peanuts Collective.) Now this young girl seems intent on creating a "Starbucks" version of a lemonade stand. Before you know it, she'll be charging $5 per glass. We must stop her before she inspires others.

--Thought-Crime Warden

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Teaching children that if you work to produce a product and expect to make a profit from it is nothing less than child abuse. Refusing to let the government collect its fair share in the form of fees and taxes is criminal.

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She is not to be of the korrekt color and so that is making for her to be a Rethuglikkkan!! How dare she to be trying for the shoving of capitalism down our throats with her sweet drink on such the hot day. Such evil tricksters are these Rethuglikkans. No matter what the age, they are always of the same kind.

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This devil spawn will never cheat the government again.
All I need is the word from the inner circle....



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Comrade Jibaro, you hit the nail on the gulag. NEA is obviously falling down on the job, to let this young future capitalist fall through the cracks of Social Change and Justice. We need an investigation and a new government department to do so. (as for your vacation in the People's Gulag, relax and enjoy. It is full of delights and treasures to be learned. cough cough)

Thought Warden, indeed a good observation on your part. She must be stopped before more undisciplined yewth pop up with the same agenda!

Comrade Ivan, profit is the downfall of the collective, is it not. This is NOT the "change" Obama envisioned in our nightmares.

Dear Mrs. Al, again, of such correctness. All the neighborly children should be gathered up and sent to Kinder Jiffy-Lobo ™ before evil thoughts take root.

Gulag4A, maybe fearless Leader will offer you a job in the IRS!! (I do hear there are some job openings - a few thousands, so hurry!

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Kommie-rads. Relax. Dont panic. There will always be freedom loving capitalists that slip through the grasp of the KolleKtive mindset. These are the same people's that believe the moon landing was real and Bigfoot is a hoax. They are "Hope"-less.

But, thanks to all of our efforts I will take it upon myself to remind you that our re-educational efforts have worked glorious wonders on the minds of MILLIONS of public school kids across the nation. For every one child that works for their own selfish greedy desires there are millions of children who have accepted the chains of slavery glories of compassion and work diligently to serve the ruling class.

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"mmm, mmm, mmmm Barack Hussein Obama." and thank you for lifting our sagging spirits, El Presidente.

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Great work, Comrades! We must prevent as many Capitalists as possible! We cannot allow people to be free to do as they wish!!! I hear that the IRS was proud that this young tax evader was corrected accordingly. For the reason that not paying taxes is not contributing to the collective.

"I understand the reason behind what they're doing and it's a neighborhood event, and they're trying to generate revenue," said Jon Kawaguchi, environmental health supervisor for the Multnomah County Health Department. "But we still need to put the public's health first."

Really? Collectivism never works and history shows this reality. This is why the United States is failing due to collectivism. Collectivist philosophies are a totalitarian format for regimenting human existence in the name of the "common good" or "public health." It subjects every aspect of life to the wishes and crazes of an abstract group. The political, social, and economic aspects of collectivism are derivatives of a philosophy whose ultimate cannot resemble individualism. Collectivists base their view of life on materialism, emotion, irrationality, and abstraction. Collectivists think of individuals as creatures whose destiny is determined solely by their material well-being. Where property rights is limited, or abolished completely, that the concept of ownership becomes a myth and a deception, as it is under collectivism, there ceases to be the kind of personal responsibility necessary, which must be one of owning, of giving, and of sharing, with substantial opportunity for voluntary and mutual conduct.

The goals of collectivism are the complete subversion of mankind to a totalitarian system which would deny both inner and outer liberty and justice. Collectivism is a parallel of feudalism. There is no great diversity between any principles of collectivism and collectivism in action. That is why many people go wrong in judging collectivism, because they, not knowing its beliefs, do not understand the present day actions throughout the United States and the world. Collectivism educates and applies that the individual is not only the servant of, but also the slave of, the State and the welfare of an abstract group. He or she exists for the State. His or her personal happiness is of no consideration at all if the strength of the State is in any way diminished or exposed by the individual. Collectivism is treason of the body, the mind, and the soul. It is the universal enslavement for the "common good."

It is a shame that this young inspiring entrepreneur's dreams are shattered due to collectivism. Big Brother's excuse, "we need to put the public's health first." Obviously this young girl cannot defend herself thus, if I were her parent, I would file an action at law for trespass and trespass on the case in a court of record and challenge this oppressive nonsense.

"Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Ben Franklin

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Image AFTER ALL THE PUBLICITY, the local government caved and apologized for their action... but seriously, A FINE TO A CHILD FOR A LEMONADE STAND?! Obviously this city worker (female) is the typical progressive idiot. And I would dare guess, If this hadn't made the news, nothing would have happened. The city just wanted MONEY. And if liberal policies mean walking over a 7 yr. old, so be it.

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See! This is why I am all for reintroducing corporal punishment in the classroom. Obviously this little witch's parents are not going to beat her senseless for exploiting the Undocumented-Americans who had to harvest those lemons for mere pennies. Obviously the parents need to be jailed, fined, and whipped publicly while the little girl is paddled with the love and care only a public school educator could administer. Bring back the paddle and BEAT compassion into these little turds! Make them bleed for progress and a decent living wage!

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Fraulein Pulloskies wrote:"mmm, mmm, mmmm Barack Hussein Obama." and thank you for lifting our sagging spirits, El Presidente.

Please recheck the above posted photo from the event. No. Thank You for your Obama Bake Sale.

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Thank goodness Dear Leader is taking all children back to the good old days, well, not exactly. I mean, it was one thing to toil for the master, but really, it's another, to toil for the Greater Good ™ -- night and day.


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Making untaxed lemonade...that girl is a moonshiner! And she was selling it so that makes her a bootlegger too!

Them Revenuers shoulda' busted up her little stand with a axe and poured out all her lemonade on the ground.

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Comrade Whoopie wrote:Making untaxed lemonade...that girl is a moonshiner! And she was selling it so that makes her a bootlegger too!

Them Revenuers shoulda' busted up her little stand with a axe and poured out all her lemonade on the ground.
You are too kind, comrade. Her stand should have been razed to the ground; her livestock butchered and distributed to the masses; and her family, her filthy whore family, deported to the frozen wasteland that is Detroit. This little girl knew exactly what she was doing and now some poor woman of color at the Department of Agriculture is losing her job because of this hateful little cracker girl. Thanks. Now I pissed my pants in anger. This is the third pair this evening.

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Chairman M. S. Punchenko wrote: ...This little girl knew exactly what she was doing and now some poor woman of color at the Department of Agriculture is losing her job because of this hateful little cracker girl. Thanks.

Now I pissed my pants in anger. This is the third pair this evening.

Chairman Meow... perhaps you are in need of this?


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Forget the $500 fine and the $150 licensing fee. I demand to know when she is going to either provide government-approved health insurance for all her employees or else pay the required assessment of $2500 per uncovered individual!

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Don't forget all the pollution she is causing with her lemonade stand, all the carbon taxes she ought to pay, etc. Growing and transporting lemons take energy. So does juicing them. And the ice--that's the worst. Ice is made in a freezer that uses way too much energy. Oh, it just gets worse.

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Comrades: Our nieghborhood Lemonaide stand system is broken. We need massive omnibus reform immediately. New entitlements Provisons for those like Lenika unable to afford the Koolaid Lemonaide, Union workersInspectors to assure quality and safety, IRS to ensure they have healthcare and garnish monitor all earnings and profitincome.

Never let good crisis go to waste.

End the proliferation of lemonade stands in our time.

If not now, when?

Serves the little Nazi right for making profits without sharing a cut with local government mafiaofficials. She gave no thought for the Common Good. She didn't sell lemonade to redistribute the wealth. Her only motive was $$$ to line her own pinafore.

She selfishly exploited the thirst of the downtrodden masses just for profit, and now she wants the People to feel sorry for her for crying. I'm so glad The People's Republic of Oregon is on task to stomp out the dying embers of free trade in the next American generation.

The problem is widespread with brazen kkkapitalists shamelessly advertising their evil deeds on the internet:

More evidence of racist speculators gouging unsuspecting consumers at lemonade stands across the so-called land of the free. We must stop these Little People.

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These are all such glorious comments. It makes me humbly proud of our Cube Collective.
Comrade Punchenko, I am thinking it is time to invest in ObamaCare Dependables & Preventables for the occasions of which you speak. It is better than all that laundry wasting of water (assuming that you do launder at some point).

I denounce myself for not considering the effect the little capitalist have on the environment and the stealing of fruit from mother trees. Obviously, we need more laws.

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Yes Fraulein, Glorious comments indeed and I would like to see some of the suggestions acted on to curb what obviously must be the Teachers Union or the NEA slipping and letting this one get the wrong idea about how the world works.

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Doña Marina Tlacotl wrote: End the proliferation of lemonade stands in our time.

If not now, when?

Serves the little Nazi right for making profits without sharing a cut with local government mafiaofficials. She gave no thought for the Common Good. She didn't sell lemonade to redistribute the wealth. Her only motive was $$$ to line her own pinafore.

She selfishly exploited the thirst of the downtrodden masses just for profit, and now she wants the People to feel sorry for her for crying. I'm so glad The People's Republic of Oregon is on task to stomp out the dying embers of free trade in the next American generation.
Yes! Yes! Yes! A thousand times yes! She is a crying little whore undeserving of pity or any of her so-called "rights". I hope every college admission committee in this hateful, hateful country is marking her name down as we speak. She should be denied, denied, DENIED!
Tell me about yourself, comrade Doña Marina Tlacotl. I like your name. Has a certain victimization sound about it. Your name sounds of a poor Mexican migrant who was beaten mercilessly by Arizonan police as Governor Jan Brewer looks on, laughing mockingly, from atop her imperial throne made from the few humble belongings of deported Undocumented-Americans.
Yes, they mock you, comrade. They keep you down. But here at the People's Cube we pull people up (so long as they tow the line), and your comments show that you are of a special sort with a special hatred for those of differing political views. Diversity demands we make Doña Marina Tlacotl into our... COMMISSAR OF DIVERSITY AND LEMON PLEDGE! Yes, Cesar Chavez would ask no less of us, comrades.

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Any child caught with a lemonade stand, ought to spend at least one year as one of Mrs Al Czarweary's underwives in her cave, as part of a critical re-education program.

Dearest Chairman M. S. Punchenko,

Thank you for your sympathy demonstrated through your gallant offer of a taxpayer funded job with lifetime benefits in reparation for my victim status as a member of a party approved identity group. You are most generous and deserve many warm fuzzies for possessing above average compassion and full length care. Lesser mortals can't compete with Progressives probably because of genetics and lack of Michelle nutrients.

I was, however, promised a position as lifetime Czarina in Dear Leaders' administration in exchange for a small donation of the foundation's money that I made to Dear Leader's election campaign. The funds came from our subversive college campus group The Commission of Kill Whitey and the Marxist Overthrow of the Racist United States.

Unfortunately, the people around Dear Leader advised him to throw us "under the bus." He can't fulfill the promise now because paranoid Rethuglicans exposed our federally funded group after our many years of openly advocating the overthrow of the federal government with the full support of the university. Racist Fox News and Drudge picked up the story. Plus the Bush tax cuts for rich crackers on Wall Street caused another Great Depression forcing the Senate to remove our funding from the Obamacare bill before our leaders could deem it passed. Times are tough, Comrade, but getting better because of Obama's large stimulus package as the narrative goes.

I read your bio with interest. I, too, am a skank. My name Dona Marina is a variation of Malinche, that loose woman who betrayed the peaceful and eco-friendly Aztecs by helping Cortes conquer the Native Americans then living in the technically advanced flint industrial complex of Atzlan. While Europe was squatting in the mud perfecting ocean travel, firearm, and advanced agricultural technology--technologies that Europeans stole from peaceful and eco-friendly Mooslims--Aztecs were inventing math, music, soccer, pharmacology, heart surgery, and superior feather weaving technologies.

Tlacotl means second born. "Second born Malinche"--Malinche slept with the enemy Cortes and birthed the first elitist mix of Spanish and Indigenous offspring. These mixed offspring lorded it over the non-Spanish population and enslaved the population to an absolute tyranny of an all powerful state.

My hope is to korrect current day injustices by repeating historic mistakes. We imperialist Progressives vow to liberate the Hispanic population in racist Ameerikkka by duplicating the horrendous conditions in the countries from which they escaped. I am stabbing my way up the Democrat Socialist Party ladder because I care about the oppressed masses of minorities with only equal opportunity and no government guarantee of outcome.

The only thing standing in our way is the archaic US Constitution and quaint folkways of the minority identity groups themselves. Many of them were brainwashed in Christian churches that still recognize God. It's troubling when I hear of a party approved minority that sides with racist conservative Tea Partiers on social issues, such as marriage, homosexuality, and abortion.

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Chairman Punchenko, should be be made the Czar of College Admission to make sure these racist, capitalist yewth are denied entry. (at least not before graduating from Jiffy-Lobo)

Doña Marina Tlacotl, oh my, what a touching story. I wish you much success with your endeavor. Re-education and the rewriting of history is one of our goals, as it is of Mama Mo's.

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Leninka wrote:Any child caught with a lemonade stand, ought to spend at least one year as one of Mrs Al Czarweary's underwives in her cave, as part of a critical re-education program.
Or placed Up Against the Walmart... Image

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Fraulein Pulloskies wrote:Chairman Punchenko, should be be made the Czar of College Admission to make sure these racist, capitalist yewth are denied entry. (at least not before graduating from Jiffy-Lobo)

Doña Marina Tlacotl, oh my, what a touching story. I wish you much success with your endeavor. Re-education and the rewriting of history is one of our goals, as it is of Mama Mo's.
Fraulein, congrats on the new face...the old one, was...ummm...OLD AND UGLY! There, I said it! I denounce myself... Image

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Sigh...I suppose it is possible for a few greedy little crackers™ to slip through the cracks in the edukational system. She should have known that if she was going to put in hard work to earn lemon-scented blood money, that she would also need a gov't approved application of Wealth-spread™ , or at least join the SEIU. This is an absolute outrage! Isn't this lil cracka aware that the Queen of AmeriKa is currently on holiday and needs more funding??

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aaakkkk! OLD AND UGLY, why I'll have you know the late beloved Mr. P was entranced with my personage, endowments and facial exquisiteness, Marshal Pravda. I will have to investigate with my Union attorney's what offensives you have forced upon me and have a ginormous law suite against your discrimination.
OR, you could send a hefty donation to me, to be given to my favorite charity (to be announced at a some undisclosed later date) to [email protected]

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You know, maybe we could of let her slip by if she would of sold a more Party approved drink. I'm a little thirsty for some adult beverage, if I can get it for free.

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Doña Marina Tlacotl, welcome to the Collective. I've been stabbed in the back many times (by skanks and ho's alike) but never by one wielding an obsidian knife. I look forward to the experience.

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Damned Conquistadors ruined everything.

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There's still a few bottles of these left in our storage shed:


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Think ou, darest Leninka fr a well heeded needed and rgihtly doe tast of a thrilled chilled beverlyage. Just waht da peeeple odrered. Mayhe jest once mo glass...

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Uh, hey Frau.... What are your plans later? Need another drink?

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Leninka wrote:There's still a few bottles of these left in our storage shed:
Hey! Throw me a bottle.

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Fraulein Pulloskies wrote:Think ou, darest Leninka fr a well heeded needed and rgihtly doe tast of a thrilled chilled beverlyage. Just waht da peeeple odrered. Mayhe jest once mo glass...

I was waiting for just the right occasion, Frau. This was it. Now it's time to gather some more rotten potatoes for another batch. I only wish Comrade Buffoon would stop hoarding potatoes in his extra boot.

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Comrades, I am ashamed of all of you. First, all of you who want the child slaughtered and her children and relatives made into Purina Prole Chow (thank you, dear Meow Punchenko, for that inspired thought) are quite right. Because she was trying to make profits.

From lemonade. Lemonade is a bourgeois drink. Citrus was used by sailors hundreds of years ago to avoid scurvy while they were sailing to oppress indigenous peoples. Anyone with a connection to lemonade is therefore a People's Enemy and an Oppressor of the Native.

Also, we need to slap the shit out of this little girl because she's so freaking dumb. If she's just called it Leninade, we'd have Meow out there, on his back, his paws in the air, exposing his soft underbelly all for the a chance to grovel for some Leninade.

Fraulein--whatever became of your wattled dugs? You so ensorceled me with them before that they had become a nighttime fixture in my mind. And now. You look...

And Leninka. What are you doing looking hot? I tell you, it does not do for Comradettes to look hot! Stop it at once!

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We are in total agreement Commissar. These cheap hoochy mamma makeovers do not for a good Party of The People make. What would the Lemonade girl say if approached by these made over Party Elite?!?! Hmmmm?!?! And now consider if little Sally Ann Kapitalist Kulak Lemonade Lover was approached by their former selves!? Yes, yes, that's how we make progress comrades, scare the living shit out of the children...


Need I say more?

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I DENOUNCE BOTH COMRADES THEO AND ROOSTER!! IF some comrades did their due diligence around the gulag and Cubical, you would have be informed of information regarding government bailout / TARP redistributed assets to MAKEOVERS. (and as with all government assistance, there is a time limit and fine (taxes) attached)
but I digress.............. is Comrade Theocritus suggesting the wayward capitalist be rewarded for profit seeking?! There was no intent shown in sharing with the collective.

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Fraulein, I do not for a moment begrudge you the total makeover money. In fact I had a total makeover in Austin last week and the doctor did a good job. He's the only man who has touched my heart. Literally.

But I'm an old comrade, Fraulein: do not tease me by your ripe dugs now. I'm settled into my groove now, and I know who I am. But I keep feeling this disturbing urge toward Fraulein Boobs Version One.

No, Sally Ann Kulak Lemonade didn't intend to share the profit but then you don't have to if you're doing something which is special and holy. Go around telling people that part of the profits will go to world peace--and give $1 to Ben and Jerry's, which will give part of their profits to world peace. See how that goes? You don't have to be right as far as intent goes, only as far as the actual rule of law goes. Parse, parse, parse! Didn't Slick Willie teach you anything?

RR, your picture of the Lovely Helen Thomas did me the favor of clearing out my sinuses. As well as my bowels. And my eyes hid inside my head.

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Comrade Theo, it was well to hear your heart has been touched and you're still out'n about. Although I believe touching is much overrated, in this case it is a good thing.
I too, miss my glorious previous look, with the stout, strong jawline, firm brow. thin wispy hair and almost firm boobage, but I could not turn down a "free" or would have been permanently ousted from the glorious gulag. (but I fear there is a "expropriation date" on the new look so do not become too accustomed).

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Comrade Theo,

You've got a lot of nerve. Here, you leave us to go have a heart makeover, and then you complain about ours? With the coming elections in the USSA, we progressive women must compete with these looks obsessed Rethuglican women. Inner beauty just isn't enough. I'm still me inside, and so is Fraulein. Can't you just use your imagination? We'll be back to our selves in no time. Just let us have this look through the summer. Puleeze.

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Said so precisely correct, dear Comradess Leninka, why... just look at these Rethuglican females -

Image granted, I do not see much actrativeness but I hear hear the whispers of men, see their slobbering..... and spit in disgust.

Now compare the inner beauty of these loyal democratics. Anyone can see their beauty hidden deep deeeeep in their soul.
Image and comrade Theo mars or momentary moments of makeover delights? SPIT! I say!

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Leninka wrote:
Fraulein Pulloskies wrote:Think ou, darest Leninka fr a well heeded needed and rgihtly doe tast of a thrilled chilled beverlyage. Just waht da peeeple odrered. Mayhe jest once mo glass...

I was waiting for just the right occasion, Frau. This was it. Now it's time to gather some more rotten potatoes for another batch. I only wish Comrade Buffoon would stop hoarding potatoes in his extra boot.

Dearest Leninka, I would never commit a crime such as hoarding, especially of the Peoples Vodka with the women folk. How do you think I get all of my Peoples Pleasure?

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I'll take you for your word, this time, Comrade Buffoon, but if I am not able to skim off enough potatoes and beets after our kolkholz meets the demands of the department of agriculture, then, Fraulein and I may end up selling our newly made over bodies in exchange for potatoes, and/or vodka, from the nearest kolkholz, and I'm not looking forward to that. I don't know how Pinkie does it.

Comrade Theocritus, perhaps I was a little hard on you. Hope you are feeling better after your heart re-do. Were you able to pilfer any meds?

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Now, I know we don't often look to the past, however, I do believe this person ought to be placed in the same pantheon with Dear Leader, and his predecessors. She is Betty Friedan, who wrote the "Femynine Mistake Mistique," the book that lit a fire under the femynist movement. And, according to that killjoy betrayer, David (barf barf) Horowitz, she was very involved with bringing our glorious system to the USSA. Now, this is a woman with true inner prog beauty. She didn't need a makeover. In fact she once said: "A woman needs a makeover, like a fish needs a bicycle."


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Leninka wrote:Any child caught with a lemonade stand, ought to spend at least one year as one of Mrs Al Czarweary's underwives in her cave, as part of a critical re-education program.

Many thanks, Leninka. I could be for using some new white peoples blood for the indoctrination instruction here in the Cave Collective as I am of certainess that since I was for having such wonderful Queen for the Day vacation that there are still to be some of the underwives missing.

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Chairman M. S. Punchenko wrote:
Diversity demands we make Doña Marina Tlacotl into our... COMMISSAR OF DIVERSITY AND LEMON PLEDGE!

Is this to be meaning we are now to be having for good discount?

commisarka lemon pledge.jpg

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Did someone mention pilfering drugs??

She is Betty Friedan, who wrote the "Femynine Mistake Mistique,"
(umm, I am wondering what she would know about it?)

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Leninka wrote:Now, I know we don't often look to the past, however, I do believe this person ought to be placed in the same pantheon with Dear Leader, and his predecessors. She is Betty Friedan, who wrote the "Femynine Mistake Mistique," the book that lit a fire under the femynist movement. And, according to that killjoy betrayer, David (barf barf) Horowitz, she was very involved with bringing our glorious system to the USSA. Now, this is a woman with true inner prog beauty. She didn't need a makeover. In fact she once said: "A woman needs a makeover, like a fish needs a bicycle."


Ah, Dear Betty, Professor Emeritus of The Wombat Factory™. Intellectual High Priestess of Self- Debasement Collective Feminyst Identity. Ah the days of Communist crumpled crumpets and Guevara gushing tea we enjoyed while contemplating the ugly The New Beauty of The Revolution™. Let us toast Comradettes to our beloved leader in this pantheon of tantrums and castration new found joy.

Dear Betty, just a vision of loveliness, who's mendacity truth and inner nihilist quagmire beauty shines through.

Thank you so much Dear Lenika for this loathsome loving portrait of our People's Goddess.

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I think womyn like her just get better with age, don't you? I hope I look as revolting distinguished in my latter years. Yes, Betty led the way for the new and improved cultural lifestyle of bitches, hoes and bastard babies single motherhood.

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Comrades, Betty's inner beauty must not be dismissed. It's not what she said but, and repeat after me, it's that she made people pay attention to complete and utter bullshit. That's the true prog way. Nanski says it doesn't matter what's in Obamathanasia, just pass it. She knows that she'll get the power from the regulators.

Aristotle, who was wise and thank god no one gives a damn about him any more, said that it's possible for evil people to thoroughly corrupt a system of government so that it looks just the same but is opposite.

So it doesn't matter what we say, as long as we get in. Betty could have been talking about disenfranchised furbish louseworts if there was a furbish lousewort lobby.

And thank you, Comrades, I feel the best in a year or more. Like flipping a switch. It's supposed to take 4 to 8 weeks to work and it worked instantly, enough so that the surgeon let me come home, even leaving late in the day. One's house is better than a Roachway Inn.

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Dear Comrade Theocritus, I am feeling so good for your good news and am hoping you purchased the ObamaMed Extended Plan for Personal Appliance ™ which will cover %32 to 47% of any failure of parts. I am so glad ObamaCare was implemented for your doctor reconstruction visit... is it not nice that it was all free!

(what say? it wasn't? sure it was, I heard on ABC & CNN... what do you mean not yet? He pays what?!! why did you not tell me this earlier? Now I sound like a fool who doesn't know of what he speaking!!)

oops, I hear the phone in the gulag kitchen - back in a while.

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Fraulein, do not let me hear you doubting the incorruptible truth of CNN--if you do that next you'll doubt the NYT.

Which is the last step before suicide.

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Theo, I would never ever have doubt in our beloved biblically correct NYT, why, that is an unmentionable thought. We use nothing BUT the NYT in the gulag kitchen when disemboweling fish and crushing beets. And it is so faded from all the reading of it, one can barely make out the printage.


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Leninka wrote:I think womyn like her just get better with age, don't you? I hope I look as revolting distinguished in my latter years. Yes, Betty led the way for the new and improved cultural lifestyle of bitches, hoes and bastard babies single motherhood.
Hey, single motherhood makes it easier for both the man and woman to vote democratic, not to mention, it keeps the man away from the woman, reducing domestic abuse cases.

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Also supports the prole dancer industry too.

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Comrade Marxist, I support your interest in prole dancing. Fortunately for both of us, I just happened to find an old picture of Mama MO Antoinette when she was much younger. She was most fond of prole-troll dancing, as is plainly clear.



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Elliott wrote:Hey, single motherhood makes it easier for both the man and woman to vote democratic, not to mention, it keeps the man away from the woman, reducing domestic abuse cases.
But stepfathers and live-in boyfriends are much much more likely to abuse children, meaning that we can hire another army of social workers and take the children from them to raise as we want. In our own private schools, our own proto-gulags.

They won't know any better and so will be happy. Especially if we introduce them early on to Jiffy-Lobo.

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They won't know any better and so will be happy. Especially if we introduce them early on to Jiffy-Lobo.
Jiffy-Lobo is mandatory and part of fearless Leaders agenda, dear comrade. ah ha, I just noticed... in the most accurate picture I posted of Mama Mo Antoinette, is that not dear Leader, peering on the front row?

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Commissar Theocritus wrote: They won't know any better and so will be happy. Especially if we introduce them early on to Jiffy-Lobo.
I thought that's what Sesame Street was for, the indoctrination and what-nots.

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Fraulein Pulloskies wrote:
They won't know any better and so will be happy. Especially if we introduce them early on to Jiffy-Lobo.
Jiffy-Lobo is mandatory and part of fearless Leaders agenda, dear comrade. ah ha, I just noticed... in the most accurate picture I posted of Mama Mo Antoinette, is that not dear Leader, peering on the front row?
I no longer wish to serve collective inspecting prole dancers.

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Comrade Marxist, you are not allowed to make such decision! Yours is to serve great Leader! I must denounce you (but will offer up a pair of dark sunglasses)

So did we all Commissiar E, but evidently, some of the little ankle bitters are slipping through the commercials and becoming capitalist!

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Thank you Frau. My eyes will rest easier now.

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But of course. It is all for the greater good and it does dear Leader no good if you are permanently impaired and visually challenged from ocular assault.

I hope this will be of assistance in your time of need.

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Fraulein Pulloskies wrote: So did we all Commissiar E, but evidently, some of the little ankle bitters are slipping through the commercials and becoming capitalist!
I denounce Anthony Sullivan and Billy Mays for promoting capitalism though commercials!
I also denounce myself for failure as the commisar of hypnotic tv devices to teach the children to ignore commercials and capitalists.

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Elliott, are you sure that you want to step into Pupovich's racket of self-denunciation? It's a tricky act to pull off. First, you have to denounce yourself just right, so that you sound sincere, but not as though you enjoy it. If you enjoy being denounced, then one day you may wind up enjoying other little pleasures. Like BDSM. Keep that in mind.

I would never say that Pupovich is a drama queen who never loves anything more than strutting his stuff in a star chamber, so I won't say it.

Even though it's true.

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Fraulein Pulloskies wrote:But of course. It is all for the greater good and it does dear Leader no good if you are permanently impaired and visually challenged from ocular assault.

I hope this will be of assistance in your time of need.
Reporting for duty

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Commissar Theocritus wrote:Elliott, are you sure that you want to step into Pupovich's racket of self-denunciation? It's a tricky act to pull off. First, you have to denounce yourself just right, so that you sound sincere, but not as though you enjoy it. If you enjoy being denounced, then one day you may wind up enjoying other little pleasures. Like BDSM. Keep that in mind.

I would never say that Pupovich is a drama queen who never loves anything more than strutting his stuff in a star chamber, so I won't say it.

Even though it's true.
This might explain why I'm sadistic, particularly in the enhanced interrogation techniques department in the local gulag. When we have criminals to deal with, the warden and/or sheriff calls me up and say "You're needed."

I've found through extreme pain comes sublime pleasure. One who needs to be "corrected", when they finally win the victory over themselves, find themselves in a state of pure bliss. When the error is erased, the being is in a state of perfection. Is that not magical?

On the Puppovich note, that might explain that photo of him in that dress, but I, for the longest time, thought that was because he wanted to feel pretty in private, and Pinkie happened to look into the window at the time.

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Fraulein Pulloskies wrote:aaakkkk! OLD AND UGLY, why I'll have you know the late beloved Mr. P was entranced with my personage, endowments and facial exquisiteness, Marshal Pravda. I will have to investigate with my Union attorney's what offensives you have forced upon me and have a ginormous law suite against your discrimination.
OR, you could send a hefty donation to me, to be given to my favorite charity (to be announced at a some undisclosed later date) to [email protected]
Umm Fraulein...CHANGE IT BACK!!! I hope you do...your old/new avatar was MUCH better...

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Commissar_Elliott wrote:
Leninka wrote:I think womyn like her just get better with age, don't you? I hope I look as revolting distinguished in my latter years. Yes, Betty led the way for the new and improved cultural lifestyle of bitches, hoes and bastard babies single motherhood.
Hey, single motherhood makes it easier for both the man and woman to vote democratic, not to mention, it keeps the man away from the woman, reducing domestic abuse cases.
you may have a point there...good one, salute!

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Hey! It's nice to hear from you again S.A.F. Now I have a history of being blind, so forgive me if I just haven't noticed you.

Thanks thought for the salute.

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Elliott wrote:I've found through extreme pain comes sublime pleasure. One who needs to be "corrected", when they finally win the victory over themselves, find themselves in a state of pure bliss. When the error is erased, the being is in a state of perfection. Is that not magical?
Of course, Elliott, of course. That's brilliant. Let's given them, the ones who survive, a reward.Let's call it Frequent Flier Miles.And yes, Pravda, it is nice to see you. But then I've been away some myself, doing some reconnoitering for the collective. I've been to the People's Republic of Austin, and there's only one reason to go there--it's to get a piece of the Capitol dome.

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Commissar Theocritus wrote:Of course, Elliott, of course. That's brilliant. Let's given them, the ones who survive, a reward.Let's call it Frequent Flier Miles.And yes, Pravda, it is nice to see you. But then I've been away some myself, doing some reconnoitering for the collective. I've been to the People's Republic of Austin, and there's only one reason to go there--it's to get a piece of the Capitol dome.
Image I forgot to post that in my previous post.
Image What can those frequent flier miles go to? A barbed wire covered stick, electric shock, or. . . the evil tickling machine?
Image Is the capitol falling apart, or did you swipe a piece of it?