
A must see educational video for the masses!

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Most loyal Comarde, highly regarded Party Elite and common proles:

I was very offended to hear this most gloriously important Greenearther Instructional Video has been BANNED in some parts and areas. This intelligent, well documented, factual video is for the better of the children so there is no doubt that it was reichwinggers who have cried and degraded it's immense value.


I am of hopefulness that you will see just cause for stealing copying this video linkage and sending it to as many comradics as possible.

We must not be stopped!
(there will be repercussions)

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Children...BAH! Listen to this wise and caring woman describe how she'd smother her child for being infirm. After all, it's only a few cells.

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Is she one of Obama's new Childhood Awareness or Humanities Czar's? He find the most undesirable people, does he not? Fearless Leader is fortunate to find peoples who so correctly reflect His attitudes & agenda. No sense in wasting good air, food, housing, & green jobs on more unless humans when we know the polar bears are the ones in need!

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Comrade Whoopie,

We must be careful how we handle The Children ™. Why there is no doubt that there are many children of God globs of cells that are not as equal as others and so must be murdered eliminated flushed sent to The Peoples Paradise ™, there is also no doubt that The Children ™ are very useful props when it comes to convincing the great unwashed that things need to get done For The Children ™.

And Fraulein P...we must never let The Truth ™ be censored! Spread this most glorious video far and wide!!


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Proletariat Peabody, you make some most glorious points, which was your point, was it not? And I cannot but wonder if Ms. Ironside is having some suffering herself, which might not need to be addressed by Obama's Death Panels ™ ?

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What we need is Reproductive Neutrality. A Progressive doctrine which states that for the greater good of the planet, that the masses reproduce only enough to sustain the species. Of course, oppressed minorities and peoples will be allowed more reproductive neutrality than say, the oppressing class. Mandatory voluntary sterilizations, and free fetus removal will be offered of course.

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All infidels should be wiped out. We've got a planet to save.

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This film has good intentions but it is all wrong. All of the proles must be made to understand they should cut carbon emissions by TWENTY PER CENT instead of ten, so that important people like Al Gore, Barack Obama, George Soros, Prince Big Ears Charles, etc, do not have to bother cutting theirs! After all, these important people are too busy going to important meetings and making important decisions to bother with their carbon emissions. Cutting carbon emissions, like paying taxes, is for the little people!

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Colonel! "productive neutrality" is exactly what we need (and I shall feel free to take credit for your idea) But there should be no need to worry about sustaining the human species when we know the planet belongs to it's original owners, the slug & slimy worms the animals and plant life.

As for cutting emissions . . . we must mandate more than 20%, which can easily be accomplished by deeming beans, cabbage and broccoli "emission [highlight=#NaNNaNNaN]injudicious".[/highlight]

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Fraulein Pulloskies wrote: As for cutting emissions . . . we must mandate more than 20%, which can easily be accomplished by deeming beans, cabbage and broccoli "emission injudicious".

I demand "Beets - Staple of the Masses" ™ be excluded from any emission protocol!


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Of course, the glorious BEET has exclusionary rights! Nothing beats a beet! A beet cannot be beat!

f sign1ZZ.jpg

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Leninka wrote:All infidels should be wiped out. We've got a planet to save.

Who could argue with that sound logic?
..... and the funny talking people from pink floyd's "the wall" in the video blowing up took me back a few years down memory lane.....

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Fraulein Pulloskies wrote:Most loyal Comarde, highly regarded Party Elite and common proles:

I was very offended to hear this most gloriously important Greenearther Instructional Video has been BANNED in some parts and areas. This intelligent, well documented, factual video is for the better of the children so there is no doubt that it was reichwinggers who have cried and degraded it's immense value.

I am of hopefulness that you will see just cause for stealing copying this video linkage and sending it to as many comradics as possible.

We must not be stopped!
(there will be repercussions)

Many years ago a prog band named Pearl Jam came out with a video and song about a boy named Jeremy that killed himself in front of his classmates. The imagery from the Goracle of Climate Disturbance propaganda piece bears a striking resemblance to that video. I couldn't find the exact image I was looking for but there is a portion of the shot is in the bottom right corner of the set of stills below. Yes children, if the teacher won't blow you up please kill yourselves to help mother earth and to get away from all the Nazis.
Image I don't know that the imagery was intended to be nearly identical but I thought it was close enough to point it out. Also I'm sorry for the size of the image. I wish that the site auto formatted images inserted into posts for those of us with pea brains. This message board has the most functionality of any I've ever been on but it frustrates me at times! Rant off.

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this is most beautiful.....

No doubt, our children will grow up to be fine adult progressives like the ones in this video

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Comarde Neo, no doubt, if lucky, they certainly will. ahhh, such glorious green hope.