
Have We Squandered Our Legacy?

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Comrades, today I was pondering the coming election. The Rightwingers like to talk of the Founding Fathers of this country (spit) so I got to thinking about our Founding Fathers. Guys like Saul Alinsky, Frank Marshal Davis and many others whose names we have long forgotten if we ever even knew them.

You see back then a fellow traveler had to be very careful who he took into his confidence. You couldn't run around bragging about being a Commie. That was and still is a dirty word, a pejorative. People accused of being a Commie (like being called a racist) are expected to slink away in shame. The accusation is a debate ender.
Way back in the day our Forefathers knew this all too well. They knew they'd never live to see America become a truly Socialist nation. They knew the people weren't ready for it yet. But that didn't deter them. First off they knew they needed to subvert and take over one of the mainstream political Parties because nobody would ever vote for the CPUSA. So they worked quietly in the shadows setting up tax exempt front organizations to funnel money to the Democrat Party because they knew the DNC could be bought. At the same time each of their front organizations agitated in their own way casting up social issue after social issue: multiculturalism, civil rights, environmental concerns, the peace movement, Unions, et al. More divisiveness and doubt than any culture could digest and deal with. No sooner was one issue addressed then a dozen more would crop up. Genius, pure genius. And the guilt ridden Americans desperate to be seen as "progressive" swallowed the bait.

They did this without any fanfare never expecting any reward for their services, content in the knowledge that someday we, their children would inherit the wind.

And what have we done? Like all children we became impatient, too eager to reap the rewards of all their service and sacrifice to the cause. We saw Obama and we thought that we were so close that victory was ours. Why hide our agenda and political leanings now, we have it all.

Comrades that sort of thinking was a grave mistake. We knew there would be resistance from a few holdouts in society but we never imagined they would be so organized and well funded. This Tea Party business has taken on a life of it's own and it won't go away. And nevermind the Tea Party, it's the mindset of the people who we thought were ready for Socialism. They weren't. Now I think they'll never be. We never worked hard enough to destroy the mystique of their Founding Fathers and their holy Constitution.

And because we've stepped out of the shadows and prematurely exposed ourselves to public view there is no going back. We screwed up bigtime comrades. The old tactics which would have worked had we given it another lifetime lay in ruins at our feet. An opportunity for a bloodless revolution squandered by our impatience. We never really got the chance to run out of other people's money. Our revolution didn't die a natural death, choking on it's own contradictions, we crashed it on the rocks before it even set sail.

Is this only a setback? Can we somehow pick up the pieces and start again? Will we need a new plan, perhaps a good old fashioned bloody revolution? I don't know. But we'll never get another chance like this in our lifetimes and there's the pity.

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Spooky Dude Emperor $oro$ has said we can pull this out if we can get our largest victim identity groups out to vote.


And Dear Leader is putting shoe leather on the ground to get'er done!


No worries, Comrade, no worries...
Next Tuesday ™will come,,,,, on a Tuesday.

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Comrade Whoopie,

Do you doubt the wisdom of the most equal among us? Are you questioning the decisions and choices of our Party ™ leaders? Do you dare question Dear Leader's ability to turn this thing around. Comrade, step very carefully as you may be denounced for bringing Party morale down.

Dear, dear, dear Comrade. There are many low Party ™ operatives, such as I, working diligently on behalf of the Party ™ this election cycle. (don't you wish that we could do away with these constant and annoying elections so we can focus on ruling governing?) Relax and let us do the "democracy" thing. We're already working in the early election polls and the "plan" is in effect for November 2.

Relax, if there is a failure in our plan, we still, as you have stated, have a back up plan. There are many of us ready for that as well.

I remain,
Dr. Chicago

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Dr. Chicago wrote:Comrade Whoopie,

Do you doubt the wisdom of the most equal among us? Are you questioning the decisions and choices of our Party ™ leaders?

No, I don't question our leaders. You'll note that whenever anyone asks Obama if he's a Socialist he just smiles his Cheshire cat grin and changes the subject. Our media tools (including Bill O'Reilly) dutifully scoff at anyone who comes on their show to denounce Obama as a Socialist.

I question all the little useful idiots who march around at rallies carrying placards that identify them as Socialists, Communists and Marxists. We should remember to camouflage our politics behind sweet sounding concerns that everyone in good faith can agree with: An end to poverty, fair wage jobs, environmental concerns, education and the children.

Nobody but the Right wins when fools wearing Marxist T-shirts run around chanting that they're Socialists and proud of it. Save it for the day after next Tuesday, when it won't matter because there won't be anyone left to oppose us.

No comrades, we went off half cocked and now our one shot is spent. Woe to the Revolution.

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Comrade Whoopie wrote: Save it for the day after next Tuesday


thank you for your clarification. I like the new slogan.

I remain,
Dr. Chicago

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Things are not as they appear.

Remember the great Stalin? He let the Germans think they were winning, until the trap was sprung.
More recently, Al Franken lost the election until the recounts were done and done again.
It took a while to manipulate the votes, but he "won".

Relax Comrades, the fix is in!

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Comrade Whoopie wrote:Nobody but the Right wins when fools wearing Marxist T-shirts run around chanting that they're Socialists and proud of it.

Casting stones Comrade ???? Hmmmm.

Do you have any "wardrobe malfunctions" in your closet?

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One of the mainstream Parties, Comrade? Do you think it's a coincidence that the "opposition" has never repealed any of our major programs? These Tea Party fascists will be brought under our control, just as their counter-revolutionary criminal predecessors in the so-called Christian Coalition were, and their energy dissipated. Our agents in the Opposition understand the threat these fascists represent, not only to our shared progressive agenda, but to their livelihood as well (even a good communist must eat!). They understand that if anything these Tea Party revanchists are as much a reaction to them as to Our Dear Leader, that there are ugly murmurings about collaboration among the reactionaries that must be squelched. Do not worry, comrades, the Party sees all and anticipates all, and our agents inside the Beltway are working day and night to liquidate the counter-revolutionary viper wherever it show its head!

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I am embedded out here in "flyover" country. Things are much more dire for Marx's friends than you realize. These people have never bought into the brainwashing schemes very well.

Some of them were parroting the[highlight=#FF0000][highlight=#FFFFFF] [highlight=#FF0000][highlight=#FFFFFF]"none of my business what goes on in other people's bedrooms"[/highlight][/highlight][/highlight][/highlight] thing for a while. But when it turned out that the fairies not only WANTED you to know but DEMANDED that you approve of it, things went pretty sour.

Out here in "flyover" country, these old boys drive pickups with gunracks in the back windows. Some have gunracks for three rifles. Gunracks are only for the nicest guns. The everyday beaters sit on the floor or under the seat.

You can tell when you are behind one of these guys because he has two bumper stickers-
(At home his front gate has a sign that says "Forget about the dog- This property protected by Smith & Wesson)

These old boys don't shoot paper targets. They shoot squirrels and ground hogs. Every one of these old boys has his premium "tack driver" rifle too, and it will shoot 1/4" minute of accuracy (MOA) all day long. (Which means that they regularly can hit a tennis ball a quarter mile away).

These old boys have reloading equipment and LOTS of cartridges. They buy primers by the carton of one thousand, bullets in different weights by the hundreds, and powder by the quart can-fulls. In short, they "Reload to Shoot, and Shoot to Reload".

These people have never cared for having to get building permits and "saving" wolves, spotted owls or "snail darters". You don't need welfare when you have deer, elk, antelope, moose to barbecue and make sausage and jerkey out of.

So when the Commies-Socialists-Liberals-Progressives-Democrats start squalking about how they "might have to get violent", these old boys laugh "Bwa-har-har", spit tobacee, and say "Bring it on, pinkie".

Most of them consider themselves as "Original Patriots", and they mean in the 1776 sense.

SO, if the comrades want to take anything over, violently- they had best stick with the helpless brainwashed city morons and leave the highly independent "flyover country" alone.

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that will make it difficult to feed ourselves.

I remain,
Dr. Chicago

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Dr. Chicago wrote:Comrade,

that will make it difficult to feed ourselves.

I remain,
Dr. Chicago

Comrade Hubert Humphrey made his greatest contribution to the cause by saying-

"I have heard . . . that people may become dependent on us for food. I know that was not supposed to be good news. To me that was good news, because before people can do anything they have got to eat. And if you are looking for a way to get people to lean on you and to be dependent on you, in terms of their cooperation with you, it seems to me that food dependence would be terrific."- Sen. Hubert H. Humphrey, in naming P.L. 480 the "Food for Peace" program, Wall Street Journal, May 7, 1982.

I wonder if the Progressives are planning on importing food from Cuba

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Thank you for your service comrade Scratchy. This is exactly what I feared. These people aren't even close to the Progressive world of next Tuesday and I doubt if they ever will be. Maybe, just maybe in time we could reach their great grand kids, but not these throwbacks.

We have let ourselves be deceived by the North East and West Coast liberals and have ignored the vast middle. Our victory celebration was premature. All I keep seeing is Bush in his flight suit standing under that banner "Mission Accomplished."

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Comrade Whoopie,

I suggest you up your magnesium supplements (sunflower seeds and spinach) to counteract the loss of magnesium that too much vodka might cause, otherwise you might find yourself in the doldrums when you need not be.

In the meantime, there is plenty to celebrate. The Reichweiners are still much in a state of chaos and misalignment. Unlike those of us who all agree that is is better to be red than dead, these Reichweiners are all over the place. I just spoke to a Log Cabin Republican who said they disbanded three years ago because the Rethuglican Party Platform of their state wishes to re-instate sodomy laws. Now, that's a win, for our side. As well, there are disgruntled Hillary voter womyn who would love to go to the Reich on the fiscal issues, but no way on the social ones. Now, that's another win for our side. As well, there is the matter of Libertarians who continually bash Rethuglicans, and treat them as if they have cooties. They will vote for Libertarian candidates and split the vote. Really, all in all, the only thing that's putting a pin in our balloon is the concern over spending. If only our side had snuck just a little spending in at a time, little by little, bill by bill, then no one would have noticed. Instead, they went overboard, and people took notice, darn it. In the meantime, looks like candidates on our side, like the one in West Virginia who loves guns and says he hates ObamaCare - you know the one, are still fooling the people into believing they are conservative in order to get elected, just as all of those Blue Dogs so cleverly did before they voted to spend like there was no tomorrow. Hee Hee

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Once again Dr. Boli has captured the essence of my soul so I repost this letter from an French poet...


Translated from Lettres d'un poète parisien, by Udolphe de l'Ennui.

My dear L——,

Autumn is come, with its crisp air and brightly colored leaves. Of such tawdry clichés is nature capable! I despise nature, as I despise everything in Art that is not natural. It is the duty of Art to be true to nature, and only what is natural in Art is praiseworthy. But what is natural in nature is merely commonplace…

Mme La Salle is demanding the rent again, though it is hardly a month since she last demanded it, the greedy bourgeois hussy… I despise her filthy bourgeois greed, and I despise this filthy bourgeois apartment. Yesterday I flung soup at the ceiling to make it filthier, so that I might despise it the more. I tell myself that one must live somewhere, yet something within me asks why—why must one live somewhere instead of nowhere?… This morning Mme La Salle came in and cleaned the soup stains while I was out. She has ruined a good day's despising…

I was out this morning because I was eating madeleines at the café on the Rue du Nom Disyllable. I despise the empty allurements of bourgeois pastries. But I think I do not despise madeleines as much as I despise the rest. This has provoked a crisis of conscience…

Soon the winter will be upon us, that annual reminder of our mortality, grim metaphor for death. I despise metaphor; and therefore I despise the winter, because it is metaphorical. A season that has not the courage to say what it means directly is despicable;—nay, more than despicable: it is bourgeois. I despise bourgeois seasons as I despise bourgeois bourgeois, with their filthy greed and their petty talk of nothing but money. I know, my dear old friend, that you despise money as much as I do, which you might easily demonstrate by sending 120 francs for the rent.

Yours in misery of soul,


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Poor little Udolphe. He reminds me of how much I despise Walmart, and yet I take a foray into Target once in a while, and find myself feeling guilty for wishing I was shopping at Walmart, because the prices and selection are so much better.

Comrade Whoopie, I believe you've stumbled upon something here, and it begs the question: What is a Progressive's Proper Sense of Propriety? For instance, should one ask for money, at the beginning or end of a long letter?

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Mme Leninka, I despise propriety with it's bourgeois underpinnings. I believe it's a matter of practicality, which I also despise but not as much. First you must make your case for why someone should send you money. Asking for money upfront distracts from the rest of the letter and I despise distraction almost as much as I despise abstraction. Asking for money right off the bat smacks of bourgeois desperation and greed and I despise that most of all.

I know you will agree with this which is why I ask you to send me a generous contribution so that I can continue to spread my wisdom to the proletariat.