
Sarah Palin's E-Mail usage proves she is unfit for office

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It sounds rather silly to suggest someone is unfit for office because of E-Mail usage, but then again this is Sarah Palin we're talkin' about here. The media has failed in launching a clear and damning new meme du jour about the release of "Governor" Palin's E-Mails. Well guess what: I have the meme we've been waiting for...
Great, huh? Someone get that puke Ezra Klein on the horn and tell him to post my idea on the Journolist and get this ball rolling. Since it is obvious to the critically-thinking reader that Palin did indeed handle state business -- quite effectively, actually (shh!) -- we need to convince the public that she spent too much time using E-Mail and not enough time doing other things of a stately nature -- like golfing, for instance, or toning up a set of awesome, awesome arms (We <3 U Michelle!!!1!!!)
We can go a number of routes with this awesome new Palin meme. First, we can say she is out of touch with youth voters since texting (or sexting, to help mainstream Weiner's conduct) is all the new rage. Psssh, who uses E-Mail anymore? Har! Har! Har!
Secondly, we can compare Palin's backward E-Mail usage with Obama's super cool Blackberry usage. All the cool kids in the corporate world are using a Blackberry and all the rubes in Alaska are still stuck using stone age E-Mail. Who would you rather have as president: A rube still using AOL or our super cool and super smart Vulcan genius, President Obama? My vote is for Spock and his super fashionable Blackberry.
What does Palin's E-Mail usage tell us? It tells us nothing that we didn't already know: Sarah Palin cannot be president. Period. If she is not planting penises on innocent Congressmen in an attempt to discredit the DNC, then she is E-Mailing people instead of actually governing or playing golf (which is another form of governing) Sarah Palin E-Mails too much to be considered a serious contender for the presidency. Goddess only knows how many poor starving children were denied federal monies due to Palin's excessive E-Mail usage. How many, Sarah? Two million? Three million? Twenty million!? Twenty million children starved because you were too busy E-Mailing people!? Shame!

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Dear Lenin! My vote has been cast and can be determined! Can I have a re-do? Or better yet, can I just the traditional way, loading?

All of what you say is correct Chairman! And what of the trees? Her insisting in not releasing these emails electronically? How many trees are destroyed printing up 24,000 pages multiplied by the millions of people who will need this? How many years has this planet's existence been shortened by the hydrocarbons burned flying or driving these papers around the world?

We should charge Palin in the World Court for genocide!

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Yeah! She's a e-mail abuser! My goodness, Sarah Palin is a e-mail addict! She's sick. She's all strung out on the stuff. And she thinks she can be president? She's smoking e-mail!!! The republicans can put up with that kind of sick freak in their party but over our dead bodies does some junkie all strung out on e-mail become president. Not on my watch! Not in my country!

What is e-mail, anyway? Is that like grown in Afghanistan?

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Any one who knows the vile incantations necessary for email is unfit for any office of any kind.

At the local gulag we tried that but ran out of lambs and goats to sacrifice before any could be generated!We are saving the bulls for the fax machine!

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Margaret wrote:Yeah! She's a e-mail abuser! My goodness, Sarah Palin is a e-mail addict! She's sick. She's all strung out on the stuff. And she thinks she can be president? She's smoking e-mail!!! The republicans can put up with that kind of sick freak in their party but over our dead bodies does some junkie all strung out on e-mail become president. Not on my watch! Not in my country!

What is e-mail, anyway? Is that like grown in Afghanistan?
Who is watching her kids when she is shooting out e-mails!? Who is watching her criminally-insane husband and his moose-murderin' snow machine when she is "logging on", "composing", or whatever the kids are calling it these days?? The woman has a problem, should resign, and shouldn't be allowed to promote her addiction on her criminal bus tour across white bread America. President Obama, if you're reading this, you have the executive power to lock her up for life. End the madness now, Mr. President.

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This might explain why she quit being governor--I mean, aside from the fact that she's just a quitter who can't finish anything because she's a quitter and a loser and is just too stupid to finish anything without quitting.

She quit so she could spend more time at her e-mails; also because she knew that eventually her e-mails would have to be turned over to the public, though how she could've known that, I don't know because she's so stupid; but she must've suspected something and decided she'd better quit because she obviously has something to hide in her e-mails!

Some people say her e-mails are quite innocuous and don't have any bombshells. Well, those people couldn't be anymore wrong than if they were Palin herself! Her e-mails are just chock full of racist code words and secret Republican dog whistles, all designed to whip up insane rage toward Obama and the great things he's doing for our country.

Why, I cringe to think what evil subliminal messages I'd find if I held her e-mails up in front of a mirror to read them backwards.

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Comrades, these emails of Palin are covered with redactions that I havehave been suggested to cover up an "incident" that occurred on 9/4/2007. I have it on complete authority that on that date, Palin was giving one of her "aides" a ride back on her state snowmobile following a drunken party, and she careened drunkenly over a snow covered bump (which when the spring arrived proved to be a homeless Eskimo mother and her 5 children who had frozen to death waiting in line for Food Stamps). This "aide" was thrown into a snow bank, and Palin was too drunk to find her passenger, and instead, she hurried back to her luxury mansion where she neglected to tell anyone of this tragedy for over an hour. Perhaps there are some who could fill us in with more details....details that our media has chosen to ignore it seems.

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Such an event would make her perfect for the position, and there is historical precedent; she has popular support, and bold creative ideas of hope and change without re-using the phrase, therefore she must be disqualified.

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At least until she is involved in a "sandwich" on a restaurant floor in Georgetown.

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Commissarka Pinkie wrote: Some people say her e-mails are quite innocuous and don't have any bombshells. Well, those people couldn't be anymore wrong than if they were Palin herself! Her e-mails are just chock full of racist code words and secret Republican dog whistles, all designed to whip up insane rage toward Obama and the great things he's doing for our country.

Why, I cringe to think what evil subliminal messages I'd find if I held her e-mails up in front of a mirror to read them backwards.

Commisarka Pinkie

How right you are!

It has already been established by the Zimbabwe Intelligence Agency that the Subliminal Messages in the Palin Emails are directly responsible for the murder of police inspector Petros Mutedza by thugs of the MDC. It is as if she marked the beer hall where the good inspector used to drink with the cross hairs of a rifle scope in her emails!

Just this morning I decorated an operative of the ZIA for singing one of the Palin Emails to the tune of "Stairway to Heaven" and then playing the tape backwards. The message came through loud and clear: "Dubul'ibhunu" which is Zulu for "Shoot the Boer".

And so, since there are no "Boers" left in Zimbabwe ("Boer" means "Farmer" - I abolished farming in Zimbabwe completely for the Greater Good) the stupid, brainwashed proles did the next best thing: They interpreted it as "Shoot the Beer", hence the mindless slaughter of my police inspector in the beer hall. ... &Itemid=30 ... glish.html


Shoot the Farmers, not the Beer!
