
Ronald Reagan Riding a Velociraptor

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Photoshop Of The Year (if you're a reich-winger).


by Jason Heuser
"Mr. Gorbachev, I tore down that wall" The famous speech President Ronald Reagan gave after he destroyed the berlin wall. He rode he most trusty steed into battle...a raptor which he had the CIA clone for such an occasion. Practice Reaganomics today and buy this print to show your love for 'merica!

I hope you guys all enjoy this, after I got so many people requesting Reagan I finally did one. Enjoy !
Must be seen in all its disgusting FULL SIZE glory.

h/t Gerard Vanderleun

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Fortunately, pandas are still communists. Otherwise the incredible nature of this atrocity against photoshop might breed doubt in the weaker among us.

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I am grieving seeing the abuse that poor velociraptor was put through!!!

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I NOW OFFICIALLY ADD LIZARD ABUSE to Ronny Raygun's many crimes!!!!!!

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I called PETA on this blatant reich wing abuse of Gaia's creatures.


Careful you don't catch Salmonella from one of those lizards! That would be hard to explain to the urologist!

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And here I thought that pic of George Washington riding the T-Rex was badHONK enough!