
"Transportation Opportunity Act" The People's Language

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"You will tell them by their use of language." Is this in the Bible? It should be.

One must admire our strict adherence to the People"s Naming Manual ™. Only the unenlightened would miss the genius of naming a per mile tax on driving as an "opportunity". Take heart comrades. Newspeak is alive and well within our current enlightened people's government.


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This is indeed a Triumph Of The Peoples Revolution! It will certainly separate Those Who Benefit From the recent "Health" "Care" Opportunities Act from those who do not.

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The Stimulus has not worked, so we now head in the direction of prosperity. The road to prosperity will be long, difficult, and costly. It is paved with tax increases, there are no milage markers, only higher tax markers.

The final destination is taxation euphoria where all of your asets are taxed at the 100% level,
the government owns everything and it is asigned to the favorite few.

Just like......never mind!

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General Confusion wrote: Just like......never mind!
Funny how I was thinking that very thing right before I read it...

Edmund Burke, where are you?

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"tax is opportunity" - what a glorious statement! The more taxes they pay, they more monies we will get.... right?! right?

That's right, right???


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Yes. Yes, that's right, Comrade Judge Colonel.

And we're gonna need it, the way things are headed...

Poor is Rich! Starvation is Fulfillment!

Raum Emmanual Goldstein
ThePeoplesComrade wrote:Is this in the [highlight=#ffff00]Bible[/highlight]?


I denounce ThePeoplesComrade for mentioning [highlight=#ffff00]THAT[/highlight] book on this website.... HOW DARE YOU!!!

GOOD Komrades are authorized to mention and/or quote the Quran, Das Kapital, Rules for Radicals and/or Obama's Little Blue Book at length on this prestigious site if only for the sake of multicultural, interfaith/interracial understanding; however, the mention of THAT book will have you branded with a little yellow patch and admitted to a gulag re-educational facility to have your mind cleansed.

If we are to "move forward" we must never acknowledge the existence of the aforementioned and ancient "literature."

PC... If you will quickly confess your crime and quote the first chapter of Das Kapital, we will make your execution the culmination of your re-education quick and painless.
...or perhaps you wish to take the appropriate action yourself?


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The use of "Bible" was strictly metaphorical and illustrative. But caution must be maintained and we are well advised to limit the use of such language to those of us who oversee the Ministry of Truth ™. Allow us to recognize and commend Comrade Goldstein on his powers of observation and reporting.